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Plasti Dip Multi-Purpose Rubber Coating - 3 for $75 Autobarn - Black Only


Massive in the USA and slowly getting a following here. Spray on rubber that is easily removed. Suitable for car wheels. Normally $30 each.

Plasti Dip is a multi-purpose, air dry, specialty rubber coating. It can be easily applied by dipping, brushing, or spraying. Plasti Dip protective coating is ideal for a broad array of do-it-yourself projects around the home, garage, garden and elsewhere. It protects coated items against moisture, acids, abrasion, corrosion, skidding/slipping, and provides a comfortable, controlled grip. Plasti Dip remains flexible and stretchy over time, and will not crack or become brittle in extreme weather conditions. It has been tested and proven in temperatures from -34ºc to +93ºc. Plasti Dip can be dipped, brush coated and sprayed. Add more layers for greater protection and grip.

PLASTI DIP® resists moisture, acids, abrasion, weathering, electrical shock, skidding/slipping, corrosion; coats and gives a comfortable, controlled, colour coded grip to all types of tools: lawn and garden, mechanical, electrical, woodworking and masonry. PLASTI DIP® is flexible and won’t crack, chip, peel or become brittle, insulates from electric shock, vibration and heat. (Non-skid grit can also be added.)

WOOD: Seals and protects from weathering and prevents splitting. -
METAL: Reduces vibration, deadens sound and prevents corrosion. -
GLASS: Shatter proofs glass objects (available in clear).
U.V. specific formula available, recommended for outdoor use. Permanent and water tight as long as you want it to be but removes completely and without mess from most non-porous surfaces.

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closed Comments

  • +2

    check out this forum


    "Caswell is now supplying many local stores such as Autobarn, we do offer discounts for bulk purchases and cans can be as cheap as $15 each if you are prepared to buy in bulk.
    Ask us for a whole sale list

    Alternatively, there is another seller selling it.

    In US, it's only close to $10 a Can.

    here is their youtube channel


    • -1

      I live in QLD so the postage is expensive due to the nature of the product. Same with with eBay

      I think plastidip.net.au is the supplier - "Aerosols are available from your local distributor
      as listed in the toolbar at the bottom of the page"

    • If you're after 6+ cans, it is cheaper than buying retail. Anything under 6 cans won't be as cheap as delivery is a killer.

      Also Armor All have their own version which is just Plastidip in a bigger can. Only sold at Super Cheap Auto in Australia, it's called Armor All Custom Shield but only comes in black/white/clear whereas Plastidip comes in a lot of different colours.

  • +3
  • -1

    There is a mob in qld making a similar product a buttload cheaper than what this importer mob charges.
    So want to do the lower part of my car to protect it from stone chips etc

    • Who? How much? Where?

      • +8

        There's a product called EBC Liquid Wrap currently available

        • Thanks for the link. Will try my wheels first, if I like the result I'll wrap the entire car.

        • This actually looks really promising. Well investigate further.

        • Looks pretty cool! Will keep an eye on these guys! $500 for a whole car dip. Plastidip is way more expensive. I wonder what the quality and application will be like. Hopefully some start popping up on youtube

        • You're going to dip your whole car in rubber?

        • +1

          Lots of people off do. Change the colour or for paint protection. YouTube it.

        • im considering it. just youtube plastidip and youll see. it looks and works great!

        • Yeh…i did my motorbike rims Blaze Pink stuff is really easy to use and looks good. I got it some cans cheap in Melbourne

  • If someone in Melbourne would like to split, I would be up for one.

  • +7

    Does it give a natural look?
    And will it come out when I wash my hair?

  • +9

    spray-on rubbers ?

    Wait til the boys in Uni find out about this!

    • +1

      are you thinking what i am thinking?

      • +5

        Don't be a dip stick!

  • +1

    Just buy the armor all custom shield. It was on sale for $20 a can from memory at supercheapauto and is a much bigger can and one can is enough for 4 rims. I did my full set of 16" rims with a pretty thick coat too. It's the exact same product as it comes from the same manufacturer.

    • Do you refer to this product?

      It says it lasts up to 3 months. Not sure how long the Plastidip can last.

      • 3 months for armor all custom shield does not souond good at all.. a review on youtube shows an Audi with the plastidip for over a year, and he even uses high pressure water cleaner with no effect on it.

