Dear ozbargainers,
We bring back the deal for TVPAD3 $255 delivered last weekend.
All parts will be tested before pack and post( Seal will be open, if you do mind, please leave a message when checkout ). Some orders in Sydney Metro area may receive our call to arrange our own delivery and rest will be posted with AU POST Express delivery. Tracking number will be updated to you guys as soon as we have them(SMS &email).
Should you feel free to contact us immediately if you gave any enquiry regards your order or TVPAD3.
Please contact us at
[email protected]
Handy Computers
TVPAD3 M358 HD TV BOX $255 Delivered

Last edited 19/10/2013 - 22:06
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System menu can set to English, Chinese, Korean and Japanese
And the box is used for live Tv, tv series and movies for China, HK, Taiwan, Japan, Vietnam, Korean and India.hi, does it have filipino channels by any chance? Thank you
Sorry mate, don't have yet
Which vietnamese channels are there??
Hows the streaming quality?The streaming is fine, but mate I don't really understand the vn, let's me get some info from a website
I am very interested in this, can you tell me about the Indian content? For my mum, she enjoys watching those stupid serials.
the link does not say which Indian channels are available. Do you have list of channels or link?
I installed the INDTV app for PC found here and all it seems to have is news and music channels.
Thank you
Can u watch movies on NAS drive with this at home and what programs do u use for it?If you just want to watch your own movies, you're better off getting a WD TV Live…… Much cheaper and more likely, much better…
I don't think so, but you can connect using a USB device to watch local media
Your link says
Then it says…
allows you to watch latest movies, anytime you want.
So there are no fees for watching the latest release movies? How does that work???
i can answer this (i have tvpad 2 atm)
these are basically databases that are stored on some server somewhere (most likely china or HK i think) on a very fast connection.
The quality of movies are not hd by any margin, but they are quite watchable (above SD quality) and they are certainly free. The choice of movies are quite limited though, as they upload movies onto their server (again, who knows where these servers are coz obviously it would be illegal) whenever they feel like it.The best use of these are for watching live channels (korean (hd), hk, china, japan, and even some foxtel channels although they are NOT hd) or dramas on their database. Unlike the movies, dramas are definitely HD.
I haven't regretted buying this one bit for the last 6 months.
The choice of movies are quite limited though
The link says "latest movies"
So is this legal? and if so, how are they free?
Or are these illegal and pirated ??
"Or are these illegal and pirated ??"
it doesn't take a genius to figure this out………
it doesn't take a genius to figure this out………
then it shouldn't be posted here…
That's why I'm asking the Rep, are these movies legal or not?
lol. all those Hulu deals/forum posts are prob illegal too.
you have to pay for access to Hulu, it is not illegal…
You're wrong this time JV.
Fact, a computer can be used to download pirated movies, TV and software. It doesn't make the actual computer itself illegal.
The fact that this TVPad comes without apps means that it only becomes illegal when someone installs an app to use it in an illegal manner. So selling the item or advertising the item isn't in itself illegal.
You're wrong this time JV.
Did you read their website ???
I'm asking the Rep whether the movies they are promoting there for free, are actually legal?
They state :
Tv Pad3 provides an all new feature called On-Demand service that allows you to watch latest movies, anytime you want.
From website: "It’s legal and authentic.. "
Uhm, I'm with JV on this one. If you don't mind that the "latest movies" are pirated, that's up to you. But call it what it is.But call it what it is.
Rep has mysteriously gone silent on this question…
One question for you JV, if this phrase was not included, would your view on the TVPad change? And would you oppose it to being posted here?
My point is, everyone knows what this thing can do. The rep made a mistake of advertising the legalities of the apps but it doesn't change the physical item that you're receiving or what it can do.
Sorry, was busy taking pickup orders and reply email.
Yes the box is legal as you may find that there was a trial in USAeveryone knows what this thing can do.
I'd like the Rep to clarify this because the website says it's free and legal and you can view the latest movies…
I'd like them to verify if this is true and if so, how…
TVPAD company have sort of agreement with third party company and they pay for the copyright to them.
Can you verify this please?
It it against the law to provide misleading information to consumers… Just have a look on the ACCC website…
You right mate, I changed the post :)
all of the content is against the law. the servers are in China though so good luck, major American companies have tried taking them down but since China dont give a shit about IP, no such luck
On November 16, 2012, the Television Broadcast Co., TVB (USA). (hereinafter “TVB”), through its agent, made a public statement through the media to the American public that anyone who sells a TVpad product, or anyone who uses a TVpad product is allegedly violating the United States copyright law. TVB’s statement is false and is misleading.
all the other sites are in chinese, so google TVB lawsuit against tvpadTVpad product is allegedly violating the United States copyright law.
And this is being sold in Australia, so most likely is illegal here too…
TVB lost in USA, and that's why TVPAD gets so popular
most likely?
I thing this time it's your turn to verify this JV. Otherwise I think you're pushing on the brinks of making an defamation statement by showing link to the company's ASIC details and implying it is conducting an illegal activity.
all of the content is against the law.
So if the only purpose of this box is to view illegal content, how can it be legal to sell it in Australia ?
Sorry mate, I am not sure if it is true as I don't work in that company, I said" what I am being told"
I said" what I am being told"
If you are going to sell in Australia, you need to get familiar with Australian Consumer Law… Especially about misleading consumers…
Dear JV, I just wondering If it is illegal, why they still selling in USA and sold so much? They dare to selling on public website? Risking millions of money to do selling illegal tv box?
So in other words you don't know.
The purpose of this box can be to play games, to view content from a USB source so it's not solely for illegal content.
