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EB Mad Monday Starts 12:01am AEDT


EBGames Mad Monday Direct Link

There really isn't any one special bargain, but as a whole it isn't too bad. They are basically intro prices at BigW. Also I wasted my time in MSPaint compiling this. Damn EB can't just have save as pics anymore. Going through the elements would of taken longer. /Rant

Edit - Also hourly deals from 10am - 5pm. And if you don't get your order by Christmas you will get a $20 gift card.

Stand out deals

Fifa 14 $48
NFS Rivals $48
Assassins Creed 4 Black Flag $55
CoD Ghosts $68
GTA 5 $64

Wii U
Mario 3D World $68

Battlefield 4 $48

Terraway $34
Persona 4 Golden $25

Related Stores

EB Games Australia
EB Games Australia

closed Comments

  • +76

    Positive vote for the effort with paint OP.

  • Should stick one or two of the standout deals in the topic and deal itself as this was already deleted once before for not listing any specific deals.


    • +1

      I guess that was deleted because the prices only just came like 2hrs ago.

  • +1

    The ebgames site is still stuck on the notice page and you can't click past it. Might I ask how did you capture a screenshot with all the prices of the deals? Would like to take a look at their broader range to see if there's anything good.

    Thanks for the post btw.

    • +1

      They emailed it. Email says thousands more. Most will probably be the really old preowned games for $4

      • Ah…Thanks, I can't seem to find an email from EB. Looks like I will have to wait. :)

  • Well done op. Vita deal which includes the 16gb starter pack will be mine. 3dsxl pack is a bummer though.

  • You might want to add that AC: Black Flag for Wii U is $36. Saw it in store yesterday.

    • Are you sure?

      I know AC3 is on sale for that price….. But Black Flag just came out.

    • Pretty sure that's AC3, not Black Flag. Would be an awesome deal at that price though.

  • Assume + shipping costs on all deals

  • +5

    I'll upvote for the OP's effort in uploading the pic. It'll get you to the front page.

    The deals however aren't really bargains.

  • +19

    Here's some sneak-peek hourly deals for you guys:

    10:00am-10:59am - Fifa 14 Collector's Edition $68

    12:00pm-12:59pm - Pokemon X & Y $44 each

    2:00pm-2:59pm - Astro A40 Headset $227

    5:00pm-5:59pm - GTA V $55

    • +1

      I missed the big W deal for the Pokemon X & Y games, so I might buy these.

      Can these be bought instore?

        • +24

          oh wow…

        • +30

          Yup, just lost me as a customer. In store (ie instant get) is the only reason I wouldn't just import from wherever for cheaper. So long EB, it's been fun… wait, no it hasn't.

        • +24

          What does that mean? You're selling stolen goods online?

        • +4

          I agree, their discretionary price-match practices and used-as-new policies are reprehensible.

        • +3

          So they can limit it to a few pieces, then stick up a 'Out of Stock' sign, whereas in store you can clearly see piles of them!

      • They'll be UK imports with the OFLC sticker over them.

      • $49 in store at target at the moment

    • is the fifa 14 collectors edition for ps3/360 or ps4 and xbone?

      • +1


    • since this is online what are your shipping prices on lets say just a pokemon x game

    • Will the Astro A50's be on sale too? Missed out when HN were selling them for $240 earlier this year.

    • These the only hourly ones? I see none as of this hour (12:00am-12:59am)

      • Hourlies are only between 10am and 5:59pm.

  • +32

    I like how EB are passing off Nintendo's Mario 3D Land promotion as a bundle

    • +22

      buy the 3ds xl for $213 and animal crossing for $39 at target and give EB a big up yours

      • How can I get a 3DS for $213?

        • Interesting. Good Guys won't match this will they? I have a $40 voucher for them from that gaming sale.

        • +3

          Not sure. Jbhifi did.

          These are the steps you should do before showing them the site.

          1) Do you have 3DS XL (blue/black in stock)
          2) Do you price match?
          3) What about this site? (show them)
          4) We don't pricematch online stores… Show them the about us page.
          5) Show them ABN of itglobalonline
          6) Show them free shipping
          7) Pray and hope they'll pricematch.

          That's what I did at JBHifi. 1-6 anyway. Had a cool dude helping me out.

        • I would switch 1 and 2 around.

        • How does step 5 help?

        • confirms that they are an australian retailer i assume

        • +3

          No, one goes first. That way they can't pull the "we don't have stock for that sorry"

          Step 5 needs to be done because like shadow said, shows that they are an aussie retailer, helps as generally most stores outside of officeworks do not pricematch non-mainstream stores (target, HN, eb, DSE).

        • Awesome, I guess I'll give it a go.

        • Yeah that makes sense, my bad :)

    • +1

      Yeah, we should all boycott eb games.

      I hate it when retailers do stuff like this.

      I remember when there were manufacturers cashback programs and the retailers simply upped the retail price.

    • +1

      That's pretty low. :-s

    • Yeah that strikes me as pretty lame, but I guess it is a nintendo promotion for buying consoles.

  • how much is shipping with these guys?

    If you buy sepereate stuff each hour, then you get charged shipping each time or can combine orders?

    • Starts at $2.
      Not sure how high it goes.

  • +4

    A lot of those games on sale are still more expensive than standard games prices at Big W.

    For example Mario 3D World is $64. ($68 in this 'sale')

    But those hourly deals are good :)

    • Big W's price is $68 now.

  • +6

    Wii U
    Mario 3D World $68

    Their Wii U games are hardly a bargain…

    $52 here…

    $54 here…

    • +2

      Note that some people who have ordered it from Video Ezy are still yet to receive their copy. I'd just take it for $64 at Big W.

