This was posted 11 years 6 months 18 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

PlayStation Vita (3G) with Killzone: Mercenary $285.67 Delivered


Before anyone brings up the fact the bundle is the 3g model, its also the cheapest @ GAME UK at the moment.

This deal may not be for everyone, but for someone wanting a ps vita, game and memory card, this maybe for you…
I do also believe GAME UK have already reduced their prices from the gamescom announcement…

The coupon will expire midnight 25/08 UK time, after delivery it's a £5 saving

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closed Comments

  • How big is the memory card? Couldn't find it mentioned in the description.

  • According to this site it should be 8GB.…

  • Good price with card and game for 3g model

  • I thought Game went bust in the UK too??

    • Nope, they have been shrunk down a fair bit, poor performing stores were closed and online sales have been pushed a fair bit more though.

  • Shouldn't we be seeing PS Vita prices getting slashed from 2nd of Sept after the Gamescom announcement?

    • Yes, hopefully we will being hearing about the next installment since the vita WiFi is discontinued.

      • Pretty sure the 3G is getting discontinued, not the WiFi.

        • +2

          3g isn't worth it anyways.. Added expense to have another sim card with data plan. Might as well turn on Wifi Hotspot on the 3g/4g phone and sync through that. Would really want to see a Vita below the $200 mark without any memory card, games etc.

  • Aussie RRP is $279 if I read right. Which sucks because JB recently did WiFi's at $199 anyway.

    • Yes, but you must remember that when they did $199 the RRP was $349, we won't see a lot cheaper than $199 but chances are you may see a bundle around the $200 mark. I still love my Soul Sacrifice Edition console cost me a little over $300.

      • Damn. Where did you buy that from? That looks awesome. I have a stock black one and a white one from Amazon black friday deal a while ago.

        Want to swap? Lol

        • Imported it from Japan. I have a stock black one as well, but was taken with the SS edition. You can still grab them (cost a bit more though) from

        • A bit more? It's $500+ lol. My Amazon PS4 preorder is less than that :)

        • Oh wow, it was the Asian version that was a bit more, cost around $370 I think. I know a guy who is selling this model though, he bought a few to lighten the cost of his own.

  • they did ps vita with 3g model for 200 during click frenzy

  • -3

    Not a good price, 3g is pointless and killzone is a watered down console port. Wait for the wifi vita to go $199 or lower which is guaranteed to happen before xmas.

    • You obviously haven't played Killzone, I'm playing the beta, it is not a watered down version at all. It is scaled to suit the screen size and format with 4 vs 4 multiplayer but it is a very good game.

      • i can confirm it is not a port

  • They need to shrink this thing down to the size of a PSP. It's just too big. It's bigger than a Galaxy Note 2. They need to shrink the screen down to 4.3". It's too big to carry around unless you're a girl with a handbag.

    I really wanted the Amazon black friday white vita + Assassin's Creed bundle, which was about $185 delivered. I missed out on that because I was asleep (it was a one hour sale) and since then haven't found a deal that matched it. Even after the price cut. And I will not bite until it does.

    • i think you are in the minority on that one. I wouldnt want the screen any smaller. I just chuck my vita in a case which goes into my backpack. Would you carry a 3DS/3DS XL in your front pockets too?

      • No way would I want it smaller. Size is perfect, how can you say that you couldn't carry it around without a handbag if you haven't actually had one? Seeing one attached to a podium in DSE and using one everyday is very different.
        Either way its your loss, buy it, don't, its no big deal.

        • how can you say that you couldn't carry it around without a handbag if you haven't actually had one?

          Had what? A handbag or a Vita? I'm not a girl, so I don't carry a hand bag. The Vita doesn't fit in my pockets, so I'd have to hold it in my hand. No deal.

          Either way its your loss, buy it, don't, its no big deal.

