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Cycling Bicycle Tire Wheel 16 Led Flash Lights, USD $6.59, Metal Clip Key Ring $0.00 Delievered

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Auto-sensing switch control, and dynamic light perception of double light switch only at night, indoor, low light and the car will move off the dual case.

7-color light from the 16 double-sided LED, mounted on the bicycle on the wire, installation is simple, there are 32 kinds of changes in patterns.

For 20-inch and 20 inch and above all the bikes, including disc brakes and ordinary V-brake. Please note that bike itself, the length of the wire radius, as long as greater than or equal 14CM like installed. Clamp and housing are PC. PC is a very strong material toughness!

Speed requirement is 25 yards out of the whole map. Up to 15 yards on the very beautiful! 10 yards or less can be used as night riding safety lights, very bright! Stronger than the average tail
Material: PC
Size: 15X3.8X1.5CM

Enter the code "050393" to get a Metal Carabiner Clip Snap Hook Key ring,only USD $0.00 + Free Shipping

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closed Comments

  • I don't think these are legal…

      • -6

        I'm pretty sure that flashing LED lights are illegal on bikes…

        • +1

          Then all those people who use flashing headlights on bikes are illegal? LOL!!!!

          According to here, you can use flashing headlights, therefore your statement is WRONG.

        • +4

          These are INSUFFICIENT alone to ride at night as most states require a front and rear light but they're not ILLEGAL to use in addition to said front and rear lights.

          NSW and QLD, too lazy to dig up the other states but you get the drift. Flashing lights (front and rear) are specifically named as ok by both states.
          Personally, the more lights the merrier. Visibility = survivability

        • Personally, the more lights the merrier. Visibility = survivability

          Very true, that's why I always use the spotties on my 4WD at night, especially when driving toward or around other traffic so they can see me better.

    • +2

      There is nothing specific anywhere about these being illegal for Push Bikes.
      They are however illegal for car wheels though.

      You must still have the minimum requirements for lights + reflectors though, but these can supplement them.

      Any links which say they are illegal?

      • Any links which say they are illegal?

        Most likely there are…

        I just read not that long ago in some other forums that flashing lights on road vehicles are illegal… blue lights, flashing or not are also illegal…

        • I have no idea why you are getting neg votes.

          I live in Brisbane, had two similar to this and was stopped by a cop and told to remove them as a distraction for drivers and indeed illegal.
          the only thing that saved me a fine was either that i was on a footpath (riding on them is allowed in QLD) or that the cop was just in a good mood.

          red and white - red rear and white forward are all you are allowed on roads for all vehicles apparently
          (im not going to go digging through qld police websites to verify this for you but I have at least authoritative anecdotal evidence)

        • Most certainly distracting and most cops will stop you and ask you to turn them off I am sure.

        • Yeah that's because unmarked Police cars use windshield-mounted, blue-flashing lights… along with other emergency services.

          I don't think a pink bicycle with rainbow-coloured LEDs is getting mistaken for an unmarked Police car unless it's Carson from Queer Eye and the Fashion Police.

      • +3

        Quick google found this: http://www.bicycles.net.au/forums/viewtopic.php?f=12&t=44435
        "Blue lights are not allowed on any vehicles except emergency vehicles (for example police, fire and rescue, and ambulance). Red lights and reflectors must face to the rear. White lights and reflectors must face forward. Yellow lights are not permitted except for clearance lights on goods vehicles and buses, and indicators and fog lights on all vehicles. With the exception of indicators, flashing lights are not permitted on any vehicle, except special vehicles for use in hazardous situations (for example tow trucks) and emergency vehicles (for example police)."

        Most states are pretty strict on lights, early 2000 we had the blue LED headlight fad, so many cars where defected for trying to be cool.

        • yep. I know this first hand . cops will stop you

        • -1

          a bike is not a vehicle as it doesn't have a engine.

        • wrong. you can be booked for operating a vehicle on a footpath, i.e a bicycle.

  • Regardless of the legalities, This is for bicycles only , (no restrictions)
    I purchased a few of the Single ones a while back from (i think) Meritline.com for $0.99c each for gifts for the family kids…
    These are so much nicer then the boring single ones i got before
    More gifts on the Horizon i think

    • -4

      This is for bicycles only , (no restrictions)

      There are plenty of restrictions on bicycles when using public roads…

      • (citation needed)

      • No more than there is restrictions on pedestration illumination. This is definitely legal, it does not meet the minimum req for nighttime riding alone. But as has been said the greater visibility the better when cycling.

  • +1

    im so admiring for your diligence despite your downvotes

  • +1

    I am a bicycle fan,have several bikes,actually,I'm really enjoy putting these lights on my bike and riding alone at night,it can not be more cool

    • +1

      Cooler than Brad Pitt cool? Cooler than Samuel Jackson cool?

  • +4

    meanwhile…..free carabiner!

  • +1

    Came to AU$7.21 for me. Bought - hopefully they will come in handy for light painting photography.

  • I'm beginning to suspect JV is at least as old as his avatar.

  • Have any of you even had a laugh at the nonsense in the OP? Lol.


      There's your answer.

      • Lol, so just because of that it's ok?

        • Not sure how long you've frequented OB, but there are two things these dirt-cheap Chinese wholesalers do not do:

          • Good customer service.

          • Proper English.

          If they did, I'd dare say we might not be able to get stuff from them so for cheap. Really, I don't see the need to complain for a few dollars and free shipping.

          If this were MSY telling someone they can't return their faulty, several hundred dollar graphics card because "Sowweee, no refund, you talk to manufacturer, see sign, kthnxbai!" then that'd be a different story entirely.

  • Thank you banggood, for another bargain!
    This will be so much awesome, I will look like a raver-commuter.
    I want to bang good all the time now!

  • got my free carabiner today \o/

  • i got the light… there's no off button, wtf! it goes off during the day when I don't want it to.

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