UPDATE- July 16th
Appears all back orders are being canceled; check your email if you had an order
Daily Oz bargain hunting but never post a deal before ;)However, at $99 , Sony store strike again along with those earphone deal last week :)
FREE register for sony member to receive free shipping . Otherwise enjoy the deal
PS : idk why credit check out bug with me but BPay is fine
Edit 1:
Sorry for not make it clear , you must SIGN IN MySony to get the deal active . REGISTER is FREE , use any product code and day of purchase , 20 years ago ? they not check …. Harvery norman maybe ;)GOOD LUCK $99 worth going through this ….
Edit 2:
Here is what it look like
Thanks to infekted
Edit 3:
Please log in to https://www.sony.com.au/login to get the deal active , it not hard to register if you really want to get this at $99
Edit 4 :
Right …. at the time i try to get someone believe me its $99 …. Website down for maintenance sorry :(
Edit 5:
I mark this unexpire cause after Sony website take a breath , seems they allow you to order through back oder !? Please keep in mind that this is a bargain or not still to be decided by Sony . Also if you don't get it this time , no point to be sad , i'm sure it will come around ;) again this is my 1st post so if anything wrong , feel free remind me to edit ( still learning it …) cheers
Edit 6:
Seems Sony now realized how oz-bargainers strike back at those deal , back order is over , sorry if you miss out, cheers :)
still 349.95 for me…