• expired

Amaysim Prepaid Mobile Broadband 10GB 365 Days for $79.92 + Bonus $10 with Referral


Bargain! Perfect for iPads etc. Link for referrals is here (thanks easternculture). Available online only. Ends Dec 31st.

Edit: Referral gives a bonus $10 credit added to your account to use on any additional services.

Referral Links

Referral: random (399)

$10 credit to both the referrers on Unlimited Plans and referees. Referee needs to provide referrer with their email address.

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closed Comments

  • +4

    Remember to use a referral link of your choice for an extra $10 for both if your a new signup


    • +1

      First I've heard of it. Can you please explain how it works?

      • +4

        If your a current subscriber to amaysim, their is a tab "refer freinds" , it has your personalized referral link.

        If somebody uses your referral link to sign up to a new account, both of you get $10 added to your account after the new sign up activates their account

  • +1

    TS, do you have an amaysim referal link? If you do I'll use it. Meh, I was waiting for EC to post something to do with affilated or referrals, right on cue.

    Does anyone have a suggestion for a Wireless Modem?

  • +1
    • +1

      Livechat them, explain nicely and you'll possibly get a credit for the difference.

    • +1

      Same here :-(

  • +3

    I'd rather go with the Telstra $10 prepaids

    • +1

      Why? link please

    • +1

      Same here. I bought 4 $30 starter packs from harvey norman today for $10 each. will get both talk time and data. or 3GB data per month. Also telstra is 4G.

    • +1

      Exactly. $80 gets me 24GB of data for my iPad and 4G in way more places than offered by Amaysim. Do theses guys even offer 4G?

      • +1

        That's a good deal! Where/how do you do this please? Btw no they don't offer 4G…

        • +1

          Look for these $30 Telstra prepaid starter kits which regularly sell for $10 across various retailers. Simply activate 1 new SIM online every month which shouldn't take you more than 1-2 minutes. Then you will have 3GB data to use on your ipad with a 30 day expiry.

        • +1

          Ah ok, will keep an eye out for those specials then. Thanks a lot.

        • -4

          Who could be bothered? And what happens in the month when there is no offer?

        • +3

          You buy multiples so you know you will have more than enough to last you until the next deal comes along. Believe me it's worth the effort when you know you are getting a better service and better data limit that what has been mentioned above.

        • +2

          I just activated one of the Telstra ones last month and it expires on the December 31.
          If I wanted to activate my next prepaid starter kit say in February, do I activate it as a new service? Or do I port the previous number across to the new one each time?

        • +3

          I just activate a brand new number/service. Less hassle and can all be done online.

        • +1

          Ok, I am sold.
          I am thinking of buying 30 of them in the hope that I can claim TRS.
          Will TRS ask: WTF you want Telstra SIM cards overseas?

        • +1

          I claimed on anti virus software earlier this year.

        • +1

          Checking their website:
          If you get a 30day expiry CAP deal on prepaid, it's $2/MB.
          If you activate simplicity mobile deal, you get 2 months with $30 credit @ 10c/MB.
          Checking the mobile BROADBAND deals for Telstra, $30 gets 700MB (4.29c/MB).
          The 3GB deal for a 1 month is stupidly hidden, as you don't need an ipad for the deal, you jsut need a SIM card holder for nano/micro sims: found here http://www.telstra.com.au/tablets/tablet-devices/ipad/#tab-t…

        • +1

          For the Cap deal: it is $2/MB only after you have used your 500MB free data. So you get data and talk time.

        • Just make sure they have a gst component first

      • +1

        Nope. They have been talking about offering 4G for nearly 2 years but still nothing. They are getting left behind.

      • +1

        They use Voda network, so its the infrastructure they have.

        I have Telstra for my normal mobile, but an amaysim service for a scarecely used 3G service for my tablet or PS Vita, I honestly don't see the benefit in getting multiple Telstra SIM's when the real benefit here is for $70 you get a FULL YEAR of use for someone who is not intending on using the credit ALL at once. Thanks for the deal OP.

        • Amaysim are Optus not Voda

      • +1

        And then you go without the internet for 4 months.

        Yes the Telstra has advantages, but for those who don't use much data, don't really care about 4g, this is a good deal.

    • Ye I am thinking of buying a few of these and then use Credit Me2U. I'm not sure if this will work though :S considering they need a name and address for each sim card :S

  • +1

    Has anyone used Amaysim and experienced the effect of 1MB rounding?

    • +1

      Yes both my kids are on Amaysim. We don't really notice the rounding.

    • +1

      I generally use Facebook, twitter, whatsapp and ummm.. mail is set to manual and i seems to quite OK with the data rounding. I see a bit of difference, but not large enough to be like WTF?!?!?!

    • +1

      The rounding was awful on a casual plan in a phone. 5c every time the data connection is broken. I had to disable it.
      In a USB modem you would not notice it.
      In an always-on tablet, it might be. Say your data connection is broken 10 times a day, thats 3.6GB/year lost.

  • +1

    Does Vodafone 10GB for $30 still work?

  • +1

    I do like voda fones equation for data, yields me 'bout

    ((450.00 / 16) * 350) + 1000 =
    10843.75 mega bytes

    this funny money gets 28 packs worth of 350 MB + 1 bonus gb all KB counted, as low as 14.25 after discounts so ' bout 50c day.

    • +1

      which plan is that?

      • +1

        It's one of the prepaid plans that gives you "$450 worth of credit"
        You then use that credit to buy data packs

    • +1

      $30 Cap Starter pack buys Favourites pack.


      looks about 386 MB/d(4G_V), vs 100 MB/d(4G_T) vs 27 MB/d(3G_O)..i expect.

