This was posted 11 years 8 months 29 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

TELSTRA PINNACLE BUNDLE - 500GB Broadband, Home Phone, 500MB Mobile Internet ++ = $145 a Month


Exec Summary: If you are on a 500gb Telstra home phone/broadband bundle that is more than 2 months old, checkout the new bundles because chances are you can save money and get more stuff for free…

If you are with Dodo/TPG or another unlimited ADSL 2+ ISP, are happy with your internet speeds, and use VOIP for your calls, pass on this deal…

Deal will be of most interest to those in Telstra cable Internet serviced areas….

Short story - Telstra have updated their home phone/broadband bundles. At least at the top end the price has dropped slightly ($5 per month), and there are several new inclusions which are attractive such as:

  • A free micro-SIM for an IPAD with 500mb of downloads per month free (watch the excess charges above 500mb)
  • $50 of call credit for up to 4 post-paid mobiles (I think there are conditions about they must be on the one bill)

Long story - I signed up to the 500gb Pinnacle broadband/home phone bundle in December 2012. I declined T-box and was paying $150 per month for 500gb of downloads + home phone line rental + unlimited local/STD calls (annoyingly excluding 13xxxx calls which you still pay for)….

Browsing the web today looking at mobile plans when I noticed the bundle prices and inclusions have changed - the names of the bundles haven't changed, but the newer bundles are better and cheaper, at least at the top end of town….

So the new Pinnacle bundle without T-box is $145 per month (save $5 per month compared to earlier bundle). It includes everything the old Pinnacle bundle did (home phone line rental, local/STD calls excluding 13xxxx numbers + 500gb of broadband downloads).

In addition you now get a free Micro-SIM to use in your IPAD - and that comes with 500mb of data downloads free per month (but they will sting you HARD for any usage over 500mb). You also get $50 of bonus call credit on up to 4 of your family's post-paid mobile phones with Telstra.

I am sure the haters are gonna hate and complain $145 per month is way too much. It probably is, but I do know you are getting access to the best non-NBN broadband in Australia… I for one was already a happy customer and even happier now….

Existing bundle customers can switch bundles over the phone (takes about 10 minutes). If you are already on an existing bundle I believe you don't need to re-contract.

New customers also get free installation I believe but must sign up to a 24 month contract.

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closed Comments

  • +10

    $145 a Month

    I'm missing something… How is this a bargain ??? Does it include Foxtel ?

  • +1

    Seems a bit pricey to be honest. I have been with Telstra for years and have a bundle which is essentially what they are offering in the 'L Bundle' but I'm paying half the price

    • +2

      I am not sure about the smaller bundles, but the XL bundle is definitely improved on what it was…

      Sounds like better sticking with your existing bundle if not using 500gb per month…

      XL is the only way you can get 500gb data allowance with Telstra AFAIK…

      • Ummm… BigPond Ultimate® 500GB Liberty®- from $99.95

        • You are right - I mean in a bundle…

          Also if you want 500gb of cable without a home phone that is gonna set you back $129.95 per month….

  • +7

    IMO, bundling 500MB on a plan called "XL" should be illegal.

    Oh well, not bad if you like home phones/t-box.

    • Yeah 500mb isn't brilliant, but hey if you were already on the previous 500gb deal they pay you $5 per month to take it….

      Excess data charges are huge so you'd want to make sure you didn't blow the 500mb or you'd be feeling some real pain in the wallet…

  • +1

    I have the $79.95 iPrimus deal (posted a few days ago) - I rang up for the parentals - but they are not in a Primus area - so they gave them the "Off-Net" deal, which was as per this page:…

    the $129.95 deal - with local national and Unlimited data - but they also can in the call centre - add unlimited mobiles for $20 more per month.

    So 149.95 / unlimited local/national/mobiles/data - in all Telstra rebill areas.

    Rather better!

    • Iprimus internet better than Telstra??

      Also $89 setup fee and $129 ADSL2+ wifi modem fee on top - over 24 months that's about another $9 per month…

      Having said all that, as long as you are happy with that Internet your solution seems a good one…

      I assume IPrimus mobile is on the Optus or Voda network?
      Yep its Optus - better than Voda but not as good as Telstra….

