This was posted 11 years 1 month 19 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

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[AU PSN] Crysis 3 $9.99 and Dead Space 3 $10.99 (AUD) Digital Copies


January Sales on PSN AU, a few good titles on sale:

Crysis 1 - $7.48
Crysis 2 - $6.23
Crysis 3 - $9.99
Dead Space 2 - $10.78
Dead Space 3 - $10.99
Brothers: A tale of two sons - $7.23 (Note: US PSN PLUS members will get this free in Jan 2014)
Need for Speed - Hot Pursuit - $6.23
Dragon Age II - $6.23
Army of Two: Devils Cartel - $9.99

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  • Army of two and it's sequel both got 7.2 whereas devils cartel only got 6.0. Anyone know why it scored so low? $10 for a 2013 release seems decent.

    • +4

      I've played all three and liked #2 the best. Me and a mate played it so much we new where all the enemies would spawn and could throw grenades before they appeared :P IMHO it is the quintessential couch bro-op game, If you liked the movie Tango & Cash, you'll love this game (#2 that is). Most people I speak to preferred #1, I simply like #2 because it was technically better and introduced some nice features.

      Army of TWO:3 however, had less bromance in it, the one-liners/dialogue and characters where not as good (Rios & Salem get replaced :'( and some of the core coop mechanics had been removed or replaced (not with anything better). In the end it was just waves of enemies, which is kind of the way the series works, but; #1 & #2 had a 'good' story, #2 introduced morality choices and gold plating your guns (when is that not good?). #3 took out choices, reduced weapon customisation, made aggro stupidly overpowering, had a pretty bland setting and a pitiful story. $10 should have been its release price.

      If you do get it however, send me a PM and I'll play coop with you :)

      • Hi there,

        I've only played #2 and I liked it. I'm not really into story, I just liked the gameplay - which I think was pretty standard, generic, but I remember just enjoying it - for no particular reason, it just worked quite well. I didn't feel it was a must have to I traded it in after finishing it.

        Do you think I would like #3? It doesn't need to be great. Just not awful.

        Can I ask the same question for MoH Warfighter (only interested in single player).

        I've watched reviews on both titles and Army of Twp #3 gets universally panned, but mostly for being generic which I don't really mind. Warfighter gets panned two but it still looks like an ok shooter.

        I think i'll pass on Dead Space 3 for now as I've not finished 1 and haven't started 2 yet.

        • You'll probably like it. It is generic action plus it has destructible environments. Add to that weapons like the M1 + explosive ammo, M-Kar with its near zero reload time and an RPD machine gun it can be quite a lot of bullets everywhere fun. If you don't go into it expecting too much you'll probably have a blast.

          Can't comment on MoH Warfighter as I've never played it.

          Dead Space 3 is a little different to the first 2. More action and less scaring the pants off you. Has a nice weapon crafting system & coop. I always like coop, to me it's the only thing consoles do better than PCs.

        • Thanks man. I might treat myself to Army 3 then. I already bought Crysis 3, don't want to buy Crysis 1 only because I have it on PC - although I'm not playing my PC at all.

          I gave up on Dead Space 1 as I was finding it difficult and it's check pointing system was too punishing.

          Is Dead Space more straight forward and arcadey?

          Essentially I don't really like games that are too difficult. I've been playing for decades but some games can be too frustrating.

        • Dead Space 3 has four game modes for the campaign, so it can be as easy or as hard as you want:

          • normal; very easy, weapons crafting can make some over the top weapons, can choose difficulty
          • Pure Survival; difficulty set to hard, ammo + medkits + everything must be crafted from stuff you find lying around
          • Hardcore; a real bastard!, if you die you go back to the very start. If you saved before you died, it wipes your save and you go back to the start (a little similar to hardcore in Dead Space 2)
          • Classic; difficulty set to hard, plays like Dead Space 1, no crafting, only Dead Space 1 weapons

          All modes have lots of automatic checkpoints, as this allows coop players to drop in and out without interrupting the gameplay too much.

          It's kindof long and monotonous, most of the missions seem to be "we need to start equipment x, find parts y & z". If you don't have someone to play with I wouldn't bother (I joined two random matches today, so people do play it). Without another player it becomes a lonely slog through levels for about 10hours. I wouldn't describe it as arcadey, although it is more arcadey than the first 2.

          tl:dr = don't bother unless you are a fan of the series or enjoy coop

        • Does normal still have the dead space 1 weapons, or are all weapons crafted only?

        • In normal mode all weapons are crafted. You could craft the Dead Space 1 weapons if you wanted to. Classic mode, I should have said, has those weapons pre-crafted.

        • Might give it a miss then - thanks for that

  • Wow, can't even get Crysis 3 for that cheap on PC yet. :\

    • It's a very short game (5 hours), and the multiplayer is more or less dead (not many are playing it).

      Fantastic graphics though. I feel it looks better than Crysis 1, though not by much. (I do not feel C2 was better looking than C1 technically or artistically.)

  • Brothers is free in January on US PS+.

    I have a code for a free PS+ US 30 day trial for anyone who has never been a member. It came with my US PS4. Would have claimed it for myself, except I became a member a couple of days before the PS4 arrived, and was not eligible to use the code.

    I'm a bit miffed about that because I paid $50 for the subscription and the next day they announced black friday sale, would be $30 for a year. If I waited a few days I would have saved $20 and been able to use my free code.

    Actually, I'm not sure this code will even be of any use. If it requires you to enter a credit card in order to get the free 30 days, they may require a US credit card. If anyone wants to try it, PM me and I'll give the code to the first person. They may not ask for a CC though.

    • That's awesome!!! Cheers for sharing. A true fellow ozbargainer! I've just sent you a PM. Cheers!

      • Just an update. I have read on WP that the US PS store will accept American Express cards from Australia. So if you have an Amex card, this will work.

        I haven't tried it myself though. If this is true, I will stop buying prepaid cards from Amazon and just use my Amex card from now on.

  • I got Ridge Racer and only played it once so far, but it is good. Most racers are in my opinion. It's like Burnout 3 (the best Burnout) - you can nudge your competitors and they go into a slow mo crash etc.

    I've been finding it quite challenging so far, but in a good way.

  • Ni No Kuni is a steal for $13.

  • Should note that there is a separate section for Vita games

    January Sale - Vita

  • How is the graphics for Crysis 1? Good as PC?
    Bioshock 1 any good?

    • +1

      I didn't get to grips with Bioshock 1, although I enjoyed Bioshock 2 by the end of it - it took me a while to get to grips with the mechanics.

      Most people love all 3 of the Bioshocks. I'd recommend getting it given the very low cost. Why not.

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