This was posted 11 years 9 months 6 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Australian Citizenship HD (iOS App) Free This Weekend Starting at 10am


Free from 10am on 17/5 to 11:59pm on 19/5


  • Remote App Update with New Questions
  • 45 minutes to answer 20 questions.
  • Random questions based on the latest citizenship test requirements
  • Correct answers are provided in Green to help you learn
  • Updated information (2013)
  • Test Center Map Locator ( Location services is used to provide a route)
  • Australian Citizenship Study Guide
  • Universal App ( View on Your Iphone or Ipad )

**** Exclusive Free Giveaway to Ozbargain users, enter your email address and click the request button. ********

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closed Comments

    • +7

      could not handle the negative votes? changed your comment i see…

        • -1

          We need less Australians like you…

        • -2

          Hi giggles. My name is Peter and I am from Australia. What was your original comment?

        • Just because you are from Australia does not mean you have more privillege than others. Are Australians more equal than others?

      • +17

        What was the original comment? I'm intrigued now….

        • so am I…

        • +1

          god damn it berger… see what you've done?!?

        • -3

          negged by racists, lol.

        • -1

          i do see what I've done, it will make people think about their comments next time.

        • +1

          You can still neg it regardlessly.

        • yeah but he's changed his comment and if I neg it I'll be the racist one

        • regardlessly

        • irregardlessly

        • +2

          why are you leaning to the right, berger ?

        • awesome.

          OK. All I wrote initially was 'DERKA DERKA'.

          After it got 7 negs I amended it to something more politically correct, which so far has 27 negs.

          Do you see what some people are carrying on about? Funny tho.

        • +1

          Frewer, you are like the first person to notice!

        • +1

          Do i get anything for it ???

  • thanks

  • +13

    Damn I'm already a Citizen!

    • +30

      try it, if you fail, you should revoke your citizenship, :) jk

      • +5

        I failed the test - when do I get my house, car & pension?

        • -5

          you probably just get "prison" instead….

  • +6

    This will be beneficial for me in March 2015! Thanks!

    • Make sure they don't update the question pool before the app developers update their app to use it…

  • Isn't it like a free 5 page brochure containing the detailed history of Australia in cartoon format? Not sure the app is really required :)

    • -2

      FYI, a bigger "handout" (to use your word) is going away in about 9 months + just over 1 week: The $ 5,000 "Baby Bonus" - if Labor wins. (They've said they'll add $ 2,000 to Family Payments, presumably, from about the time the Baby Bonus ends.)

      So, if you want a Baby Bonus, you know what to do… ASAP. :-/

      "1 for Mum, 1 for Dad, 1 for the Country[s Baby Bonus payment]"?


      • -3

        Per capita income in India, for example, is $ 1219, ranked 142nd in the world.
        $1000 - $5000 hand-outs? More than a years salary?
        I'd grab onto some floatwood and start paddling too if I lived there.

        • -1

          I think most are from Sri Lanka, Afghanistan? If the news guys are telling the truth.

          I agree with you: coming by boat grants you free accommodation, free gym, free English lessons, etc, and free bridge visa if you're lucky.

          Hail an Australia Navy vessel and they will pick you up even you are in international sea territory.

        • +3

          That was quite unnecessary Tightarse. It's comments like these that make me really lose my shit (and makes me want to kerb-stomp the person).

          The idea of "Australia" was an egalitarian society made by and for immigrants (it's a different story that the native people got royally shafted).

          This sense of entitlement that some Aussies have… and the whole "us" and "them" reeks of the most blatant form of double-standards. EVERYONE in this country (except for the aboriginal people) is either:
          1. An immigrant
          2. Descendant of an immigrant.

          Stop acting like hypocrites and welcome the people coming in… bringing in much needed knowledge, expertise, global exposure and culture.

        • +1

          kerb-stomp? Little OTT? Just a touch?
          They're facts, Jack.

          Don't be offended though, I seriously meant it. If I lived in a place where where the average salary was ~$1200 and I heard tell of a place where they gave out money like that to every citizen from time to time, and the average salary was 70x that, I would start paddling. Or do one of those dodgy hospitality courses…

        • +1

          Kerb-stomp may have been a teensy bit OTT. ;)

          That said, $1200 buys a whole lot more than what it buys in Australia. :) A 20-something year old IT guy can afford to pay a mortgage on a 2-bedroom unit + fairly decent std of living + a new budget small car…. all within a pay package of $1200.