    • It's a 3.3% discount. Bargain!

      • If you mean 5/150 it is, but you also get the IPAD 500mb downloads per month + $50 of call credits on Telstra post-paid phones…

        Your 5/150 calculation doesn't take these into account….

        Not everyones cup of tea, but if you already have the 500gb bundle there is no reason why you wouldn't takeup this newer version of the 500gb bundle…

  • -1

    WOW, you could get unlimited internet for $29, Homeline budget $23, which is $52 for unlimited ADSL2 and make as many VOIP calls as you like at just over 1 cent per minute. This is no deal.

    • Not sure unlimited DODO internet at $29 will give you the same download speeds/pings as Telstra Ultimate Cable….

      Having said that, your solution is a good one if you don't mind crap Internet speeds….

      Also you'd be missing out on the (paltry) 500mb of IPAD downloads per month on a mobile network that actually has reception in more areas of Australia than any other…

    • where do you get unlimited internet (unbundled) for $29?

      • I'm unsure about DoDO (I can only see the $39 offer?) however ClubTelco is $25/mth ($29.17 inc $50 annual fee) unlimited if you are metro, no contact either (

        In saying this, I can't get it (as i'm on a RIM), however there's plenty of feedback on OB or WP.

        • I'm using clubtelco, they use dodo service and Haymarket NSW is my closest exchange.
          I always get ~12mbit/s, never changed, not bad if only 1 or 2 people use it.

      • Glad you asked :p

        Though it was $20/month.

      • As per the link below their service was very poor when they first launched it at $39 but they have fixed all the issues and I have been a happy customer ever since. I used pay $79 with TPG but I don't see any difference in service. Check WP for more info.

  • seems great for telstra CABLE, but not really for ADSL2+ thou

    • Yeah probably true - I'm on cable so don't really look at ADSL options…

      Happy with <10ms pings on most BF3 servers, 24x7.

  • +1

    A sad day by a bloated corporate machine to call this the pinnacle.

  • My plan is about to expire.
    I had a door knocker sell this deal to me 2 years ago, however he gave me $20 of each bill and $300 as a welcome back package, plus a free modem.
    At the time it seemed a great deal, In August our plan expires, so it'll be interesting what they offer to keep us.

    • Really - they gave you the micro-SIM and the $50 call credits on post-paid mobiles two years ago?

      • They gave him a sim and a $50 credit. Why is that hard to believe?

        • I am not saying they didn't, just that my understanding is the whole free micro sim thing with 500mb of free monthly downloads is a very new initiative (ie. Telstra have never offered it before the last couple of months via any channel)…

  • No the XL package, it seems to have changed a bit, they did give us a $10 discount on a mobile service though.

  • I'm a current Telstra customer. Telstra sent me a letter last week telling me that my cable Elite bundle is going to be discontinued in August, 2013. I'm confused … these new bundles seem to be more expensive … or am I missing something?

    • If your Elite bundle has less than 500gb of data allowance then it may well be the new bundles are more expensive than your old one…

  • Very nice try Telstra. For the monthly I save by YesHFC [145.00 - 87.00 pm] I could buy half a dozen iPad cards from JB (67%) & DL 18 gbytes from your nextG - a fair bit more sensibly balanced than this 500 gb to '0.5 gb' of "3/4G". :-|

    • Are you in ACT?

      I suspect most TransACT customers wouldn't be interested in Telstra broadband….

  • What's the most amount of gigabytes you've used in one month? 500 boggles my mind.

    • 800 odd - after I used the first 500 in 3 days….

  • "800 odd - after I used the first 500 in 3 days"

    How? Is that online gaming? I download every tv show and movie worth watching, and lots that aren't, and I can't get over 100.

    • Downloads….

      High def content is normally around 5 gb per hour….

      I game a fair bit but it doesn't use a lot of data (and much of it is not metered so it doesn't count against your 500 if using servers located on the Bigpond network).

