• expired

David Jones AmEx Offer - Spend $250 or More, Get $50 Credit


I found this by logging into my Amex account, and it is listed in 'Offers and Places'.

Edit: Bank Issued cards can be registered at AmexConnect

RETAIL / Spend $250 or more, get $50 credit
Register by saving the offer to Card and spend $250 or more in one or more transactions at David Jones, in-store or online, before 31/1/14 to receive one $50 statement credit. Limited to the first 12,500 Cards to register.

Offer only applies to spend on this Card. It does not apply to spend on any supplementary Cards on this account or any other American Express Cards you might hold. Supplementary Cards and Bank Issued Cards qualify as an Eligible Card only if they register for the offer separately at amexconnect.com.au .
Cardmembers must register by saving this offer to this Card and spend $250 or more on their registered Card at David Jones, in-store or online at davidjones.com.au, in one or more transactions, between 2/12/13 and 31/1/14 to receive one $50 statement credit.
Participation is limited to the first 10,000 cards to register.
Purchasing through online aggregators, e.g. Paypal is excluded.
Statement credit is normally issued within 3-5 days of the eligible spend, but may take up to 8 weeks to appear in your account.
Statement credit may not be applied to your Card Account if it has been suspended or cancelled and may be reversed if qualifying purchase is returned or cancelled.
General terms and conditions available here

Referral Links

Business Explorer Card: random (1)

Referrer: 40,000 Reward Points

Centurion Personal Charge Card: random (9)

Referee gets 200,000 MR points. Referrer gets 150,000 MR points.

Related Stores

American Express
American Express

closed Comments

  • +2

    I was in the middle of typing this exact deal for submission!
    Well done sir.

  • +2

    Not again.. it was hard enough having to spend $150 an DJ's now I need to spend $250. Thanks Amex…

    • Lol, you don't HAVE to

      • +4

        Yes he does.

        Doooooo it. Think of the savings

        /shoulder devil

      • Of course I do its free $50

        • that's a real ozbargainer

    • I know. It's call the 1st world problem, isn't it?

  • Can we buy dj giftcard??

  • anyone know if it applies to purchases of gift cards?

  • "Purchasing through online aggregators, e.g. Paypal is excluded."

    Need to charge your orders to your Amex card directly.

  • my cba card cannot register!

  • +7
    • Lol $100k apple tv

      • •We regretfully advise that this item is not yet available to order online due to a late delivery of stock. We sincerely apologise for any inconvenience. We invite you to visit us instore or online at a later date if you wish to purchase this item.

  • +10

    seems the markup on apple products now is unbelievable


    • +1

      Do they have anything else for about $100K. I'd like to spoil myself.

  • Is this offer through Amex Connect? I'm still waiting on my $50 credit from them from September.


    Amex can't help because they aren't the ones running it, and they didn't have a clue what I was talking about when I contacted them.

    • +1

      How come, I got this ages ago.

      • how does it work with amex connect? i have a cba issued amex card.. i am registered with amex connect.. would i be eligible now? do i have to register like the normal offers that they provide?

        plus i cant see it in the amex connect offers…

        • This is in your amex account. You have to log into your credit card account where your spendage, account details etc. are. It's not in amexconnect.

  • My $30 off $150 expired two days ago, now registering this and very likely will find nothing to buy from.

    • Just get gift cards

      • mily could have done that last month. Doing so now will just be raising the stakes. :)

        • I actually didn't, though I did buy giftcards in previous years from rebel sport, binglee and other stores when Amex was having similar promotion. However this time with David Jones, somehow I just didn't think in that way at all~~~

  • +3

    Time to buy an iPad using two Amex cards? $100off is very sweet!

    • $100 off? how?

      • +1

        If you have 2 amex card with this offer, just split payment and pay $250 on each card. Problem solved… You will receive $100 cash back in total.

        • Yes sure, thanks. I was wondering if there's another way/code that can save me more.

    • DJ doesn't sell iPads do they?

      • They do, through their Electronics by Dick Smith department. They will accept DJ's gift cards in store.

  • I applied my card from David Jones but never have a login, how can I get it?

    • Register on americanexpress.com?

      I'll even do the hard work for you:

      • wont work with all cards. For eg my CBA amex:

        This Card is issued and serviced by COMMONWEALTH BANK OF AUSTRALIA ; and, therefore, cannot be registered on this site.

        • I assume the person I was replying to had the Amex-issued DJ's store Amex card, which he should be able to register. Yes, unfortunately bank-issued Amex cards can't be registered.

  • Sweet, all 3 of my Platinum cards been offered this. Need to check if my supplementary cards have also been offered this.

    EDIT: nope, none of the supplementary cards got the offer. Bummer.

  • I never seem to get any offers from Amex…so strange. Anyone else in the same boat? I have a platinum edge card.

    • Just log in to your account. All offers are listed there.

      • +1

        I have. I have no offers under the 'Offers & Places' tab. Never received an offer in there either…

        • No offers have showed for me either. Plat Edge here.

    • same here.
      I got my DJ amex card a week ago and no offer under my offer&place

    • How much annual fee do u guys pay for plat. edge?

  • Weird, it doesn't work with my DJ Amex card (not Platinum), which I just received 2 weeks ago.

    Have logged into my account and checked "Offers & Places" tab in the Summary page. But it says "There are currently no new offers available for this Card."

    Anyone experienced the same issue???