          Apples and oranges mate. :)

          Also, one very important thing to understand here is that, regardless of their "skills" (not everyone can be a l337 nanotechnologist), most immigrants pump in insane amounts of forex. So as I said before, be a bit more welcoming and leave the archaic (not to mention pathetically misinformed) attitude behind.

        • "A 20-something year old IT guy can afford to pay a mortgage on a 2-bedroom unit + fairly decent std of living + a new budget small car"

          On $1200 PA? Lol. Sure they can mate, sure they can.

          Imperatives? Lol.

        • +1

          I meant per month. Anyway, I do not want to go into a complete OT argument with you and derail the "discussion of the deal".

          Suffice to say, most of people immigrating to Australia are not in $12K PA wage bracket. TBH, they really can't be. The monetary costs involved are very steep. Most people who migrate to Australia as graduates have injected a fair bit of cash. A typical uni student migrating to Aus would expect to cough up approx:
          - 30-100K in tuition fees
          - 28K to 56K in approx living expenses
          - 5K for visa fees

        • +3

          Yes you might have missed that fact at the start - its $1200 PA! Shocking difference.
          Anyway, I don't want to mislead you. To be honest I am quite definitely pro-immigration. I think the vast majority of people are "pro" honest hard-working immigrants.
          Problems arise, however, when there are perceptions of fraud, scamming such as "queue jumping" or seemingly insurmountable cultural or religious divides. Lets not get too specific! Its a sensitive topic.
          In some ways this app itself could be seen as controversial because despite the somewhat facile nature of the immigration test, some could see this app as a kind of cheat-sheet or insincere way around.
          So there we are, jokes aside its a serious subject and one which can easily invoke strong emotions. If you want to be REALLY honest, I would suggest that the vast majority support immigration yes, but from every people and culture? No.

        • +1

          Why do people say that aboriginals are not immigrants? They are, ok they arrived a long time before everyone else but they still came here by boat.

        • +3

          I acknowledge everything except culture. I don't want anything to do with foreign culture in exactly the same way that they (probably) don't want anything to do with Australian/Western culture. I'm not saying I don't like them or think they are bad or think their religion/culture is bad I just don't want to have to live with their standards or to accomodate their feelings or for my children to either.

          If they want to live in Australia they can accept a culture that values women, accepts fringe groups like homosexuals, sex workers, trans-genders. Acceptance of things like seperation of state and religion, freedom of speech, right to fair trial are all things that get brushed by the wayside for "multi-culturalism"

          I realise that it's selfish and probably unethical and that's wrong but quite simply I can live without multiculturalism I can't and won't let me or my children live without those other highly important values.

        • Why do people say that aboriginals are not immigrants? They are, ok they arrived a long time before everyone else but they still came here by boat.

          It is said that early humans were first evolved in somewhere in Africa [ā€¦ ], so in that sense, humans are migrants everywhere else in the world.

          Perhaps the Aboriginals may have migrated to Australia, but they didn't kill off those who lived in Australia to claim the ownership, and no other group of people have a claim to be the original inhabitants of Australia having had lived prior to the arrival of Aboriginals. In that sense, Aboriginals are the native Australians.

          We stole countries! That's how you build an empire. We stole countries with the cunning use of flags!

        • +1

          This is in response to voolish:

          "If they want to live in Australia they can accept a culture that values women, accepts fringe groups like >homosexuals, sex workers, trans-genders."


          However, that is what multiculturism is all about. One may not accept all facets of a particular culture, but it's "live and let live".

          " I don't want anything to do with foreign culture in exactly the same way that they (probably) don't want >anything to do with Australian/Western culture."

          Australian culture != Western culture. Australia as we known it has been built on the sweat and blood of immigrants from all over the world (not exclusively the West). Australia is successful as a nation as it embraces multi-cuturism as a core essence of it's being.

          "I'm not saying I don't like them or think they are bad or think their religion/culture is bad I just don't >want to have to live with their standards or to accomodate their feelings or for my children to either."

          Heh.. tough shit mate! :) Not a call that you're entitled to make. "Pauline Hanson"-esque views would have totally destroyed this nation. Australia has the unique position of being one of the very few Western nations that has a symbiotic relationship with the East. Australia is not in the pooper, simply because of the strong economic coupling with the powerful developing nations in S-E Asia.

