Great price for a high-end mouse. compared with local price, it is a big savings.Grab the deal, before its end.
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Logitech G700s $77 Delivered from Amazon US

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I tempted to get one. How often do u recharge the mouse, compared with G700.
I don't have the original g700, but I can say the one AA battery last me about 5 days or so (Haven't done extensive testing only owned it about a week). I also haven't really ran it empty yet, because when i see it go down to 1 green bar, I normally just plug in the USB cable.
My G700 only lasts about 2 days with moderate use with new eneloop batteries.
I had to get a replacement G700 after about a year because it developed the "click and hold problem".…
My 2nd G700 is just starting to show the same problems after about another 9 months so I'm going to gave to get this one replaced soon too.
I'm not sure if the G700s would have the same problems or not though.
My G700 only lasts about 2 days with moderate use
Jebus. And that's why I don't buy wireless mice anymore (I know you can use it corded, but why bother when you could get a G400s/g500)
Interestingly enough I've used my G700 for around 2 years and it's developed the same issue and referenced the very same page you linked to the email asking about warranty. They told me to call them which I did today and said to try it with the cable plugged in, if it still persist then return it to CPL (where I bought it) and they'll give me a direct replacement if they have it in stock (I don't think they do) or they will send one from overseas as a replacement (5-7 weeks) and I was planning to buy a g700s for $100 (either from CPL or if they wanted to give me a hard time I'd go with MSY) as a replacement while getting warranty on my g700 and using that as a backup mouse.
TL;DR cool story bro.
This deal/thread is full of a bunch of coincidences for me.
2 years is a decent amount of time considering how much I use the mouse per day and would have been fully happy to buy another one even if I couldn't get warranty on it. Love the easily changeable wheel mode on it from clicks to free scroll, I don't know of any other mouse with that function (other than other Logitech mice but that the switch on the underside of the mouse).
But the down sides are the battery life (I change dicksmith's enerloops once per day or the mouse will stop working) and the fact that you have to use the Logitech setpoint software in order to use the 2 upper side buttons and they have to be bound to a keyboard key to make it work. Also macro'ing requires the setpoint software installed and running to be used. Ie as far as I know you can't plug it into another computer and just have it working without setting it up. I would love if anyone could tell me I'm doing it wrong and provide me with a better solution though.
And while it's a subjective opinion I really like this mouse. In fact I've attempted to purchase the same mouse from amazon sales before to be prepared for my current one failing in case they stop making it but couldn't because at that time they didn't deliver the thing to Australia.
will this work on mac?
Didn't know you could game on mac :P
You can't… :(
dont game anyway. but the magic mouse is the biggest pile of turd ive ever used. hence looking to upgrade to something decent.
(any mouse is decent compared to the magic turd)
Why would you want a gaming mouse if you don't game…?
surely any mouse is better than the white piece of turd im using.
i had a VX revolution back in the day until it died on me. but the M950 isnt exactly glowing in the reviews. so i thought this might be a better choice.
i actually really liked the VX/MX revolution. best mouse ive ever used, and no other mouse have come close.
Here's your answer. Logitech G700s (rechargeable) mouse driver for Mac OS…
Would love to know how this compares to the M950 I'm currently using, specifically the shape and weight.
I like the M950 but find it a few buttons short for gaming so this looks like an option specially with the wireless capability.I hear the shape is similar. I'm in the same situation, but I'm worried about that love or hate textured rubber grip
I have both. I can tell you the M950 is far superior to the G700. After using the M950 for awhile I got a G700 for a 2nd pc. Hated it. Too plasticky. Battery life is pretty similar on both since they're both powered by the same AA and charges the same way.
However the feel of the mouse is just too light. The M950 feels smoother and the weight feels nicer. Stick to the M950.
Still can't get over how ugly the decal on this mouse is, particularly compared to the plain-black G700. ;)
Price listed in title is in USD - may consider noting that. Actual price is circa $84.50 AUD with amazon conversion, 28 Degrees etc may be slightly less/different.