          One person passing is no big deal. But I wonder how many people like me there are out there. The Vita is selling abysmally after all. I wouldn't turn away a potential customer when you've touted this thing as having a 10 year life cycle, and you're barely a year into its life and it's on life support already. What are Sony going to do or say about the Vita for the next 9 years?

        • To be honest this is the first time I've heard this one. The Vita is a good size for me, I have pretty big hands so it fits OK, I don't need to carry it around in my pocket (though it does fit fine in my jeans, maybe you wear small jeans?) and I work Mon-Fri so I don't want/need to carry it around. My Vita gets mostly used at home, laid out on the bed or in PC chair whilst kids are hogging the big screens.

          As for best selling phone being an iPhone you're deluded, its the SGS4. By a significant margin Also I'm not sure why you would cite the iPhone as an example and not the iPad? Apple created the tablet craze for it's customers who didn't want tiny ass screens.
          I think you seem to be more in the market for a handbag at the moment anyway.

        • As for best selling phone being an iPhone you're deluded, its the SGS4. By a significant margin

          I'm not talking about iPhone 5 vs SGS4. I'm talking about the entire line of iPhone, starting from iPhone 1, including 3G, 3GS, 4, 4S, 5. The entire line of iPhones versus the entire line of Galaxy S1-4, the iPhone brand is the biggest selling line out there. Yes, when you add up all of the Androids and combine them, they surpass iPhone, but that's not one line of phone.

          That Apple refused to make it bigger yet it still sells millions a year tells me there are people out there who want smaller handhelds.

          Also I'm not sure why you would cite the iPhone as an example and not the iPad? Apple created the tablet craze for it's customers who didn't want tiny ass screens.

          Because iPhone was intended to be put in your pocket. iPad was clearly not. I'm not sure if Vita is, but I think iPhone is a closer comparison than iPad. Also, I don't want to carry an iPad around with me either.

          I think you seem to be more in the market for a handbag at the moment anyway.

          Not sure what you mean by this, but I'll clarify. I don't want a handbag, or anything that I'd have to store in it.

          Sony isn't going to cry a river if I don't buy a Vita. But making a "lite" or "slim" handheld is pretty normal after the original. PSP Lite, DS Lite, PSP Go, GBA Micro, and so forth. If they don't do everything they can to expand the market as much as possible, this handheld is dead. And when that happens no one will make games for it anymore, which means owners will have nothing to play.

          I would buy a Lite. If one is not available, I'll stick to phone games, which is probably the biggest competitor to handheld gaming right now.

          My Vita gets mostly used at home, laid out on the bed or in PC chair whilst kids are hogging the big screens.

          When I'm at home, I prefer to play on the big screen.

      • Would you carry a 3DS/3DS XL in your front pockets too?

        I wouldn't carry a 3DS XL on me either. The 3DS should fit in trouser pockets.

        i think you are in the minority on that one. I wouldnt want the screen any smaller.

        You could be right, but I'm not the only one who thinks big screens are not always better. Apple has been reluctant to increase the size of their iPhones for example. They only sell the top selling model of phone after all… In any case, there is definitely a market for smaller, pocket friendly devices.

        I just chuck my vita in a case which goes into my backpack.

        That works if you carry a backpack or handbag, but I don't. It's not my style.

        • the 3ds does fit in your trousers. you'll just look weird

        • I have a feeling he'll look weird with his handbag at any rate.

        • We are replying to the wrong target market audience guys. Lostn just needs to get back to his Angry Birds on a 4 inch phone screen. Leave him be.

        • I actually don't own an iPhone, but if we're going to compare games like Angry Birds against Vita games, one sold heaps, the other has flopped. Same goes for the devices carrying the games.

        • Sorry, there's too much fecal matter in your posts to continue responding.

        • -1

          Seems someone can't handle a different opinion. I prefer smaller handhelds that fit easily in the pocket, therefore I'm wrong.

          Enjoy your Vita. At least it's outselling the Wii U. I don't expect too much developer support for it much longer. This thing has been DOA since it launched.

  • .

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