    • Works on my DJ's Amex card.

    • Works on my DJs storecard too. STAFF DISCOUNT FTW!

  • Has anyone with Westpac Altitude Black been able to sign up for this offer via amexconnect?

  • could use this to buy 3 apple tv or one mini 2

  • Now can someone find an actual bargain…

    • I posted this in the other thread, but now it's even better (an extra $20 off compared to before):

      Nespresso U with Aerocino for $125.50.

      • +2

        Wont work

        $299 Delonghi Nespresso U + Aerocino - $299
        -$50 sale price $249
        +$1.50 Maxwell Williams white egg cup (to qualify for $250+ sale)

        -$10 WELCOME
        -$5 TREATME5

        TOTAL here is $235.50

        Amex wont credit you $50

        The cheapest is $249 + egg cup = $250.50

        Amex cashback $50 = $200.50

        Nespresso Cashback $60 = $140.50

        So if you are going to do that, may as well buy something worth $16.50 instead of the egg cup and it will still be the same price using WELCOME and TREATME5

        • Ah, fair enough. Didn't think it through - it did work with the $30 for $150 though :)

  • +1

    How can my DJ AmEx card not receive this offer ?

  • +3


    $499 Delonghi Lattissima Plus EN520R
    -$50 sale price $449
    -$10 WELCOME
    -$5 TREATME5
    -$50 Amex cashback
    -$100 Nespresso Cashback

    Delonghi Lattissima Plus EN520R for $284

  • Do they sell Xbones?

  • No - they cleared them a while ago, along with all other gaming consoles.

  • I cannot see this offer under my "offers available for this card" either and I have a AMEX Platinum….I want to get a iPad mini.

  • I couldn't find $150 of items worthwhile buying so how will increasing the spend entice me?

  • How exactly do I register for this deal? Clicked on the picture a few times and couldn't find the link. Please help.

    • +1

      Login to your Amex account then click "Offers and places" down the bottom of the screen

      • Got it, thanks!!

  • -3

    ,,,,,,,, CAN I BUY DJ GIFT CARD ??????? and get the $50 offer ???

    • +4


  • It is annoying that bank generated AmEx cards cannot register for these deals. Also, my DJ store card is a subsidiary so I cannot even register that!

    Oh well.

  • +1

    Do they accept ANZ Amex ? can someone please post direct enrolment link for the cashback? Ta.

    • +1

      Just click on 'log in', then register new account. If you have a valid Amex card, then you'll be able to join. I just tried with my ANZ Amex, says unable to register card.

  • I've got the Amex Discovery card, I don't see this David Jones offer anywhere.
    Anyone else in the same boat?

    • Yes me

    • If it is not under the tab "offers and places" then you don't have the offer I guess.

  • Supplementary Cards and Bank Issued Cards qualify as an Eligible Card only if they register for the offer separately at amexconnect.com.au

    Anyone bank issued able to get it by registering for both?

    • I looked yesterday couldn't find the offer on amexconnect.com.au Anyone else had any luck?

      • It's not announced on amexconnect. It's in your amex account, where your transactions etc are listed.

        • Do you mean the bank statement? I don't have any other amex account. Where do you access this? Through your bank's website?

        • I have a virgin amex card, and I access my account through this portal:

          The offer is there.

      • +1

        As it happens, I did find a link for it
        However it is not currently working for me. I can't remain logged in when navigating to that page.
        Firefox is also giving me a "Content Encoding Error. The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because it uses an invalid or unsupported form of compression."
        Does it work for anyone else?

        • How can you find the link?? Interesting~~~~

        • I have the same problem. Maybe it's not live yet? But kudos to you for finding it.

        • +1

          How can you find the link??



          I picked a number to start with, such as 750, then +1, +2, +3, +4, +5… until I found what I was looking for.

          The website kindly redirected me to fill in the rest of the url for me.

        • +1
        • @Roughana, sorry I don't understand what you mean….'Patterns'.
          But the link is active now~~~ Thanks :)

        • Yes. I just tried to change the number on the link and it did turn up different deal. hahah~~~ interesting

  • If anyone's planning to buy beauty products or fragrances, I received an email from DJ saying for today only, you can get $20 Gift card for spending $200 on beauty/fragrance

  • +2

    Bank issued and Supplementary cardholders L@@K:::

    The link is working !!!!


    • +1

      Description has been updated.

  • +1

    Got my $50 statement credit email a minute after I made my qualifying purchase yesterday. :)

  • I checked DJ's electronic section and they sell ipad Air 16gb wifi only for $598 while it can be had at Big W for $ 568. Not worth the trouble IMO

    • Buy a DJ gift card and wait for the 10%off apple products once a year sale at DJ if you can wait.

    • +1

      They have a price match policy

      Our Promise is to offer competitive prices and match those of Australian retail stores and their online sites. Should you find a lower price for the same product elsewhere, we’ll happily match it.

  • +1

    I bought an iPad Mini 16GB WiFi from DJ Highpoint today using my Amex. I managed to get it price matched with the Good Guys as well for $337, so minus the $50 back it works out to be just $287. Pretty happy with that result! :)

    • did you price match in store?

      • I found DJ is not price match friendly and they don't price match the receipts (at least Parramatta one).

      • Yes I did.

    • this is the old ipad mini or the retina display ipad mini?

      • Old iPad mini of course. I would have been dreaming if I got a Retina display for $287 ;)

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