Suspiciously absent from their current catalog is this cheap price for Hy-Chlor brand pool chlorine it's usually $39.90 and hardly ever gets reduced in price. Went to buy chlorine today and was amazed to see it ticketed for $32.70 which is a considerable saving. If you own a pool and use granulated chlorine this is an awesome price to stock up at.
10kgs of Granulated Pool Chlorine $32.70 at Bunnings
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Are there any quality differences in Chlorine … I recently bought a 10kg pack for 79$ (shame on me) … I thought it is far too expensive but it was the convenience of the pool shop around the corner …
Liquid Chlorine is supposedly better (says someone who bought granulated a few weeks ago…)
By the way, good find.
Depends on the "active" ingredient in the chlorine.
Some are calcium /lithium hypoclorite or sodium permonosulfate, etc. (Excuse spelling, cbf looking up the perfect naming).Depends on your application as to what you should / wish to use.
Some info:
Calcium hypochlorite is the stuff you see in shops.
Lithium hypochlorite is more expensive and used in spas.
Sodium or potassium monopersulfate is also mainly a spa product and has is a non-chlorine product.
The cheaper stuff tends to have more impurities in it, so the Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) of your pool increases faster. The more TDS you have, the less effective free chlorine becomes and you'll need to refill or dilute your pool water.
Bunnings usually stock only Hy-Chlor brand or some other one thats name escapes me. This Hy-Chlor brand is VERY good. I have only ever used the stuff sold at bunnings as they are the cheapest normally and my pool is so crystal clear and clean it's ridiculous. Paying $79 for 10KGs of pool chlorine is not something I would ever do ;)
Cool now just need to look for a pool to use this in, may be a piece land first so i can put the pool in…
this was an option for the 1st issue…..i bought 2 :)
LOL will you connect them together ? So that you can have an infinite pool.
Thanks OP
Please be extremely careful when mixing chlorine with water.
Never pour water into or onto an amount of chlorine.
You risk it exploding in your face and ending
up in intensive care with severe burns.This happened to a Sydney man recently.
See full story here:…
My comments are not meant to detract from this offer in any way. Just to reduce the risk of unnecessary injuries.
thanks! I did not know that. So add chlorine to water is what you're saying?
no. you need to add the chlorine to massive amounts of water. adding a tub of chlorine to a drop of water will still get you into trouble.
I just use a scoop and fling the Chlorine out into the pool. No explosions so far :)
you think thats bad… you should try adding it to brake fluid! BOOM
It is basic knowledge if you own a pool. Same for handling acid. I think people should RTFM before they use any pool chemical.
people get brain farts now and then. nobody's perfect.
As soon as I saw the 10kg bit, I thought this was for Protein Powder.
Unless you're into making all kinds of internal issues, bodybuilders and gym enthusiasts should possibly avoid this deal. Especially ones who don't read labels/ingredients.Excellent stuff.
I put 4 scoops (using the scoops from the washing powder concentrates) into a sock.
Run it every second day and my water is pretty much always spot on.This stuff is so much better:…
Doesnt leave my pool cloudy
Sodium hypochlorite is my go-to noncloudy powdered chlorine
Suspiciously absent from their current catalog is this cheap price for Hy-Chlor brand pool chlorine
Possibly marked down to match someone else's price so that they don't have to do a price-beat.
Yeah, the closest price is that Masters link above which is $32.80 which seems to be their everyday price.
Unfortunately, Masters doesn't have the same number of stores that Bunnings has and I would agree that they probably got tired of people trying to get price matches.
plus vote, good find OP.
Hy-Chlor is a good brand, and this is cheap…. stock up folks!!
There IS a difference in different pool chlorine brands, and this is one of the better ones.
Obviously not quite as good as those $80 ones from pool shops, but I reckon value for money/performance Hy-Chlor granules is the way to go.Just keep other levels in check on a very regular basis, otherwise you're wasting your money burning through chlorine when you dont need to.
Good timing. I just used the last of mine yesterday. :)