Norton Mobile Security 3.2 (1 User) $24 at JBHiFi with $30 cashback (-$6). That means they give you $6. On sale till Monday Also with free delivery. WOW.
Cash back details are here
Have Fun.
Norton Mobile Security 3.2 (1 User) $24 at JBHiFi with $30 cashback (-$6). That means they give you $6. On sale till Monday Also with free delivery. WOW.
Cash back details are here
Have Fun.
Cool..I edited the post.
Can we activate on 1 mobile device and uninstall it, reinstall again and activate with another code?
I sense the Brodenses will be coming in full force on JB online tonight
time for them to start their own OZBargain Investments Bank
8-10 weeks with 25% return rate
nice deal better than the previous $0 after cashback
Did anyone take up on this offer last time it was posted? How long did it take to get your cash back?
I took them up on one of their cash back offers last year. I cant remember the time frame and they are using a check in snail mail method unlike the Trend Micro cashback I did this year for my PCs (all emails and a direct deposit), but a check did arrive.
Took just under a month for the cheque. I was surprised at how fast it was. I thought maybe over 6 weeks.
+1 for spelling "cheque" the Australian way.
I think you mean British (or UK). It's all English. Whilst Australian spelling usually follows British spelling, there are rare exceptions
No I (correctly) mean English. There's only one English that's technically correct; American English, for example, is a bastardised version of…English.
Ex-pat here. Don't get me started on the countless Americanisms in terms of words, spelling and pronunciation that Australians have adopted…trust me, there's more than you think.
There's only one English that's technically correct
That will come as a surprise to the experts in that field! No more debate about the correct usage. There IS a technically correct English set for all time.
And in England, English has its variations, so which English Engish are you referring to, and at what time? (Expats tend to hold on & protect the customs of the time they left their homeland. Meantime, their home country evolves as cultures do.)
American English, for example, is a bastardised version of…English.
Not so, it just shows a different etymology - path of development.
To show contempt for a language group that broke away from mother England hundreds of years ago,developed with continued input from people of England and many other lands… well I am glad I am not your offspring, init.
Yes, the language evolves. Yes there are colloquialisms. No people don't always adhere properly to the rules. But I'm afraid there is a standardised version which is correct and then there are offshoots which, according to the original "mother tongue", are incorrect.
That's just a fact. I didn't realise me pointing out that Americans talk incorrectly would offend you guys so.
Bigotry, or the milder inflexibility, tends to offend. Open discussion is an antidote. (But as this is completely "off-topic", it has been collapsed so as not to detract from the deal.)
The "rules" are merely convention. If they were rules, the creative process of language development would have died long ago. [Good God man, we're not French ;-) - who try to control usage.] Unfortunately some forget that conventions or common usage are not rules.
(My very English girlfriend when I stayed in England for a short while, was aghast at my use of the word "pants" when she insisted the correct term was "trousers". "Pants are underpants" she would scream, not accepting there could be any other meaning for the word - it was a rule. She displayed inflexibility to derive meaning from the context surrounding the word. Colonials were so gauche! Really a society obsessed with ensuring others conformed to social norms.
But certainly not the worst in that regard. A group of Germans I was talking with a few weeks back insisted there is an international rule that placing a towel on a pool chair reserved it for the day. They kept saying "It is the RULE! Everyone knows this."
When wearing a flower in my hair in Myanmar (Burma), I instantly became a woman - it was such a strong social convention.)
Language is owned by those who speak it, rather than the few who quote rules of how it should be expressed.
Wow, didn't expect it to go down this far. :P
You really are a revolutionary, machej :-)
And that was the response to spelling cheque the accepted Australian way. I'm OK with any spelling, as long as the message can be understood.
pffft. use avast for mobile its free
What's better than free? Getting paid to use it!!! :)
you'd have to pay me way more than this to load a Norton product on my phone.
could just take the $6 and not using it?
Yep, most people will probably do that.
Ooh.. Is this available on the play store?
The Offer is not valid with Not For Resale, academic or upgrade purchases, site licences, or OEM versions pre-installed on a new device, or for purchases online from the Norton Store or application stores including but not limited to Google Play, Samsung Apps and the App Store. The Offer is not valid in conjunction with any other rebate or bonus offer(s) by redemption.
is jb hifi included in the selected retailers in Australia for this cashback promo?
different product though…
but we know that jb hifi is one of the selected retailers.
click the buy on line or check stock icon and it goes to the link I posted and shows the $24 price. So it is the same product.