      • They told one guy I know that they couldn't source the game as it was an obsolete line, lol

      • I ordered from VideoEZY on December 1 and it was dispatched December 7. Another game I ordered that was dispatched on the 3rd has already arrived, so hopefully Mario gets here soon…

  • -6

    Sorry, spent all of my budget on the Good Guys game sale and th Big W blu-ray sale.
    EB you miss out, not that you had a chance… :-)

    • +1

      Did you actually get any thing from the Good Guys.

      Their sale was a complete clusterf@ck… At least EB will have some stock…

    • +6

      And so your reason for negging is…? Because you have no money? Seems like a legit reason.. -_-

  • +2

    No bargains here yet but I will check tonight thanks OP.

    (+ vote for the effort)

  • +7

    upvoted for bothering to post it. no good deals here.

  • +3

    Upvote for the effort. But as per EB pretty ordinary prices. The BF4 price is not great compared to amazon

  • +4

    Agree. Those listed items not bargain enough to be OzBargain.

    Thought I wish EB will sell these Portal sentry turret like in ThinkGeek:
    It's just a shame ThinkGeek's shipping fee is a rip-off :(

    • +3

      Where were you last week? They offered free shipping for intl orders.

      • Did I miss out on free international shipping? Dammit.

        Now they still have free international shipping, but only for order $250 or more :(

      • Only if you ordered $150+ worth of goods.

  • +10

    How are we supposed to go crazy with these lame deals?
    Thanks for the effort anyway OP.

  • +5

    I LOLd when I saw Super Mario 3D World selling for 68 and has a tag saying STRICTLY LIMITED NUMBERS!

    • -1

      To be fair , maybe a contrarian, I think that is meant more to indicate stock levels rather than were only selling copies at this price. I never see many mario games at the EB's I go to

  • +2

    Read through the entire email. Nothing impressive.
    It is rather lack luster.
    What an unexpected shame.

  • Anyone have an xbox 360 gta v they want to sell me? My second DVD is stuffed :-( should've taken it back but lost my receipt for EB

    • +4

      if you're a club member you don't need receipts

      • And by club member, he means if you have one of those silly cards.

        • +1

          $20 bonus trade in voucher, 50% extra trade value voucher and not needing to worry bout receipts doesn't seem silly to me…

  • Are they going to say what game is at each hour or we have to check every hour?

    • What do you think?

      Would be the same setup as COTD.

  • +1

    Is the Vita bundle that unimpressive? Looks good to me. Similar price anywhere else?

    • +1

      Killzone bundle was $188 at bigw and jbhifi weeks ago. Maybe the 16gb mega pack bundle is better value?

    • +1

      The Vita with 16gb memory card looks like a good deal to me, I just got the killzone bundle for $199, would of preferred the memory card

      • Someone's bored

        • +3

          Yeah, it's becoming a habit here. We're obviously picking up a less intelligent crowd at the moment.

        • -2

          I wonder if that's because most of the interest in these items semm to be from console gamers who have toys like wii and psvita lol

  • NFS rivals is on sale on psn atm if you want digital

  • Damn, I pricematched NFS Rivals at EB on friday (down to target's $54) and now it's $48 in this. Tempted to return my copy and buy online tomorrow again :p

    • +1

      If you mention that you're going to buy it online for $48, if the managers in a good mood, they might refund you the extra $6.

  • Anyone know if it's possible to pick up these deals in store or are they all delivery only?

    I'm going overseas in a week and want to pick up the Vita deal, but not if I have to risk it not being delivered before I leave. Would it be possible to price match this at JB or something you think?

    • With the Vita deal you'd probably have to match the exact bundle. Depends whether other places offer it

  • +2

    These prices are pretty average for online only…

  • +1

    Thanks OP looking to get a cheapish SG S2

  • That Wii-U premium package looks pretty good. Might have to finally get one!

    ..is what I would be doing if I had the cash. :(

  • +3

    Should be normal prices.

  • +5

    Pretty average prices. But it's EB so i'm not surprised. No thanks.

    Thanks for the effort though OP

    • -3

      I agree on all counts. Makes you wonder where all the positive votes are coming from. No doubt an excellent effort by OP to create the posting, but the votes ought to be about the bargain itself.

      • +3
      • +4

        Where else are you going to find hard copies of those Ps4 games for $68-74 locally - if you're unwilling to risk international shipping this close to Christmas? Super Mario World 3d equals best price of any other local atm that i'm aware of (BigW). GTAV sells for $79 at JB, $88 at BigW.. how is $64 not a good price (let alone $55, if you hold out for the hourly)?

        'Negging' the deal, even if you take this to be purpose of 'negs' - it's not; they're supposed to be for deals dealing with shifty operators etc, as someone pointed out in Coles thread - doesn't make a lot of sense. Comparing like for like there's plenty of good deals in there.

  • Also note Origin are having some games on sale currently, just grabbed Mass Effect 3 for $14.99 here (https://www.origin.com/en-au/store/buy/mass-effect-3/pc-down…)

  • +1

    if $4 tshirts come with free shipping, that would be a bargain :)

  • So if its Sydney time, Around 9-10 in WA?

    • 9pm in WA, 11pm in Qld and 11:30pm in SA/WA

  • awwww what… Waiting for 3DsXL to go down,,, went expensive,,, :D

  • +1

    All fairly average deals perhaps the only good that may come out of this are the heavily discount collector's and "limited" edition if any are left after not selling at EB Expo.

    Those complaining about the average pricing with other online retailers should realise that they'll be able to make use of the extended return policy if the game turns out to be a dud.

  • Nothing really "insane" about these deals regardless of what they say. Still the shirts are interesting and hopefully there's a good price on Batman: AO Blackgate for Vita.

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