        • It's the same product just marketed in a different way and under a different brand. Same parent company. Lasts just as long as plastidip

      • Armor All Custom Shield vs Plasti Dip - a Comparison of Removable Coatings


        • Wow, a can of Plasti Dip only $6 there, and what are we paying here?

    • Not any more. Because it's the same product it's been flying off the shelves at Supercheap also. I picked it up for $27 but still cheaper than plasti dip as the can is bigger.

      BUT plasti dip comes in more colours (if you can find them - gunmetal is like hen's teeth)

  • +1

    Can it be used in bathroom?

    • +1

      might be a good solution for shower/bath floor?

      • That's what I am thinking.

    • +15

      depends on whether you can fit your car in there?

    • It "resists moisture", so probably not water proof. But better than no sealing at all I suppose.

    • For sealing or to provide grip?

      There are other better products designed for bathroom floors that do those jobs.

  • -3

    Does plasti-dip have other functional uses rather than aesthetics? I.E. Does it protect the surface of an object? Also, how is it removed?

    • +1

      did you even read the post?

      • +5

        Clearly not…

        Got it now:
        WOOD: Seals and protects from weathering and prevents splitting. -
        METAL: Reduces vibration, deadens sound and prevents corrosion. -
        GLASS: Shatter proofs glass objects (available in clear).
        U.V. specific formula available, recommended for outdoor use. Permanent and water tight as long as you want it to be but removes completely and without mess from most non-porous surfaces.


      • -4

        do you even lift bro?

        • nah m8 this isn't the same stuff that's used on vinyl weights

        • -2

          Some people really don't get this stupid joke reference do they?

  • i want a small cheap can of this stuff to repair some broken plastic things and strengthen a plastic frame for a rc helicopter anyone know if i can get a small can from somewhere for around $10

    • +2


      Strengthen a plastic frame? Dude. you know this stuff is soft yeah?

      You need some epoxy for that. Try JB weld or araldite.

      • sorry its the plastic skids to stop them breaking on hard landings, not the frame

        • +2

          This isn't meant for that kind of application. Try wrapping the skids in foam.

  • I've been meaning to grab a can to spray on ear cups on my Sennheiser Amperior (Silver), but can't justify spending so much on just one can when I probably only need a few coats of it :/

  • hmmm new phone cover

  • Wonder if you can spray gloss paint on top of this??

    • You can buy glossifier that goes on top only. I think evolvecoatings.com.au from above does it straight up.

      • Their "gloss" is more of a satin finish, so it still won't be as shiny as normal paint.

  • +2

    www.getdipped.com.au have some awesome videos on youtube as well

    • "Due to the nature of Plastidip, we currently do not offer a courier service nationally or internationally. We are strictly pick up only"
      Castle Hill, Sydney NSW.

  • Stupid question, but does anyone think this would work well (clear) on glass to deaden sound without adding heat? My neighbours's dog is terribly loud at night. :(

    • no dude. probably better to get some ear plugs.

    • +1

      You can report the address and dog to your local council. That would saved you the $$$

      • I have, twice.
        They've gone and gotten ANOTHER dog.

  • +1

    I am thinking to make a coracle (plywood frame boat with a hull made out of sailmaking canvas waterproofed with bitumen emulsion).

    Would this stuff work in place of the bitumen emulsion?

    • Doubt it. Think of it as like removal vinyl wrap. It can be scratched off without much force and i wouldn't use it as a waterproofing agent. AND it will degrade over time.

  • If you are in Sydney, GL Lubricants sell them for like $20-21. They don't post it on their web but I saw them at their warehouse. They mainly have white and black.

  • Hmm I never heard of this and now I'm really curious…

    I'll get some and will try on my car rims…or something…

    Thanks op!!

  • +5

    DUDE!!! I've spent like 2hours watching vids about this stuff!! It looks awesome!

    • It's pretty great idea. You can change colour and then peel it off if you get over it. I'm going to try doing rims on my coupe BMW.

      • by changing colour of the car….. hmmm, the get away car was a black sedan…. oopsy, a few minutes later removing the black dip and it is now white!

        • +1

          Yep in GTA style!!

  • Anyone tried this on a ride on mower deck?
    I give mine a once over every year or so with kill rust spray paint, but it never lasts.

    • Perhaps you can try using a rust converter which turns rust into black metal.

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