      •any one know an app can lodge the above, 28 times( by auto) 3 min between each submission, that'd be a cool invention :)

    • +1

      How do u get 50c a day? All I see is $30 for 28days…

      • +1

        goes a something like ,
        (50% * 30 * (1 - 5%)) / 28 =
        •prev 50% off,visa payWave
        buy 10.8gb*3 nextsale yea /
        42.75 32.4gb…/bigw/coles

        repeat x4/yr @<1.38$gb
        its my (365 / 28) * 10.8 =
        140.7857gb annual plan
        (pending optus TD-LTE)

        ♢voice/in-finite Txt capabilities
        as well..i txt from my wifi-mf60.

    • +2

      can you do the same with the vodafone $70 prepaid cap recharge ?

      $70 recharge comes with 2GB already + $1500 flexible credit which will buy you an extra 33.8GB

      so, $70 = 35.8GB

      i believe you can keep rolling-over this data for $2 per month

      so, $70 (recharge) + $22 (11 months of $2 to keep data rolling-over for full year) = $99 for 1 year and 35.8GB data

      can anyone confirm that this will work? much better deal for larger data users if it does (you could even potentially keep rolling that data over for 3 years and get 11.9GB per year for 3 years at $47 per year)

  • +1

    Anyone know what happens if the port fails? Do you lose all the credit?

    • +1

      Port your number in? Porting failures mostly occur when the current service is not in the same name as the new service. Doomed for failure if you try.

    • +1

      just keep trying. when i ported my number from yatango to amaysim, it took me like 2-3 weeks. i am quite confident by next xmas you should be on amaysim's network :P

    • +1

      If porting fails, then you'll be notified. Nothing will change from your previous provider. Generally fails due to mismatch in information (DoB for pre-paid and account number for post-paid). You'll just need to contact them to fix it up before trying again.

  • With Yatango 10GB of mobile broadband will cost you $40/Month.

    • +1

      Yatango only 3G like Amaysim. Amaysim gives you 365 days to use 10GB.

    • +2

      I agree with tf323, different targeted audience. You wouldn't wanna chuck the Yatango SIM in your iPad =P (unless you can kill 10GB per month on it).

  • +1

    i am on PAYG. can i add the 10gb data on my "plan"?

    • +1

      Yes you can but this is for new online customers only. You can't add it to an existing account:

      Great news. Order your amaysim SIM card online today to get 20% off your first 10GB data pack.
      Be quick, this offer is available for a limited time only – ends 31st December 2013.

      To get this offer use promo code DATA20133
      This promotion applies to new online orders only. Not to be used with any other offer.
      For more info see terms and conditions.

  • +1

    I'm almost sold, but what are the data pricing when you finish the 10 gb ? can someone link us ? cheers !

    • +1

      If you have any remaining balance in your account, after you finish the 10GB pack that balance gets used up at PAYG rates (5c per MB = $50 per GB = not good).

      You will receive 'percentage of pack used' notifications, but by the time you get the final one, you can easily run over into several dollars of use at PAYG rates.

      Best to only place enough money into your account to cover the cost of the 10GB pack.

  • +1

    been waiting for this - thanks so much!!

  • +1

    Just a heads up for existing customers: I went through live chat and got the discounted price, adding the 10GB data pack to my account.

    At first he said the deal is for new customers only, but when I asked about ordering a new SIM and porting the number to it he must have realised that I am quite serious about this.

    It was the first 10GB pack for me - so in that sense it was in the spirit of the promotion.

    • +1

      You should of used the referral link and created a new account in a family members name -
      In other words you missed out on $20.00 (2gb/60 days).

      • +2

        Not if I want to keep my existing number - I'm using the SIM in my phone. Your idea would be fine for a tablet though.

  • +1

    Thanks for the heads-up - I'm glad I waited to activate the SIM I picked up for my iPad a couple of days back :-)

  • +1

    I've previously had a 10GB data pack, added one this morning again not realising at the time it was supposed to be for new signups only. However, when I enter the redeem code it gives me a green message and a tick indicating it has applied it so I'm not quite sure what's happening.

    I live chatted and the CSR said it had applied so I'll check again tomorrow and see. I'm still not convinced at this point as the unbilled balance is clearly $99.90 plus what it was previously but he did say stuff doesn't appear immediately. I do know the $99.90 appeared the second I clicked the button though and I did the redeem within 5 seconds of that.

    • +1

      Let us know how you fare, joy or no joy.

    • +1

      Unbilled usage on your amaysim account does not include any credits applied from promotions and from reps. It just shows how much you have used (which is $99.90 from adding a data pack).

      • Ah ok, in that case all things seem to point to it having worked, I'll have to wait until the next bill is issued and see what's on it before bothering them again.

  • +1

    Adding in the referral code brings it to $79.92 for me - how do I get the $10 bonus? I'd be a new customer.

    • +1

      once you activate the sim, you will get an sms that $10 was added to your account, i think the bonus $10 has a 90 day expiry though

      • Is there anything worthwhile the $10 credit can be used for?

        • 1900 numbers

        • Calls , texts etc

          Usually on phone plans, you can buy 1GB data valid for 1 month for $9.90. Not sure if this can be applied on the 10GB data plan.

  • Cheers tightarse - been looking for a new provider since PennyTel announced they're upping their fees next month!

    • Oh, God. I just looked at Pennytel's top data-only plan - considered taking it up at one point. It's gone FROM $25 a month to $99.99!!!!

  • i am a new Amaysim user,but i have missed using the referral links
    I have tried to get 10 dollar credit by live chat.
    But they ask me the phone number who refered me.
    Can anyone give me phone number? I will submit the number.

    • Turn on your private messaging and i will send you my number please.

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