Unsure of the expiry on this coupon, I found it after all the coupons on this Numatic Henry deal had expired http://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/118215. Cost of delivery makes it roughly $170 deliver to Sydney metro. Not as good as previous deals but it still might help someone.
TheHut.com - 15% off Orders over £30 - Brings Henry Numatic to Approx $150 AUD + Delivery

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how did you bring one?
Every time I see an image of this vacuum cleaner, it makes my smile. For anyone that has one of these does it make the cleaning experience any better?
I am in stiches laughing. Hilarious!
hide this from all your kids!
My candid and very blunt take on these worthless vacuums after a year of owning one:
tl;dr: These things are 1980's-era technology with 1980's-era bulkiness and utterly useless for a cluttered, open-plan home.
If you're still hanging onto a non-bagless/non-powerhead vacuum it's really time to move into the 21st century.
1.2KW vacuum seems peedly compared to those up to 2.4KW.
Bigger bag = less restriction = doesn't need as much power.
I thought, Bigger bag = more crap inside (between bag changes) = more restriction = needs more power.
The 9L bag of the Numatic has a much greater surface area than the typical barrel vac of 4.5L (about 59% more assuming they are cubes). Greater surface area means there are more gaps for air to go, so not as much power is required to force the same amount of air through. Even when the bag fills and the gaps start blocking up, the Numatic would still have proportionately more gaps for the air to pass through. In fact when there is enough dirt to completely fill the 4.5L bag, the Numatic would only be half filled and still sucking strongly.
There are also additional filters on a vac which also restrict airflow and the one on the Numatic is huge.
Possibly the canister style of the Numatic may be more efficent than a barrel vac simply because of the basic design of them, as I note that the canister style vacs usually have less powerful motors.
Disclosure: I have a Numatic and it sucks greatly!
Possibly the canister style of the Numatic may be more efficent than a barrel vac simply because of the basic design of them, as I note that the canister style vacs usually have less powerful motors.
Appreciate the response.
Efficiency is nice, however, when it comes to sucking crap embedded in carpet, I'd go for the vac with the greatest brute force (ie. 2.4KW).
I own Dyson barrel which (under ideal situation*) claims never to loose suction, and I know 1.2KW is not even close to sufficient for even moderate pile.
*Need to wash "lifetime filter" every 4 uses, otherwise, loss of suction.
Anyone know where is a good place to buy spare bags?
Best prices are from the UK. Do a search on ebay… http://www.ebay.com.au/sch/i.html?_sacat=0&_from=R40&_nkw=nu…
Cheers mate.
If you are ordering the vacuum from theHut I would advise not to buy bags from other sites until you HAVE the vacuum. From my experiences ordering this vacuum theHut are very unreliable.
No point having a pile of bags but no vacuum
Has anyone managed to have one delivered? I purchase one from the hut about 6 months ago, about 2 months after the original order they emailed me saying they couldn't give me the colour i wanted so they changed my order to a yellow henry which was fine…but then 2 months after that it still hadn't arrived so after emailing them saying i didn't mind what colour it was i just wanted one delivered already they told me they couldn't complete my order and cancelled it.
The Hut are the worst company I have ever ordered from.
After ordering this vacuum I heard nothing for weeks. I contacted them…they chased it up but my order was canceled. It happens.
I asked if they were ordering more because I still wanted the vacuum. I was told an order was due soon but it wasn't being made available for online orders…so they get more in but won't use it to fulfill orders?
"but if there is anything we can do don't hesitate to contact us"I ordered it again recently. Again I heard nothing for weeks. I had to contact them again. Got the same answer again…sorry, no more stock. I asked the order not to be canceled as I wanted the item. A few weeks later I got a reply that stock was coming soon and I could expect dispatch next week. 3 more weeks and nothing. I had to contact them again. I was told that it was sent 3 weeks ago and if it didn't arrive in 2 days to contact them. Realizing that I didn't get any email about the order or a receipt, I thought I would check my credit card. Surprise surprise….no transaction. I contacted the Hut again to ask of they can check again because I have no email or no charge to my credit card. Their reply was there has been a mistake and now there is no more stock so we are canceling the order…."but if there is anything we can do don't hesitate to contact us" how about sending my order….which I have ordered twice when it said "in stock"….long before it was removed from the website.
This is a shortened version of what happened…I told them that this was by FAR the worst experiences I have had online…
I got the Shark Navigator from Target when they had a sale…it may have been twice the price but if it means no more dealings with the Hut then its a bargin!
I received an email from thehut this morning saying my order was dispatched. The tracking number hasn't any info yet but fingers crossed I'll get it.
- Tracking Link will be active when the courier scans the parcel in their hub - estimated 12 hours.
My tracking link didn't active until almost 4 days later…..
Edit: I ordered via last post (http://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/118215) on 6th Oct, dispatched on 7th Oct, didn't show up on the tracking link until 11th Oct.
just brought one this morning for $180 including postage. That includes a 10% discount.
Should have waited a bit longer for an extra 5% off.
Good Post though.