Sony nex 6 is imho one of the best aps c camera around. Many people think this camera is superior to the more expensive nex 7.
Included 3 lens kit
16-50 f3.5-5.6 oss around $200 ebay
55-210 f4.5-6.3 oss around $250
50 f1.8 oss cheapest I ve seen $250
So effective body only price of $300 for local warranty
These lens kit has a favourable review and should be more than sufficient for beginer to enthusiasts. As more and more lens coming for e mount this will be a very attractive camera platform for lots of people.
I bought this at camera house by price matching ted camera. So I can say check camera house as well if you have one nearby.
Pretty sweet deal, the 55-210 is shit but the 50mm will pretty much stay on the body forever, it's a great lens when I had the NEX7 back then