          "Acceptance of things like seperation of state and religion, freedom of speech, right to fair trial are all >things that get brushed by the wayside for "multi-culturalism""

          That is not "multi-culturism"; that is overzealous affirmative action and PC gone wrong. Also, what one thing I want to lay particular emphasis on, is that "multi-culturism" is omni-directional. If you respect the culture and beliefs of a different culture, they will reciprocate and respect yours.

          "I realise that it's selfish and probably unethical and that's wrong but quite simply I can live without >multiculturalism I can't and won't let me or my children live without those other highly important values."

          I think it will be a great loss to anyone who decides to take such a parochial stance. It is well known that poly-glot children have superior mental development. Moreover, they'll have the absolute privilege of imbibing the best of all cultures. Australia is no longer an insular island that has an insignificant presence in the global "stage". Our success lies in being a truly multi-cultural nation (which makes enormous economic sense) that is riding on the best aspects of all it's constituent cultures.

          Just a little bit about myself:
          I arrived in Australia about 4.5 years ago to pursue my post-grad studies. I am not a citizen yet (having received my residency a week ago). I love this country to death, and in the last 2 years, have done more for it than most Australians(barring service-personnel).

    • Everyone's a little bit racist

  • +4

    Be it free. it may be a good bargain, But its no real way to learn more about the country you have just moved to. its like a 'cheat sheet' which will be forgotten once the citizenship test has been done.

    It discourages people to go out and learn more about Australia.

    • +2

      People may not remember every answer when the test is completed, but discourages people to learn more about Australia? Come on.

    • +9

      how many australia born australians have really bothered to learn anything else about this country other than what was spoon feed them at school and what they have learned on TV or from movies?

    • +3

      I guess -busy- people might not feel so encouraged to learn more about AU, through direct contact & touring, if they can achieve Citizenship with the help of a "less time-consuming" app…

      but - IMO - folks who live here won't be any less likely to go out & experience at least any local festivals, concerts, etc.

      AU history, etc. may be less appealing for some, but this can be true of anyone (read: [even] AU-born citizens). Why discriminate?

      If you have positive feelings about AU to share, why not reach out & touch some newcomers' hearts by sharing them, ie, if you get the chance by wearing the warm smile they may put on your face & inviting newcomers to events that help you gain them.

      If they decline, remember that they may be just a bit more under economic pressure than folks born here, as it might be harder to win good-paying jobs (for a while, after arrival) in some cases, so they may just be working more than 1 job to pay their bills, etc.

      Ask 'em to these events next year… :-)

    • +1

      Sometimes, tourists know more about our country than ourselves. They have limited time to explore the country so they tried to learn everything and go everywhere.

  • ok we start sending out the link to users in 5 mins !

    • -5

      do you send the link manually to every email address? Is it a different link for every user? Thanks
      ps i'm still waiting for mine

      • +1

        i'm getting negged because i'm still waiting for that "affiliate" link! that's a good one ;)

  • Was hunting for a app like this when I took my. 5 min google search will do the same but it must be good to have a app, especially when it's free. +1

    • +1

      you say '+1' without actually +1 the deal?

      • Ahh, caught me on a 5min gap

      • +1

        The bargain Nazi is on patrol

        • +4

          To be fair, I find it mildly annoying to see people say "Good deal" "got one" or "Thanks", without voting it up.

        • -2

          Thanks for sharing… but AU's a free country.

          While -other- voting may be mandatory, OzB voting is not.

  • Is it something liked the correct procedure to eat tim tam? Read this before in email. Don't know if the test really asked about this sort of question or not.

    • They ask what day is new year's day in real test though.

      • +1

        Depends which year. This year it was a Tuesday.. :-)

  • ?? **** Exclusive Free Giveaway to Ozbargain users, enter your email address and click the request button. ********

    how to do that? where is the request button?

    • +3

      It is the middle one of the three button to the right of the box, the yellow one with the star in the middle

      • thank you so much

      • I still cant see the request button,can you elaborate more.Is
        it in this page? Thanks

  • my mother is 62, does she need to do the test? I see on the immi webpage is for up to 59yrs old

  • +7

    It's great that it's free, but I hope people aren't dumb enough to pay for something that is easy to find on the net.

  • +3

    You can also get free Citizenship Test resrouces at

    • +3

      I recently sat my citizenship test. The resource book on that web site is all you need. Read it a couple of times and the test is a pinch. I blasted through the 20 questions in just over 3 minutes.

      Practice tests are a good help though, I'll get the app and see how it compares to the actual test.

