• expired

$50 Voucher for Naked Wines from Scoot Email


Got an email from Scoot with $50 wine voucher via the link.
Bought another 12 wines to help re-stock, Naked offered me a $99 case once logged in (so only paid $50).

NB This might not be a straight forward, one off purchase.

Read comments below about the company having a wine club that they try to get you to join; members report offer of a further credit or offer to "get your money back" after purchase, which is actually trying to get you to sign up to a wine club.

Members have reported being signed up against their will

Other members have reported you can immediately contact them and advise that you do not want to be a part of the club and refunds were then obtained.

Referral Links

Referral: random (20)

Referee gets a $50-$100 credit, referrer gets a $30 credit after first purchase by referee.

Related Stores

Naked Wines
Naked Wines

closed Comments

  • +1

    This is for the 12 mixed they offer on the page directly after you enter your email:

    Price: $163.88
    Discount: -$50.00
    Less your voucher
    Add delivery $13.99
    Total to pay: $63.98

    Delivery was to Central Vic.

    • I think delivery is free to Sydney and Melbourne

  • +1

    You can get 6 bottles delivered from around $15.00

  • i think it works for other wines too. you can get 6 bottles of the cheapest wine for 20$ excluding delivery

  • +1

    This site looks amazing, so many potentially amazing winemakers!
    Thanks for the link!

  • +1

    I think there is a similar offer from Paypal

  • $50 voucher is available lots of places. I got mine when I bought stuff from mens shop. I use em, and the wines are great for the price, even without an additional $50 off.

  • -4


    It's a scam company! If you buy anything from them, they'll silently sign you up for a monthly $40 "contribution", charged automatically to your card. You can use that money but you cannot cancel this payment once you signed up (only if you delete your account which is artificially obfuscated and far from easy).
    My friend got scammed and when he threatened to report them to the police, they recommended "not to cancel the account for a couple of weeks because great deals are coming up".


    • Dood, quite a bit of mis-information there.
      My experience is, they first asked me if I wanted to join up to the Angel plan.
      Before they take ANY money from my credit card, they email me to give me an option to cancel.
      If you go ahead and they take money, you can ask for it back, no questions asked!

      Not sure about what happened to your friend, but it has been very different for me.

    • +1

      Mate… definitely not a scam. It can be a bit hard to spot, but if you call them up and ask them to cancel your account they will refund your contributions straight back into your bank account. Read up on my confusion before.

    • I just bought a 6 pack of wines 2 weeks ago.

      not a problem.

      drinking the Jen Pfeiffer 2012 merlot at the moment.

      a reasonable wine.

      • +1

        Finally, more on the topic of wines and less about scams.. :)

        Do you know who they use for courier? Do they do weekend deliveries at all?

    • They couldn't have been more upfront about signing you up for the $40 a month deal, there was nothing silent about it.

  • +5

    It appears their "Angel" status is optional and fully refundable:

    How do I cancel?

    Cancelling your Angel status is easy (although we'd rather you didn't!) You can cancel at any time by logging in, then selecting 'Account details' under your name at the top of the website, followed by 'Angels Account'. Or call us at 1800 898 677. Either way, we'll cancel your account and refund any unspent top-ups you have made.

    • -4

      Yeah, on a screen that has two large green and red buttons - but the actual cancelling is on the left with a tiny text link. Dodgy company, intentionally confusing and tricking the customers to sign up for the monthly payment.
      Thanks but no thanks!

      • +1

        But you said you can't cancel - and it says you can? And you say there's no refund - but there is?

        Either they're blatantly lying on their website or they messed up your or your friends customer experience. I'd say the latter is more likely.

        • -3

          You CANNOT cancel the payment - only if you cancel your whole account….

        • +1

          Here's part of the email they sent me before charging my card:

          "You're about to top your account up with $40.00
          Which means tomorrow you'll have $40.00 to spend on wine

          Your free reward bottle will be in your basket in the first week of every month, just order 11 other bottles and it's yours.

          Remember if you want to cancel, you can. Right here."

        • Interestingly, your first ever post was Nakedwines too. And now again? Hmm, you must be passionate about them (for a reason?)


