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Crown Lager $38.90 Per Case of 24 @ Dan Murphy's


Hi guys, I was just at my local dan murphy's store and saw this beer on special.
Hope you guys like it.

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Dan Murphy's
Dan Murphy's

closed Comments

  • +1

    Just wait till Wednesday GWD (VIC) will probably have them on special for $35, then get DM
    to price match. Excellent!

    • +1

      Close - GWD have Stella 24 x 330ml for $29.99 this week.
      Will try to post it as a separate deal.

  • +3

    Q. Who is Crown Langer?
    A. Younger brother of Justin Langer.

  • +12

    Still to expensive for what it is

    • Yeah I am not the biggest fan myself but cheap if you go for it none the less.

      I generally like throwing my money at Coopers cartons which can sometimes be found around the $42 mark.

      But hey personal preferance and all that.

    • +4

      And what beer isnt now a days… bloody taxes! anything that's drinkable under forty bucks a slab/carton/box is a dealt to me nowadays.

      • +5

        yep about $22/slab is fed govt tax….That'll probably rise next week.

        • Gillards gotta pay for her stuff somehow.
          booze and smokes - easy targets

      • +5

        Thats why I only drink home brew now. ~$12 for 23 litres of coopers or ~45 for premium beer kits and easier than baking a cake. Lager, Ale, porter, stout, cider MMMM :)

        • +4

          Just put a piece of mouldy bread inside a sock, then open a tin of 2 fruits and leave the sock sitting in it inside the pantry for about a week. Jailhouse pruno for under $2.

        • Hi, I had coopers last summer, it taste alright, but looks very cloudy. how about yours?

  • +3

    I do like this beer, but it is hardly a bargain.
    "premium" just means higher-priced, not a difference in quality. Look at Corona for evidence :-)

  • +5

    VB in a posher bottle.

    • +2

      Both are beers men drink! But it is Fosters in a gold bottle and not blue, but no-one in Australia really drank Fosters except in TV ads.

      • +2

        I did

        • We call it Mothers Milk, I think this is just extra filtered Fosters or something

        • once.

      • Still can't find a beer as good as Tooth's KB (for those old enough to remember)!

      • Yeah Fosters is probably more accurate,VB was just the first lower end beer that jumped into my mind.

    • +3

      LOL dunno if its comparable to VB (aka vommit brew)…I reckon its more like a carlton draught in a posher bottle.

    • +1

      That's an insult to VB!

  • +8

    ""premium" just means higher-priced, not a difference in quality. Look at Corona for evidence :-)"

    Please don't falsely advertise Crown as a premium beer.

  • All the snobs above and I'm sure there will be below, why do you find German beer that tastes like dish-water good?

    • +2

      I'm sure that was a rhetorical question, but anyway… I used to drink exclusively emu bitter and loved it, so I wouldn't ever judge. But once I took the time to refine my palette and learn how to appreciate the different flavours/styles my enjoyment of drinking beer went way up. It's got nothing to do with being snobbish, theres plenty of expensive beers I find so-so, just like a lot of cheaper beers that are great. And for the record I NEVER buy German beers when there are so many Aussie breweries to choose from.

  • +1

    The only good thing about Crown is the bottles are still 375ml and its 4.9% alcohol. Most other beers seem to have dropped their alcohol content and shrunk the bottle size.

    • +2

      yes most of the other locally brewed "imported" beer is 330ml,
      24 x 330 = 7.9lt
      24 x 355 = 8.5lt
      24 x 375 = 9lt

      So you get 13.6% more beer buying a slab of the 375ml local stuff!
      But I agree, no need for "Premium" in the title. Everyone knows what Crownies are,
      and it makes it sound like it's written by some first year marketing student try hard.

      • -3

        "Everyone knows what Crownies are …"
        I don't … so what are they?

    • Yeah I drink an extra one just to stick it to the man. I'm not having less beer

  • -6

    Hee hee, complaining about crap lager, Euro or whatever. Have some real ale, and only $40? I pick up imported imperial stout cases at $140 a slab, I wouldn't be caught dead or alive drinking lager rubbish. Get some porter, some imperial stout, some strong ale, or doppelbocks. Not the same old pale piss. As for taxes, at least half of any case of beer is pure tax.

    • +4

      "at least half of any case of beer is pure tax."
      Nope, it's $45.08 per litre of Alcohol + GST.

      Not sure why you'd be bragging on OzBargain about paying $140 for some stout.
      I make my own Choccie stout for around $1/lt

      As for lager, you sound like an old pommy mate…until I took him to North Qld one summer, then he appreciated lager, something cold & wet which you can throw down the gullet.

  • +1

    Nothing wrong with Crown lager, other than the high price.

    • +1

      I agree, they have always been a little over-priced for me.

      Just as a point of interest, the only time I have purchased Crownies was when the boss sent me down to pick up a slab from Liquorland one Friday afternoon. It was 1996 and they cost $42. Go figure.

  • +2

    Potentially leverage free shipping offer by ordering some wine:

  • It tastes nothing like VB. I love VB ( i don't care what any pretentious tossers might say about that) and this stuff doesn't appeal to me at all. Good price though.

  • +1

    I'm not sure that Crown is "premium" they might claim it's premium but it's … not particularly premium.

  • I found stella's at $37.75 in Dans last week in South Melbourne which was a huge bargain, I was flat out and didnt get a chance to post it up.

  • How much is it usually?

  • IMO ~$13.50 for a basic can kit of Coopers English Ale making ~23 litres of beer which tastes a tonne better than just about anything you can buy in a carton.

  • Crown is the most overpriced, generic beer flavoured beer there is. But if you can stand the stuff $38.90 is an ok price.

    • I bought a bottle of crown in crown casino, cost me more than $7

  • +1

    Beer that tastes like beer - Coopers Lager.
    It is normally about $43 a slab at DM's.
    375ml and 4.8%.

  • +3

    $38.90 is actually a good price for what it normally sells for. Averages between $45-55.

  • this beer is too manly for my tastes (pun intended). i will stick to coronas and heinekens

    • Is that like Qwibble where it's actually only 5% back on the price minus all taxes?

  • Thanks, snagged a couple of cartons last night and used the internet to order, for the first time, then got the wife to pick them up, ready for her when she got there, and took them to the car for her.

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