      • Yes, or just watch the Youtube clips:

        • +1

          Thanks, I was looking for that first video (in a series on YouTube's ImmTV channel).

          Having watched it, I gotta ask: Why - Oh, WHY? - does the final voice heard have to sound so much like a minister officiating at a funeral?

          Good feelings about a thing (or concept, eg, Australia or citizenship) usually come - by osmosis - when we're around folks who ENJOY that thing, etc.

          They do NOT (IMO) tend to come from a snobby-sounding voice "speaking down" to us.

          I - for one - expect Citizenship to be based on a "Peer-to-Peer" relationship, like I enjoy with neighbors… and NOT a pawn-to-king or -bureaucrat, as that voice seems to suggest.

          Maybe they should replace that "stuffy" voice by a number of current Citizens' voices (preferably, both long-time, multi-generational & a range of newer ones, perhaps chosen by how much pride & joy their voices express about being Citizens of AU.

          It might cost a bit more, but I - for one - would surely feel more warmly welcomed or encouraged by some warmer & diverse voice….

          My 2.2 cents only… YMMV.

          My 2.2 cents only.

  • +1

    Where's the request button? I only see a subscribe button

    Edit: nvm, thanks to to the comment above. The yellow symbol. I think the Subscribe button is large for a reason with a dedicated field to enter your email address

  • +1



    • +1

      "Historically Dubious". Seems legit :)

      • lol good one mate lol

  • +7

    You failed your own test by spelling "centre" as "center". Consequently I don't think you're fit to advise anyone if they are likely to pass the citizenship test

    "Test Center Map Locator"

    • +1

      spelling is not part of the current test :-) but thanks for that will update the australian app store version

      • +1

        Failing to understand dry, tongue in cheek humour and having a go at me for it. Try loosening up.

  • +1

    There is only one race, and that's the human race.

    • +1

      Only a racist would say something like that.

    • +3

      There's only a few races that matter = the Giro, the Tour and the 100m Olympic Sprint.

    • +4

      There's also the rat race!

      • +2

        What about elves, orcs and Klingons?

    • I thought cockroach race is Aussie tradition?

      • And… I thought it was the annual Camel Races, eg, as in Marree, SA?

  • I haven't received my code. How quick is the turnaround on this process?

    • system over loaded with responses, check your email it should be there , or check the spam folder :-)

      • +1

        We ozbargained the citizenship test? I love it when we break new ground :)

      • Still waiting for mine, more than 3 hours after i submitted the request, i've checked my junk mail too

  • +1

    is that only happen to me? i am using ipad, but everytime i open it, it just blink and exit again, anyone?

    • what version iOS you running and which version of the iPad ?

      • ipad2 ios 5.1.1

    • same here, latest ios+ipad "3"

  • -4

    Welcome future Asians.

  • +12

    A Chinese man decides to move to Australia after 50 years of living in Shanghai. He buys a small piece of land near the outback.

    A few days after moving in, the friendly Aussie neighbour decides to go across and welcome the new guy to the region. So he goes next door, but on his way up the drive-way, he sees the Chinese man running around his front yard chasing about 10 hens.

    Not wanting to interrupt this "Chinese custom", he decides to put the welcome on hold for the day. The next day, he decides to try again, but just as he is about to knock on the front door, he looks through the window and sees the Chinese man urinate into a glass and then drink it.

    Not wanting to interrupt another "Chinese custom", he decides to put the welcome on hold for yet another day.

    A day later he decides to give it one last go, but on his way next door, he sees the Chinese man leading a cow down the drive-way, pause, and then put his head next to the cow's bum.

    The Aussie bloke can't handle this, so he goes up to the Chinese man and says "What the hell is it with your Chinese customs? I come over to welcome you to the neighbourhood, and see you running around the yard after hens. The next day you are pissing in a glass, and drinking it, and then today you have your head so close to that cow's bum, it could just about shit on you."

    The Chinese man is very taken back and says "Sorry Sir, you do not understand, these aren't Chinese customs I am performing, but Australian customs."

    "What do you mean mate?" says the Aussie, "Those aren't Australian customs."

    "Yes they are", replied the Chinese man, "for you see, in order for me to become a true Australian, I must chase chicks, drink Piss, and listen to bullshit."

    • That's gold

  • Why is there ads inside app? Or have I downloaded a wrong edition

    • -1

      Why -shouldn't- an app provide -some- return for its developers' investment?

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