Just got an email from SCA
20% off storewide this Saturday only.
Cue cheap oil comments :)
Supercheap Auto 20% off Storewide: Saturday 20 July

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Repco still have 20% off for RACV members.
I will go one better. :)
This weekend Repco have 30% off for NRMA members !
I wonder if they put sales on popular products which will make it invalid
Damn, why not for RACV? :o
It does include RACV, it is ALL automotive clubs in all states. I am in Melbourne and have just been into my local store. It does not look like there are any catches at all. They have a catalogue sale on, but prices in that are generally more than 30% off anyway. No catches. Two days. Great deals. I am going back.
Repco doesn't stock Armor All. Does anyone know how their Eclipse car care products compare?
are you sure? i have seen armor all in repco many times.
I could be mistaken, I only looked on their website. Thanks t25, I will check it out in-store.
Repco have a very crappy website unlike supercheapauto. Most of the time you have to call in or visit to see what they have on offer.
Just been into my local store and they have a large range of Armor All products. I asked them and they said the range should be the similar everywhere. I do buy Eclipse, because it is as good quality at a better price. either way, they have heaps of choice. Plus this weekend I got 30% off with my RACV card. Pretty happy right now. Going back soon.
Thanks OP. I was going to buy IFixIt windscreen repair this evening.
Thanks op. went last time was great
30% OFF is valid for RACQ members as well at Repco.
Anyone know whether RAC in WA are offering the same? I can't find anything on the website…
It is definitely ALL clubs in all states including WA. Have just checked. If you click on the 20% off link on their web site under Show YOur card and save, it takes you to the page that says all clubs all states. Definitely 30% off in WA. I am in Melbourne and on my way back.
For the REPCO discussion:
*30% off available to all members of RACV, NRMA, RACQ, RAA, RAC, AANT and RACT. Applies to full retail price and cannot be used in conjunction with any other offer or discount. Discount does not apply to purchases of car navigation devices, engines, gift cards, any trade purchases and Trade Workshop Equipment. Offer valid 20-21 July 2013. Store stock only.
Obviously too happy to turn off your caps lock?
No. I was so excited that I turned it on to express my happiness :)
First World Happiness.
:) grateful for what I have
i've been eyeing the Septone Wax & Grease Remover for weeks :p
i got 2 cars and a truck to service this weekend , 20 % off will be 80 odd dollar saving :)
30% off at Repco this weekend with SYC&S. RACV, NRMA etc. Go there!
Just serviced all my 3 cars at home…
but will stock up for next time anyway.are roof racks included?
hmmm, no catalogue, i want wheel ramps daymnit!!
a true ozbargainer would make their own out of wood.
should read ozbargain first before going to buy stuff from supercheap, i bought something last night :(
wish there web site worked for me
REPCO is 30 (yes THIRTY) percent off for Saturday and Sunday. This is store wide and unlike in the past includes almost everything including BATTERIES!!! This is for two days - SAt and Sun and you need to have a Show Your Card and Save - RACV, NRMA, RACQ etc. Looks like Repco is one up on Supercheap every time these days. Know where I will be going (and probably more than once).
I am looking for some custom seat covers for my car which I know Supercheap Auto can get in for me. Will they be 20% off today too? Need to know quick they close near me in a couple of hours!
Went to look turns out they weren't 20% off. They could have listed it in the exclusions :(
Ah that makes sense now then. Couldn't see that on the Supercheap site. Nonetheless I found some god stuff :)
Nonetheless I found some god stuff :)
which store did you go to? i want THAT too lol
spent more than i was intending…good thing i had a $50 gift card to help out
i hope you guy's remembered to use ING paywave for the extra 5%.
Thanks Op! I got a socket set !
Thanks OP, went to grab some oils filters and oil, came out with a decent toolbox too!!
Which toolbox did you get?
Some SCA branded one on wheels.
http://www.supercheapauto.com.au/online-store/products/SCA-T…Need something big to whack my tools in and this one seems to be a pretty good price and good enough quality for home usage!
Oh and needed something lockable mainly just to stop my freaking retarded roommates using and damaging my tools :S
Bought cheap oils @Auto Barn(or Auto Pro in WA)