• expired

PS Vita WIFI $99 + FREESHIP for Sony Member - SONY Store Online (MySony Log in Required)

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UPDATE- July 16th

Appears all back orders are being canceled; check your email if you had an order

Daily Oz bargain hunting but never post a deal before ;)However, at $99 , Sony store strike again along with those earphone deal last week :)

FREE register for sony member to receive free shipping . Otherwise enjoy the deal

PS : idk why credit check out bug with me but BPay is fine
Edit 1:
Sorry for not make it clear , you must SIGN IN MySony to get the deal active . REGISTER is FREE , use any product code and day of purchase , 20 years ago ? they not check …. Harvery norman maybe ;)GOOD LUCK $99 worth going through this ….
Edit 2:
Here is what it look like

Thanks to infekted

Edit 3:
Please log in to https://www.sony.com.au/login to get the deal active , it not hard to register if you really want to get this at $99

Edit 4 :

Right …. at the time i try to get someone believe me its $99 …. Website down for maintenance sorry :(

Edit 5:

I mark this unexpire cause after Sony website take a breath , seems they allow you to order through back oder !? Please keep in mind that this is a bargain or not still to be decided by Sony . Also if you don't get it this time , no point to be sad , i'm sure it will come around ;) again this is my 1st post so if anything wrong , feel free remind me to edit ( still learning it …) cheers
Edit 6:
Seems Sony now realized how oz-bargainers strike back at those deal , back order is over , sorry if you miss out, cheers :)

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closed Comments

        • ah yes, that just happened to me too

  • Just put in my order and paid via bpay. Fingers crossed

    • Did you get a confirmation email?

      • +1

        Yep, my order timed out but email came through with bpay details and its showing in my orders section.

  • +2

    OMG…finally!!!! So much for an early night :-( That's an hour and a quarter of my life i'll never get back! You better honour it Sony…"shaking fist".

  • Guys,
    It worked for me.I have just bought one ..back order but very very good price so could not resist myself!!!

  • -2

    Time to UNexpire the deal?

    • +1

      i think it work for ozbargainers who be able to put one in cart before they maintain ? otherwise if you try now , i don't think it will work for someone who just realize the deal . If i wrong ? unexpire would be a very good news for everyone :)

      • +1

        In my haste I forgot to say thanks for posting this awesome deal…so thanks

        • +1

          glad my 1st effort help ;) hope Sony not mad when they found out who leak the deal :p but to share is why we here anyhow ;) gratz for getting one btw

        • +1

          In my haste I forgot to say thanks for posting this awesome deal…so thanks

          You forgot to + as well

        • Yeah, i could've sworn i upvoted after i got email confirmation of my order.
          Sorted now

  • I've been trying for over a hour and a half with no luck - server times out right at the last screen, if you get that far. Expired I say.

    • If you've already entered your payment details (assuming this is your last screen), the next screen should be confirmation screen.

      I didn't get that because it timed out.

      However, usually they still processed it anyway so I checked the My Order link within MySony account.

      It's there and 5 minutes later, email came in…

      • I have entered payment detail, but still stuck on "We are processing your request". More than 10 minutes has passed, no email, no confirmation on My Sony page, still stuck on the above.
        Should I try to put my order in again?

  • As I said there's no way that Sony would deliberately be selling this Sony PS Vita WIFI at $99 if they were making a big loss on every sale even if it's selling to staff members. Sony isn't in the business of making big losses. Therefore unless Sony is totally stupid they're still making a profit even slight profit on this $99 price. As I said it goes to show how large inflated markup they have on their RRP.

    • -1

      They still earn money for $99…. so I can't see why they were making a big loss on every sale.

      And it's not those retail store that may loose money for selling lower than cost price bought from Sony

      • -1

        Exactly. Sony must be manufacturing these PS Vita consoles for bugger all in some chinese sweat shop if they can let it go for $99 on their own online store. It just proves that Sony hugely inflates the RRP.

        • +4

          The components aren't cheap. Plus Sony have to recoup all the R&D costs associated with the Vita before it can be considered profitable.

          Anyway although I already own one I managed to put an order in, although the site tried its best to stop me…

        • +1

          Cost of the components alone puts the PS Vita 3g at around $159 US

          Minus around $15 for the 3g components and the PS Vita Wifi is easily still over $100.

        • I agree, but that price/parts list was 18months ago. Once they get the production & supply perfected the cost of parts & manufacturing drops. The price of parts might even be below $99 now?

          The PS Vita is an amazing piece of hardware, I paid $300 for mine and don't regret it.

          TBH, I don't know how Sony manage to make a profit on things like Playstation Plus, or why developers would create content for the console when their content may be given away for free. I assume some sort of reimbursement, but that would mean Sony make f-all profit on the subscription?