Thanks for clearing that up. I was wondering what the difference was. Weird, though!
could be pricing error from $34
wow they pay people to use antivirus … that is a new idea
probably because it has to be a popular product before they can sell it as an enterprise solution suite.
My only question is when i will get the cheque..
Thanks will head to JB's tomorrow
Looks like free shipping too.
Wouldn't even touch Norton even if they're paying me to use it!
The offer page says "Norton Mobile Security 3.2 for Tablets". Does this mean that they would only offer the cashback if the app is installed on a Tablet? Or do Android mobiles also qualify? Don't want to buy this before being exactly sure.
Good point. The terms and conditions all specifically mention "tablet" and nothing about phones.
Holding off too until this is confirmed
can confirm it works with ALL Android devices from Version 2.2 and up, I just activated on my Nexus 4 phone and filed a claim successfully :)
Thanks, for verifying and confirming this.
the first time someone's gonna pay me to use their software :S
JBHifi are really pumping out some decent deals today, I wonder if they are in some sort of $$$ trouble.
It's a public company, you can check for yourself (they're not).
So who's shelling out $240 to buy a stack of these?
Haha, will be ING pay waving for an extra $1.20
Buy 10 for $60 profits + 5% ING cash back ($12), works out $72 profits.
waow….what a day
Heads up…
1 Year of Protection / Multiple Devices
Android or iOS - Tablet or iPhone
So my reading is that this covers a one year subscription and there'll no doubt be a renewal cost at the end. No surprise there, and still a nice deal.
So you could buy 5 packs of this for a 5 yr subscription then?
only if you can activate them separately and combine the license.
That's for pc not for tablet or phone !!! I guess.
Tablet or phone is only supported for Android os but NOT iOS.
Thanks OP
So Norton plus $6 maccas lunch for free? Awesome
Has anyone actually purchased ??? Looks like its for tablet according to claim website !!!
How exactly does it work on iOS. I'm confused
it doesn't
Best to get advice from the informed :-)
From Norton pack…
iOS & Android:
Protects multiple smart phones & tablets
Backs up & recovers your contacts
Locates your missing devices to help you get it back
Other features are Android only:
Remotely erases sensitive info
Remotely snaps photo
Blocks unwanted calls & text from phone
Safeguards you identify & money when shopping etc on device
Detects & removes mobile threats without slowing device
Currently rated as the highest Protection and Usability by Av-Test for Mobile Protection…
Not sure why people are always so against Symantec, I know they haven't had the best track record but they've changed.…
Just ordered 2 online, hopefully they give me cash back.
So many in-store. Bought 10 for $240 (less $12 ING rebate). Now the cashback "fun" & waiting begins. Hope it's worth the hassle for $72 :-)
hey bruce, is it possible to activate all 10 licenses using a single tablet?
please advise us.
I don't see why not, just uninstall/reinstall.
Will activate Monday & report back.
So what's the verdict?
Was too lazy / busy. Expires 31/7 :-)
I did activate 4 licenses under one email address. Stupid thing to do.
Why stupid? You could activate all 10 on 1. Or activate 1, ring Norton & apply all 10 for 10 years protection :-) Will we still have smart phones then?
would have preferred to activate on 4 different email addresses, so that I can pass it on to others and 3 other persons can use it on their devices.
but right now cant be bothered to call norton..
machej mentioned that these serial cant be stacked.
It's possible the person on the phone didn't know. I've stacked PC cd keys for norton security. It's worth a try I guess. :D
yes its possible. 10 licenses on 1 device = 10 years subscription.
Bought 10. :D
Can you let us know if you can activate them all using one device (iPad)?
Sure thing, hopefully they won't sell out by then.
I called Norton and they claimed that you can't stack them but you can use them on any android device. So you can install…uninstall and keep doing it.
Thanks for the info. I don't have any android devices so I can install, uninstall with an iPad??
You can give them a call at these numbers, no wait and they transfer you to where you need to go:
Symantec (Australia) Pty Ltd, Level 14, 207 Kent Street, Sydney NSW 2000, Australia
Tel: +61 2 8220 7000
Fax: +61 2 8220 7001
Symantec (Australia) Pty Ltd, Level 3, 437 St Kilda Rd, Melbourne, VIC, 3004, Australia
Tel: +61 3 8866 8000
Fax: +61 3 8866 8001
Norton will have to pay me a lot more than $6 if they want me to use their software.