I've had the original G700 (identical apart from a slightly lower DPI) for about 2 years which I recently ditched for a Saitek R.A.T. 7
There's a couple of things about the G700 that annoyed me over a long enough period of time to motivate me to get rid of it:
The highest palm rest slope on a mouse I've ever seen. Your palm is either on the mouse or off the mouse. There's no in between. For people with large hands who prefer to palm a mouse instead of claw it, it's unsuitable. Your hand just slides off the back.
There's also no place to rest your pinky finger and the scroll wheel's indents are a little vague, I'd prefer them to more solidly-defined.
Wired mode doesn't work. The supplied USB cable isn't braided and isn't one of those streamlined, thin USB cables. It's too thick to drag around and it's too tightly coiled to avoid snagging on things.
Inaccurate battery indicator. The mouse would display a flashing red LED after approximately 3 days of regular usage (2 days or less when gaming constantly) but would continue to work for another 2 days or so before dying. Logitech's Gaming Software inconsistently prompts you to change your batteries. Apparently a common issue from what I read since the battery gauge is designed to work best with 1.5 volt Alkaline AA's not 1.2 volt Eneloops or other LSD AA's (despite the fact the G700 ships with an Eneloop AA inside).
Note: The best practice to adopt with a rechargeable mouse that has a removable double AA battery is to keep about 4 or 5 fully charged batteries (buy a separate battery charger; I got Sanyo's USB AA/AAA charger for $20 which has voltage regulation) and just swap them out as necessary. I found charging with the supplied cable too much of a hassle, especially during online gaming. It's too slow and it impacts your mouse's movement a great deal.
Side buttons have no tactile feedback. The top two side buttons are so vague you can't tell if you've pressed them, the bottom two being larger are more easier to feel when they're depressed but they're still so soft and vague that you can easily end up pressing them twice accidentally.
Questionable grip material on the sides of the mouse. It's not plastic, it's not rubber; it's textured, bumpy plastic that feels like sandpaper. I didn't mind it, but apparently some people hate it because it makes their hands sweat.
Not sure about the laser's accuracy. Yes on paper it's got the right DPI and the gaming software has the right level of customization available but somehow this mouse never felt as accurate as it should for a gaming mouse that launched with retail price of $120-140 dollars. Pixel-precise fine motor movements didn't seen to register all the time. It's also quite heavy and not weight adjustable.
The battery life with a fresh LSD AA like an Eneloop is probably around 4 or 5 days with light usage and 3 days of heavy gaming usage. After a hundred or so charge cycles that'll quickly drop to 3 days of light usage and 2 days of gaming usage. Thankfully Eneloops are quite cheap and most Ozbargainers stock them like there's no tomorrow.
You do realise this is for the G700s right? Isn't it meant to be an upgrade to the G700? (that's a question not a criticism. I haven't used either)
What do you think?
G700s:…As I said, the G700s has a slightly higher DPI sensor. That's about it.
In fact, if you read the Amazon reviews; many users will say the original G700 is preferable over the newer model because it has a better coating.
It's amazing, even Logitech themselves only bother to differentiate the two products with ONE character and yet people are still somehow deluded into thinking they're significantly improved.
Some of their are products are entirely worse than their predecessors; i.e. the Z906 vs the old Z-5500.
Agreed : the Revolution MX vs the M950
It's amazing, even Logitech themselves only bother to differentiate the two products with ONE character and yet people are still somehow deluded into thinking they're significantly improved.
There's an iPhone 5S joke in there somewhere.
I really wanted to get this mouse but reading the reviews on Amazon about the battery life makes me reluctant.
I need a wireless mouse but don't think it's practical to charge it every 8-12 hours, no doubt Logitech will rectify this with future revisions so might wait til then.Read what I said about buying a pack of Eneloop AA's and keeping them fully charged. That way you don't have to worry about interruptions or long charging periods during gaming.
Wired or GTFO.
Just a word of warning, no experience with this mouse in particular but I've owned a series of Logitech ones and they all develop clicking problems… had my last g500 replaced under warranty 4 times. Could be bad luck but thought I'd get this out there
Hmm seems I missed out, Price back up to $79.99 us before shipping. Back to getting one from msy I suppose.
F you! I just bought one from CPL for $100!
Love the mouse though. I've gone through a few mouse recently, this one is really nicely shaped and tracks beautifully.