      I normally enjoy about 30gb of unmetered data per month and my average metered usage would be around 450gb…

    • +1

      make sure you get 1080p content

  • I used to get 500gb and home phone for $100, i didnt get the sim or data, but i dont think its worth the extra $45 Prices seem to have gone up since i was with them 2 years ago

  • Pfftttt….

    Logitel unlimited ADSL2+ (in Telstra Wholesale area) $49.90/month
    Telstra Homeline budget $22.95/month

    Outgoing calls made on mobile (capped plan)

    edit: to be fair, Logitel have recently had a slight price increase, but I'm still on the "old" plan. :)

    • It would appear if you are enjoying unlimited ADSL 2+ and are happy with the reliability/speed of it, this probably isn't for you.

      I haven't used ADSL 2+ for years, but it sucked the big one when I did (slow at peak times, unreliable).

      This deal is the most attractive to existing cable internet users who also use their home phones…

  • i got the exact same bundle for $135 a month via TSA. plus they gave me $50 welcome credit too. so this is no deal.

    • What is TSA?

      If it is these guys,, you can't get that deal unless you are particularly identified as someone Telstra wants to bring back and they call you….

      Therefore u are neg voting on the basis of a deal not available to the general public….

      Anybody who doesn't already have Telstra home phone and Internet should push the Telstra sales people for some form of welcome credit when going to Telstra….

      • +2

        nope just call their number and ask for the best bundle deal they can offer then boom. just like magic. that is what i did. i called them ask for the best offer and got the above offer.

        sorry to say bro you got rip off.

        here is the number if you wanna get better deal for this exact same bundle : 1800 634 055

        • Michael thanks for the heads up on this. An extra saving on what I reckon is already a good bundle is handy….

          I am already a Telstra customer so no welcome credits, but a monthly discount is achievable…

        • +1

          +1 to calling this number, it's advised to do so on Whirlpool as well, I called yesterday and got the same deal for $135 plus 10% off our foxtel. If you don't want the Tbox (it's a 1TB PVR with free foxtel channels for $10 per month good for a spare TV) it was $125 for the deal, they also waved activation fees as well.

  • I churned from Internode to Telstra Business Essentials $80/month for phone, and adsl2 (region 2) with 50gigs (was an extra $10 for 250gigs, change recently it appears). You also get 3 months welcome credit. I've used smaller companies before and got burnt with the international links killing my ping/latency. Even Internode at the end was seeing some strange behaviour.

  • If I went for the deal I wouldn't do it online but wait for a door knocker to come as the best I have got them to give me is $20 off the monthly price + welcome credit + free modem..
    At the moment we have 200gb/mth, free mobile, LAN and national calls, 500mb iPad 4 4G data and sim, all for $105 is awesome!
    Note: We opted out of the extra $10 for TBox with Foxtel Essentials pack

    So for this you probably can get this for $125 with a door knocker

    • Where do you find a door knocker these days? :)

  • normal plan is $130 so your paying $15 for 500mb mobile data, which is more than if you got their prepaid 365 days

    • Can u post a link for this normal plan - i reckon you are wrong?

      It is $119.95 per month for cable internet if you have a Telstra home phone.
      That home phone line rental alone is going to cost you more than $10.05 if you are not in a bundle.
      Plus a basic home phone won't come with any free calls.

      Where are you pulling the "normal plan is $130" from???

  • I find it funny, that the door knockers, selling Telstra will give you a better deal than Telstra themselves.
    The crazy thing is Telstra is paying these guys one way or another.

    I get ADSL2 and even though I give my downloads a good workout, I'm battling to get over 200 gb a month,

    The data sim would mean zilch to me, a true ozbargainer would always tether.

    It seems we all got the same door knocker, as a lot of us are in the same boat, with out plans expiring August.

    I do remember when I signed up, the highest plan was 250gb and 3 weeks later it increased to a 500gb, after numerous phonecalls, trhey upped us to the 500gb for free.

    And newington, you are right, I haven't seen one for nearly 2 years.

  • lot of argy bargy when all expect T to do is release T-byte100m deal finally 150.00dollars that essentially would compress .5tb for the rest of us at $90 tier or so: & likely could've done that one year ago - if T could be even that bothered winning back from industry player 2 (I would be compelled to jump).

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