          Let see what was Galaxyman's experience:

          Galaxyman on 30/08/2013 - 16:05 new
          I was also annoyed that I was duped into a subscription obligation. I used a $50 voucher card to place an order then I was offered another $50 credit into my account "no strings attached". When I clicked the offer button, I was then congratulated for becoming a "Wine Angel" and that (to my surprise)$40 a month will be debited from my credit card. I emailed them and asked that this not occur and they cancelled my account and wrote to me that it was clear that I'd be signing up for the direct debit before clicking the button but they are wrong. While the wine I got was good value, I won't be dealing any further with Naked Wines. Their subscription process is either cheeky/dodgy/unscrupulous, depending on your own ethics. Possibly illegal too but I'm not spending any more time analysing Naked Wines.

        • +1

          The terms here are really very clear: http://www.nakedwines.com.au/terms.htm#angels

          You can cancel your Naked Angel Account at any time, and get Your money back - with no penalty whatsoever. You can cancel online on Your account page, via email at [email protected] OR by calling Us on 1800 898 677. Please note, that if You have any vouchers in Your account, We cannot refund these but You will receive all unused money that you paid into Your account.

          Of course, you have credit-card chargebacks and whatnot to protect you. I think there's nothing sinister here apart from the possibility customers signed up unknowingly and that Naked may not have handled it as best as they could (as with any retailer anywhere).

          And while we're pointing out previous posts, what have you ever submitted? You've complained and been sorely mistaken before, though..

          Case closed, marked as troll.

        • +1

          Interestingly, you're yet to post a deal…

        • I also bought wine from Dan Murphys.. I either work at BOTH companies or I just like wine.

        • Good point Spackbace, looks like 95% of his posts are negative comments about products.

        • +3

          I wouldn't be too harsh. I've had trouble with this lot too. I chose NOT to receive the voucher and NOT to sign up to be an Angel, when the offer was made. A few days later I received an email from one of their reps saying that I was missing out, so he had taken the liberty of signing me up anyway… all I had to do was reply if I wasn't happy. When I attempted to do just this, the email bounced 'no such such address'. Needless to say, $40 started coming off my card. I cleared it up eventually after a number of attempts and some 'misinformation'. Call it aggressive marketing, whatever, I'd be wary. That said, the wines aren't bad.


    • Solution… take advantage of the offer and pay by PayPal, just don't become an Angel! Simples.

  • Thanks OP - I'm giving the same 12-bottle case a try. $49.99 delivered to metro Melbourne

  • +1

    I can also recommend these guys - I bought a mixed case last week for $40 (after a voucher) and selected to not become an Angel. Wines arrived the next day, and I received an email with another $30 voucher to tempt me to try them again. They are persistent but completely above board

    • Yep, same deal & outcome for me. My original $50 voucher was included in an order from VetShopAustralia. I ordered, paid by PayPal, said no to the Ángels offer then received an obviously generic email within a few hours titled "Sorry for coming on too strong" along with a $30 credit.

      Agreed, persistent but they don't cross the line unless you let them. May be a bit too much for some by the sounds of it.

      PS. The PayPal transaction was a one-off and unlike handing over your CCard deets I can't see how they can start extracting ongoing payments from PayPal without it being pretty obvious.

      • It now says "add a Paypal" account

        Does that mean they can charge monthly membership to your Paypal without further approval?

      • If you add a Paypal account, you will be authorising all future payments, but you can remove the authorisation after the purchase is made.

        I authorise Naked Wines Australia Pty Limited to charge the applicable funding sources in my PayPal account for the future payments listed above. I can also make changes to my future payments from the My Pre-approved Payments page within my Profile

        (Log into Paypal > My Profile > My Money > My Pre-Approved Payments)

        I guess you also need to cancel the membership after the purchase is made, if you end up accidentally in the club.

        • you can go into your details, payments (or similar) and look for payment methods and remove what ever payment method (just to be sure). it's what I did.

  • Bugger, won't let me use a voucher as it recognises my phone and name, and the fact I have used a voucher code previously. And yes I tried my second email address.

    The case I ordered previously was pretty good, and I had no problem with being made an angel against my will. Would definitely go again if allowed.

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