          PS Vita is an amazing piece of hardware

          Except the camera which is absolute crap

        • -1

          Yeah the more they manufacture in mass the cheaper it is for the company to manufacture them. The company can get a far greater discount on parts when ordered in mass bulk. Supply and demand. That's why Blu-ray players started out costing a few hundred dollars and a few years later they're $80 brand new for the same thing.

          So basically i'm not being a tool as I know what i'm talking about. Sony spits these things out of their factory in mass bulk so the manufacturing costs wouldn't be that high. Demand for these PS Vita handheld consoles have picked up a lot so they manufacture more of them bringing manufacturing costs down.

          That's why Sony can afford to be giving away these at $99 unlike those who say Sony would be making a loss yeah right as if. Just like Blu-ray player manufacturers can afford to be giving away their Blu-ray players at $80-100. And it's why Sony was selling the PS3 at launch for $1000 and a few years later when demand greatly picked up they were selling the PS3 for $250. It doesn't cost them so much to manufacture any more when manufacturing has greatly picked up.

    • +2

      Either way you've gotta buys games for the console, or get a sub…they're not stupid. Good marketing I'd say

    • You really can't see any scenario where a retailer would ever sell things at a loss? Truly?

    • It's not a simple as just adding up the price of each screw to get the "cost price". They probably subsidise the console sale price and have a fatter margin on the games. Do u really think the "cost price" of a game is $59?. It's probably a couple of dollars. But it makes more buisiness sence than to have a $800 console and $2 games. Another example is printers and ink.

      • +1

        Let's not forget the cost of proprietary memory cards for the Vita. Over $100 for a 32gb? Funny 32gb Micro SD cards cost as little as $29.

        • That's where the real money is made. The console is sold cheap to get it into your door. After that, everything you purchase makes them money. It would make no sense to charge 300% markups on the base unit which will make people not buy it, and then shut you out of all after sales.

  • The Website is So Slowwwwwwwwwwww……

  • Im at the "two options stage - are you sure" c'mon please go through!!!

    • Ok, got to the enter credit card details and then timed out but they have taken the payment out so fingers crossed.

  • Says currently out of stock.

  • i got a confirmation email :S fingers crossed

  • Error: There was an error creating the Order. Please check / correct all data and try again
    Over and over and over again! AAAH

  • It isn't letting me add it to the cart D:

    • +1

      Try a diff browser. Chrome wouldn't let me. Safari would.

      • Yeah, I am using chrome, thanks trying firefox now.

    • same here

      • Firefox gives me maintenance error, gotta try internet explorer now…

  • I gave up. And an order confirmation came through…

  • Still seems to be working, I got to the 'confirm order' page (the one before payment) before I decided against it. I already have a Vita, must not buy just because it's a damn good deal ;)

  • Oh my gosh, most frustrating 2 hours of my life. Just got the confirmation email. Hopefully the honour the deal.

  • Sold out :(

  • Did you guys get to some confirmation page after the processing screen? All I got was a blank white page and I'm not sure if I should wait for the email or give it another shot.

    • I go the blank screen as well.

      I kept trying and refreshed that page.

      When i tried to add another one cause i though the first one didnt work, I got a error stating a duplicate of order

      I only wanted one to share the love for the rest of the OzB community

      Confirmation email came about 10 mins after lucky i checked otherwise i would have ordered 2

      • No confirmation e-mail for me after 20 minutes, guess I'll keep on trying. Cheers

  • Bpayed that shit after a lot of error pages

  • Wake up at 3am. The ear buds deal worked for me during the early morning.

  • Not sure how a Sony website sells out of their flagship Handheld console.

    I guess some ozbargainers got carried away with the order quantity.

    Anyway think my order went through so might get one, Thanks OP for sharing.

  • +1

    Got a confirmation as well … order took ages to go through was frustrating to say the least

    Payment still in processing and its on backorder status

    Can't wait for the guy who has to do the checking on this tomorrow morning

    Whether they honor this or not, gotta be in it … who knows.
    Or it could be just another fiasco like Hardly Normals

  • my order history is gone. no order record found. do they deleted it? or their system stuffed?

    EDIT: nevermind, found it

  • How did you guys even login? I've been trying to for ages.

    • +1

      Stick with it and be patient tbh

      Took me ages .. when considering im sure there is enough faceless OzB members trying as well.

  • +1

    it took me more than an hour of refreshing and 100 times of clicking to get it done!!!!
    Hopefully they will not cancel our back-orders.

    • +1

      I'd love to see a PR move on behalf on them to honor it tbh … I mean they would more than make it up in software and accessories sales

      But … in the end … who know, they could pull a Harvey Norman … Im sure most people remember that event!

      • +1

        Hope they atleast give ps store vouchers out hopefully if worst case.

  • Got through as well. BPAY and payed immediately. See how we go!