As I've said before, it comes without anything installed so it's like a blank Android system. How is that illegal?
I am confused are we talking about the box or the contents in those app? The box is legal for sure. The content I am not sure
Kenty, my comment was for JV just to save any confusion.
Oh now I get it, cheers
The box is not illegal, its the use (ie. viewing) of TVBs 'intellectual property' by others w/o their consent that makes it illegal. Its practically stealing.
The box is not illegal, its the use
The product info on the website is telling you that you can legally view latest release movies for free…
This is an Australian website with an Australian ABN and comes under the ACCC.
It is illegal for an Australian business to make false claims
So you agree now that the box in itself is not illegal? Only the claims?
As a TVPAD user, in regards to "latest release movies"
The movies provided on TVPAD are very LIMITED never find a movie that currently showing on cinema in TVPADBut I do not comment whether those movies are legal or not…I reckon some movies' license fee have been paid but are limited to the broadcasting region (eg. only allowed to play within china etc.)
Since when does this community endorse or support piracy? NEG!
you still need to pay for your monthly internet fee, make sure have enough quota to deal with this if you intend to run this more than 12 hours per day.
Repost of my comment from prev. deal:
200kb/s x60x60 = 720MB/hr, 17.28GB/day, 535.68GB/mth
This is taking into consideration that you leave it on 24/7. HD channels may use even more.
Not worth for that price. you can get similar one for half price.
Can you please pm me the link?
Too many same specs android TV Box and media player you can find on Ebay, most preloaded channals are chinese until you install Apk yourself.
does that have TVB?
install Apk yourself
The TVpad app packages are proprietary format. If it was an apk uploaded online no-one would be buying this & would be installing it onto their phones & tabs…
TVPAD does not support android APK
Root it first
Hi rep,
Any Indonesian channel?Hi mate, no Indonesian channel yet. Sorry :)
There's a big difference between Indonesia and India
This is not a deal,just a saleman.
cheaper on gumtree if someone wants to buy.…You can actually call him and he will tell you to pay cash to pickup $280, we have tried to call him last week and he said $280. :/
can you show the specs for that TVpad3? dual core or single core? how much GHz CPU? how much Rom? how much Ram? and android version.
The spec is not useful at all.
You can only install Apps from TVPAD app store anyway, not on google playstore nor any other android stores
TVPAD doesn't accept or read APK filesAnd any apps that installed from the TVPAD app store will run smoothly on the machines
Can you advise what Japanese content may be available? Thanks :)
This post is weird. Many comments but not even one vote..
I have been using TVPAD since the first version, and the fact are below:
1) If you are aiming for movies or tv dramas, I can tell that the supplies of movies are VERY LIMITED. Putting aside whether these movies are pirated or not, TVPAD is NOT a good product in terms of watching movies.2) If you are trying to compare TVPAD with other Android TV BOX, you CAN NOT compare them because although TVPAD use android OS as base, it cannot install any android apps nor getting apps from Google Playstore. It doesn't accept google APK files, it use its unique app coding method to avoid any other android systems to use its app.
3) TV PAD is a very good Live TV streaming box if you are favor with Asian TV channels, especially channels from Hong Kong, China, Korea and Japan. Comparing to the paid service from TVBA (TVB Australia), you pay nothing after getting your TV PAD (TVBA monthly subscription is around $60 - $120). Again, I am not commenting whether these contents are legal or not. TV Channels is broadcasting freely to the air in those countries / cities, and what TV PAD did is just to stream these channels via internet..
4) Finally, as what other OZbargainers said above. TV PAD itself is LEGAL as it does not provide any content but just an OS installed in an android based machine. They never claimed that those content providers are belongs or related to them…but everyone knows what this means…
very well said!
that's like saying the R4 is legal
It is if you are a developer using it for homebrew stuff. Plenty of homebrew apps out there for the R4.
it was $250 delivered last week…… :-(
If you understand chinese, their online support forum frequently host campaigns and provide up to $30 discounts on TVPAD (previously they did up to $50 discounts)
These campaigns are usually related to different festivals such as chinese new year, moon cake festival, mother's day etc.
I am pretty sure it is same deal from last week
was $250, then changed to $255……
still, it WAS $250….. :-(
For those ppl curious about what chans are available:…
I know right, even I have received lots of orders, just like last time only 6 upvote, this time worse, 1 negative. Sigh
Is that why u downvote mate? To break the balance?
lol @ Bramasaurus . kids like him gets frustrated easily due to having such a small d. They would negative vote anything just to make themselves feel better.
For a deal that i dont like. i just skip it. much faster than leaving a comment to negative vote. The kid is from canberra as well.
is this good for sports? premier league, nba ?
Yeah that's what I'm interested in too. If it does i know id definitely grab one and so would a few friends. I see euro soccer and soccer cctv but not sure what theyd show and if its live streaming.
This doesn't seem so bad, it would be interesting to see what japan tv looks like.
To the REP, you honestly need to do some homework before trying to sell a product like this, you will get slandered by the great JV himself.
strange on the focus of the movies. this is a box that let you geo-shift so you can watch asian TV programming. the movies that are listed free I would've assumed are ones that are being aired in their respective countries.
This is not very different to the various VPN/DNS services that allows you to view US TV streams here
I've bought a TVPad2 from them before their post here. and would still like to probably buy another… will have a look at the TVPad3 being demonstrated before I decide. Hopefully they still have TVPad2s at the old price.
Just picked up a unit this afternoon. Easy to install and run. Thank you also for giving my girl the Disney stickers.
Anymore deals for TVPAD3, Im after 2 units?
Are all the menus in Chinese like in the link you provided?