Prices are 30% off RRP.
Bands range from $13.99 (norm. $17.95) to $83.99 (norm. $83.99) depending on size/resistance level.
Benefits of training with resistance bands:
- Can be used for both Assistance or Resistance to suit your training goals. Example - Use the band on your chin up bar for assisted chin ups or loop the band around the band pegs on the base of your rack for extra resistance whilst performing chin ups.
- Small and light enough to take with you anywhere. Whether you are just going to the gym or away on holiday just throw your bands in your bag and you have a take-anywhere gym.
- Great for specific training such as explosive, endurance or stretching and rehabilitation exercises.
The Force USA Super Bands are made for everyday gym use and designed for intense workouts. The Force USA Super Bands are made by a one-piece molded construction, giving you the ultimate workout and safety knowing that your Force USA Super Bands are the best quality.
Please note: does not include shipping costs
Price including shipping to major cities on the Green one is $49.22.
From this eBay seller it's $47.83.
The prices seem pretty even between you guys and the ebay seller for a single item - sometimes you come out on top, sometimes they do.
But your prices are better if you're getting more than one as the shipping covers multiple items and even with 10 items is only ~$1 more.