Yahoo! Sponsored Search (like Google's AdWords) lets you create ads that appear in search results on the world’s most popular web destinations. So you can direct your marketing to the people who are already searching for what you sell.
Sign up & get $75 FREE advertising - limited time only!
Seem to have quite a bit of restriction…
"A minimum number of 40 search terms will be applied to the Assisted Setup programme and 10 terms for the Self Service programme subject to editorial review. A $100 initial deposit is non-refundable and will be applied to click-through. Each account is entitled to a $25 minimum monthly spend. There is a minimum bid requirement of $0.10 per click-through. Sellers of certain legally restricted products may require certification at extra cost. Search listings subject to editorial guidelines."
So basically you spend $100 and get $175 worth of search engine result placement that will expire in 7 months. Moreover the traffic from Yahoo is just pathetic comparing to Google…