I signed up for a Choice magazine trial here http://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/11639
I found this excellent electricity/gas comparison service.
I couldn't see it posted previously…
I signed up for a Choice magazine trial here http://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/11639
I found this excellent electricity/gas comparison service.
I couldn't see it posted previously…
I found that for electricity the cheapest retailer was Red Energy the benefits were:
5% off electricity when you pay on time
3% off gas when you pay on time
100% aussie owned
100% green electricity (Comes from the snowy hydro in sydney but you have to pay more for government accredited scheme.)
Standard governement energy rates.
Victoria only :(
I just compared my rates with what else is available and i can make a huge yearly savings - great site!
It's good for owners' occupied properties because most of them require long term contract like 3 years.
If we're talking Victoria only, you should go through Energy Australia - get 4% off electricity in the first year, 6% in second year and 8% in third year, and you get 7% off gas if you have both gas & elec with them - but you don't have to sign up for 3 years etc.
You also get:
"• A total $50 credit • A one off $20 credit for choosing a SmarterPay option • PureEnergy options • No fixed term • No administration fees • No termination fees"
You have to use the promo code moneysaver when you call - 13 15 03 - or you can go online (same promo code): www.welovevictoria.com.au/offers
I'll see your Red Energy & Energy Australia and raise you Neighbourhood Energy. 10% Pay on time discount, no contract.
Thanks for that but i'm happy with red energy…
Choiceswitch/Uswitch has worked the cheapest for me but maybe worth trying the others.