Exclusive deal for you Oz Bargain.
Just enter the coupon at checkout to receive $25 off your order. All orders receive free express shipping Australia Wide.
These are the same quality as those from onepiece but much cheaper and shipped from Aus.
Exclusive deal for you Oz Bargain.
Just enter the coupon at checkout to receive $25 off your order. All orders receive free express shipping Australia Wide.
These are the same quality as those from onepiece but much cheaper and shipped from Aus.
I understand these higher priced onesies aren't for everyone but to put into perspective these aren't the cheap knock off's you'll find on ebay or like those tacky one size fits all animal onesies and the very similar onepiece ones cost from $140-$230 plus postage.
Man that's soooooo expensive
Sorry bree no deal
Now THIS is a deal!
So expensive and they aren't even 100% cotton.
With all due respect, the products might be better quality than eBay, but most of the time adult onesies are bought as a novelty item, and people are probably not looking to fork out 100's of dollars for them, especially OzBargainers.
I've been looking for one but I'll probably want to pay 50 dollars tops for them
You can get them for $20-25 at Paddy's Markets (Haymarket) in Sydney, so probably should be able to find a similar deal in Melbourne… These are those dodgy knock off ones though (like Nintendo characters), but the added bonus is you can try them on and find the right size for yourself. Or try 15 of them, take lots of selfies for Instagram and in the end only buy one or none.
But like you said, who would actually pay $100 for a novelty item when you can get pay the same amount of money for 3-4 different onesies and even more novelty factor. :P
Tough crowd. $25 is $25 though… I bought one a while back to try and they're WAY better quality than those ebay/shopping center $15 jobs. So comfy! Sister has one too and she loves it. I was going to buy one from Onepiece (http://onepiece.com/en-au/mens/jumpsuits) but they're too expensive plus Zippd is an Aus business. Thanks for the deal Fadzy!
plus Zippd is an Aus business.
an australian business that buys 100% of its goods from overseas? i think your missing the point of supporting aussie businesses/jobs….
this is nothing more than paying massive markup to a middle man..
Nothing is Australian made anymore.. So you're missing the point? My $100 goes straight into Australian worker hands. They pay tax on that money I spent. That tax money goes into your centrelink account. Then you send our money directly off to China for ebay knock offs. But when you're at Coles you buy homebrand and pretend you're supporting Australian business?
This is nothing more than buying a high quality onesie (markup or none) to an Australian run business in Adelaide.
It's cheaper than any of the competition + $25 off. It's plain as day?
Nothing is Australian made anymore
actually a lot is still made in aus, and that supports australians and australia. people simply being a middle man for most probably some asian sweat shop supports nothing good. and them claiming to be "aus" only hurts any legitimate aus company….
also, same quality is cheaper to buy direct through ebay etc…… neg from me…
You're fun. You like to talk but nothing makes sense.
Do you have one? They're not the same quality as ebay. Now you have no credibility. What are you wearing right now? I'll go out on a limb and say you're not wearing one single thing made in Australia.
Zippd is registered on ASIC. They're an Australian business? I don't get your logic? They're a legitimate Australian company. I just gave you an example of how Zippd is supporting Australia business.
Tell me what's still made in Australia? Tell me who would be stupid enough to try and base their business model around producing relative garments in Aus at 10x the cost for the likes of you - "same quality is cheaper to buy direct through ebay".
Who's supporting Australian business?
Oh my god. Just have a neg.
Getting the hoodie and lazy pants separate is cheaper..
OK - i've finally received confirmation.
The world has gone mad.
My goodness, $100 to $130 (excluding discount) for those? Seriously? Are they stitched together with 24ct gold thread or something?
I wont bother with the comparative ebay search but I'm sure someone will. My guess would be $15 - $25 each delivered.