  • I have it in my shopping cart but cannot continue past that page…

  • Haha I got to the final purchasing page but the drop-down box for the states won't load. :P

  • We're sorry, but at least one of the items you chose is unavailable. This means that delivery of your entire order will be delayed until it is back in stock; and we are currently unable to estimate a dispatch date.
    Please note that all items are delivered at the same time, so the latest product availability will determine the date of dispatch.

    You now have two options:

    Proceed with your order, asking us to automatically remove any out-of-stock items.

    Proceed with your order as is or you can use the tick box(es) below if you want to remove some items.

    • Yep, got the same page.

    • So you went option 2 I hope? They'll despatch when they get the next shipment.
      That's how I got my order through with CC payment

  • Is it still working folks (on back order)?
    I'll have to sign up for MySony but no point if its already game over.
    Cheers to those who grabbed one. Hope you get them.

  • Still working. Just placed an order 3 mins ago with Credit card. Have to keep refreshing the last page F5 F5 F5.

    (If you are using credit card on the last page just keep posting until it errors out (and not timed out). It seems you can't submit duplicate orders)

    This is good stuff!!

    • How do you get past the cart checkout… When I press proceed to purchase point it just refreshes the page?

  • -5

    I ordered a few, but not sure. It's weird how it keeps fluctuating from out of stock to in stock. There must be a massive backorder. I hope I get mine within my lifetime.

  • +2

    over 3000 clicks…good luck getting one!!! haha

  • I'm not sure did my order go through or not, I chose Post Office Payment and generate an invoice asking me to pay, but no confirmation or anything order history in my account, if I should wait for the email or give it another shot?

    • Check your order history soon, mine took a while to update

    • Yea… Just Received after I made another duplicate order, it took a long while to process seems the server handling too much orders now.

      Will pay by ING @ Post tmr down to $94.05 :)

  • +3

    A lot of click throughs for only 50 odd plus votes…where's the love?

    • +2

      Cause everyone are busy to buying it, it takes me over an hour to finish

      • +2

        Yeah, took me an hour and a quarter. Very frustrating

      • +2

        Nah more lurkers than people wanting to actually take 2 secs to thank the OP for posting something like this up

        Plus greedy people as well, why like something if its just going to draw more attention to people wanting to order one

    • +1

      Sad but true story of today's Ozbargain


      • -1

        To me it looks like only 50 odd people nabbed one.not hard to express gratitude

      • Well in this case, 90% of us are on backorder so we are unsure if Sony will honour this deal.

    • +1

      i know right ;) although even me couldn't believe in my eyes at first for $99 . Well staff clearance they said

      • +1

        You da man tondyd3. Bargain of the month I reckon

        • +1

          If the deal is honoured ;-P

          We can all start praying

    • Because all the smart ozBargainers are waiting to neg just incase Sony does not honour what could be a potential pricing error.

  • Finally worked, hope Sony honors this deal, cheers guys and good luck!

  • +1

    The only Sony product in my whole house is my PS3, which didn't work. Not a product code in sight.

    • +2

      I tried PMing one to you, but OzB says you don't accept messages

      • +1

        Oh, thanks for trying, puffinfresh. I had no idea I had pms off. So, double thanks. :)

  • Thought order wasn't working after payment, eventually it went through. Now we play the waiting game.

    • +1

      Is that game available on PS Vita?

  • I think my purchase went through… does your order history update automatically or does it and the confirmation email take time?

    • Took a short while, maybe 10 mins for me?

      • Thanks. I doubt Sony would honour all of our deals, but thanks OP for posting an awesome deal.

        I hope at least those that ordered the Vita while it was in-stock get their purchases honoured!

  • i'm considering to buy …just thinking there is no hurry to bpay right as it takes a day to go through anyway
    if this ends up being a mistake easier if i bpay later

    or pay @ post with ing 5% paywave lol

  • After one hour of trying, mine came through (credit card has deducted $99)

    Few questions.

    1. Would Sony honour the deal for those who got it after it says 'out of stock' but can backorder?
    2. How long does it take for Sony to delivery the back order (any past experience?)
  • will only buy memory card and games once I got the ps vita.. lol

    thanks op.

  • -1

    site is back online, however no more $99

    • +1

      still there.

    • +1

      Need to log in first before you see the price

    • +1

      Still showing "Special Staff Clearance Offer $99" thats what im getting after logging into sony account.

    • Still showing as $99 for me.

  • Same as many here, I am unsure whether or not my oder went through. My bank account seems to have been debited, but no confirmation message yet. Thanks for the deal OP though ;) Worth the shot. *Edit: order appears on SOny's website now! At least it should be easy getting money back if there is a problem

    • I made two orders by accident, one got a confirmation and one doesn't…. I think we need to call our banks to cancel the order. There should be a confirmation I think lol. There's no tracking so.

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