Any problems with buying 10 and installing & uninstalling them all on one device?
Better to read the T&C in the link provided. There might be a claim limit of one per customer.
But I +1'd you for your cleverness.
It says 10 claims per customer max.
I guess that's a free $60 to you then. I don't see why it wouldn't work.
I went and purchased today, just the one to see how it would work out :)
It's very easy and pain-free, just purchase, activate then fill in the form, which doens't take more than a couple of minutes. Don't be put off by the "for tablets" thing, it works with all Android devices (phones and tablets) from Android 2.2 and above.
Thanks for letting us know about this OP!
I bought and installed on two mobiles and one tablet…. very good deal… gives me $18 for using it.
Very easy to install and claim cash-back.
I just realised that a single license allows you to install the software for N devices.
why do they allow 10 cashbacks per person?
That's correct. But nice earner.
I chatted with norton support and found that this is not the case.
1 license = 1 device only.
14 minutes later you post it is possible??
PissLUR 8 hours 42 min ago
I chatted with norton support and found that this is not the case.
1 license = 1 device only.
PissLUR 8 hours 29 min ago
yes its possible. 10 licenses on 1 device = 10 years subscription.
Which one?
to clarify what I mentioned before.
a single license is only used to protect a device, not N devices as I thought earlier.
you can stack the licenses to protect a device and extend the subscription. In order to do this, you have got to contact Norton's agent.
So, 10 licenses on 1 device = 10 years subscription.
have you had your 10 licenses combined for the mobile device?
i have done it before with norton (pc version) not sure if they would allow this with mobile
I have activated 4 licenses for 2 devices @ 2 years subscription yesterday.
awesome!, ill try combine all my keys then :). do they cancel your old key and give you a new on with 2 years on it?
also did you do this via online chat or by calling up?
after you have logged in to your account. just register all your licenses.
then contact the agent via live chat option. they will fix the subscription date accordingly.
any one know if we can claim the gst for software under the TRS ?
$300+ worth (13 licenses) of purchases from JBHiFi being taken out of the country on 1 smart phone?
I'll just put you through to our Audit section…
about as much luck as claiming the $300 credit you put on the phone.
NO is my opinion, as the goods (if intangeables like software count - get your software out to show the nice TRS person!) are consumed while in Australia.
Nice try. I got 2 free $20 Westfield Gift Cards last week on a deal - spend $120 (not intangeables) to get $20 GC. I presented 2 receipts for $120 each of Woolies Gift Cards (bought with ING PayWave for 5% rebate).
Travellers can claim through the tourist refund scheme on purchases made up to 60 days before leaving Australia.
Travellers can submit more than one tax invoice to make their claim, as long as each is a valid tax invoice from the one Australian Business Number retailer and the total value of goods purchased is $300 or more (including GST).
To claim a refund you must:
Spend $300 (GST inclusive) or more in the one store and retain your invoices.
Have purchased the goods no more than 60 days before your departure from Australia.
Wear or carry the goods on board the aircraft or ship and present them along with your original tax invoice, passport and international boarding pass to a Customs and Border Protection Officer at a TRS facility.
The refund only applies to goods you take with you as hand luggage or wear (unless aviation security measures, in regard to liquids, aerosols and gels prevent you from doing so) onto the aircraft or ship when you leave Australia. It does not apply to services or goods consumed or partly consumed in Australia, such as wine, chocolate or perfume. However, unlike other tourist shopping schemes, most of the goods, such as clothing and cameras, can be used in Australia before departure.
so far I only have $240 + $5(cod tshirt) worth.. looking to buy $55 item.. and just try my luck at the airport.
nice, let us know how you go. i am travelling in a few weeks aswell. would be nice to know if you can claim
Good afternoon,
Thank you for contacting the Australian Customs and Border Protection Service regarding the Tourist Refund Scheme (TRS).
Software generally is eligible and should be presented in a way that’s the software is identifiable against the details on the invoice. Presenting a computer that the software is installed on may not be satisfactory for approval.
Please let us know if you have any further concerns.
Senior Customs Officer | Tourist Refund Office
Australian Customs and Border Protection Service
Canberra | 1300 555 043
Lets buy 10 for $60 profits.