This was posted 11 years 4 months 27 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Supercheap Auto Club Plus 1st Birthday Free $10.00 Club Plus Members Only


Received this via email this afternoon.…

$10.00 loaded to you club plus card. Use online or instore. Exp 15-11-13

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Supercheap Auto
Supercheap Auto

closed Comments

  • Why did you post this as a deal? Only for subscribers..

    • membership is free but im not sure whetheryou can get $10 credit after you sign up

    • Great deal if your a member

  • +2

    The link contains your personal email address !!

    • Good on ya Clint!

      • Noted :-)

  • +1

    If you aren't a member already, I don't believe you can get the $10 credit even if you sign up to be one now. This could be a forum topic? Not sure if this is a correct place to post it

  • Used mine on screw driver bits already.

  • Got the same email before

    Thanks Clinton ;)

    • No probs already spent mine too

  • got one earler…pretty good

  • Tried to sign up but seems to be a $5 fee for this so will give it a miss. Still, a good post if you are already a member and got this for free. Thanks OP.

    • When I signed up I received a $10 credit afterwards, it was a few months ago.

  • I also receive this $10 credit but not sure what to buy. Anyone has any ideas?

    • +1

      this is the second time i've got this credit since joining, both times i've bought SCA batteries - got a big pack of AAA's and a smaller pack of AA's for $9.50

      • Why don't you have glitter eneloops?

        • He/she must be new around here - I think Ozbargainers are keeping the eneloop factory on a 3 shift 24 hour roster.

        • +3

          Edit - perhaps only 2 shifts in China, or 1 if really unlucky.

  • +1

    I've been a member since it first started, yet I didn't receive this $10 credit. Lame

    • +1

      Did you sign into your account?
      If they haven't I'd send them an email.

    • +1

      same here. no email and checked my account too but no $10 credit :(

      • +1

        Me too. I signed up back when it was free. Perhaps that is why we didn't get the $10 freebie.

        • I signed up when it's free and received this free $10 email…….

  • Thanks.. just done signing up

  • I didn't get the email - but I see the credit sitting in my account, I'd suggest all members should have a look in their account under "my loyalty credit" and see if there is a $10 credit sitting in there, mine expires 15.11.13

  • can I use credit to purchase a gift card

  • I used mine for the 50% off mini tool kit. So $69.99 rrp (wouldn't pay that, it's not worth that) down to 34.99 then $10 off.. $24.99 ain't bad for a little 'round the house kit. Only main glaring omission is some full size screw drivers, but hey. Bargain!

  • +1


  • I've subscribed since I first joined last year - no $10 credit appears, yet they sent me an email about the credit offer like the OP did.

  • I got the email about the credit but just logged in and its not showing the credit

    • Same

  • Same for me, received email, but no credit. Email to Supercheapauto is sent…

    • Same.

  • Costs $5 to join….

  • I joined before,payed $5 and received $5 credit to spend. It was an nessesary oil on sale
    at the time and with credit it was a great deal. Anyway now received $10 birthday credit
    and used it to buy 2-for -1 Black & Becker GYRO rechargeable screwdriver $49.99 -$10 credit=
    39.99. Will keep one and second one will do for a present…. Good deal.It was special for
    Club Members only and valid in the shop.

  • All is good - got a response from SCA, pretty surprised given it is the weekend.

    "Thank you for your email.

    I can confirm that you have a $10 credit on your card and it is active and ready for use. However we are aware that at this point in time customers are experiencing difficulty with being able to view their credits online.

    Should you have further questions or concerns please contact us at your convenience."

  • +1

    This is for existing members only, and they apparently wont be adding new $10 to new members… so dont sign up thinking you'll get a bouns $10… so no deal for me

  • thanks for the heads up.

    time to see whats in store for $10 :)

  • I got my $10 freebie :)

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