Premium Care and Classic Care Roadside Assistance Membership only
For new Members, a once-only joining fee applies. Subscription packages must be taken out and paid for a full year by attending in person at any NRMA Office or by calling 1300 795 800 between 18/03/2009 and 8/04/2009 (inclusive). This offer must be mentioned to the staff member at the time of making payment in order to receive the fuel card.
There is a limit of one fuel card per Membership Subscription package issued, capped at a maximum of five fuel cards per Membership. A Caltex StarCash fuel card will be sent to Members within 28 days of new Membership being activated. Where there are eligible joint Members (as the case may be) they will be treated as one customer and receive only one fuel card.
This offer is not valid for BusinessWise or Free2go Members, to Members who cancel their current subscription or in conjunction with any other NRMA Motoring & Services offer. Terms and Conditions apply to Caltex StarCash fuel cards - visit or call 1300 726 530.
good deal… for the classic care package (most common), its $55 new member admin fee plus $90.70 for annual fee….