Saw this and got it straight away! It includes the Game. They even scanned it wrong so I got it for $180!!! Jb Hifi had this for a $100 more I think!
Rockband Instrument Edition + Game ===> $188 at BigW

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But is it better than guitar hero??
also this is rock band 1. not rock band 2, isnt it?
At launch, the original Rock Band required roadies to be on call 24/7. Guitars would arbitrarily stop working—and not as a result of ritual smashing after a show. Springs snapped, sensitive switches broke and…well, EA learned from its mistakes. So for Rock Band 2, it produced gear that's a lot sturdier and much more reliable. The design of the wireless guitar changes little: The controller remains whisper quiet, and its faux wood-grain finish helps it make a better go of looking like the real thing. Meanwhile, the sturdier, quieter five-drum kit lets you hear the music—and not yourself banging on the skins.
Was about $230 when it was released November last year. Woulda thought the price had dropped more by now given GH's success. Still cheap though.
No deal - Rock Band 1's hardware is rubbish. Save yourself the grief and get GHWT.
Yeah, I'm more with TreCannon here.
I own GH:WT and haven't had a problem but saying RB hardware is rubbish is way too harsh.
RB gear has it's plusses and it's minusses (as does GH:WT hardware). Arguably GH:WT stuff is viewed more favourably, but RB gear is still very usable and if I were able to pick it up for $100 less than GH at the time, I would have jumped on it.I can't speak for the quality of RB's kit, but I used to own GHWT and I say used to because it went straight back to the store due to poor quality drums. Another family member got GHWT and had a DOA guitar, so it's been a 100% failure rate from my experience.
they've fixed them apparently since this year
Actually Stix, it appears Guitar Hero's hardware experiances more faults according to an Age blog survery.
70% of the Guitar Hero drums experianced faults, while just less then half of the Rock Band drums experianced faults…
Well there you go eh? Thanks for the link.
I guess being a drummer I just prefer the GHWT drums layout compared to the Rock Band 1 kit. The Rock Band 1 kit looks like bongos and the GHWT kit has a more realistic layout. You can also get tuning software for the GHWT kit.
But in any case, it is a good price if you don't care which one you get.
Can I change my vote?
GHWT equipment is faulty. i have World tour and with inthe first 6 months my drums dont register. and just recently my guitar wont strum down.
i have a friend how has rock band and his drums are fine. plus you can use rockband drums and gutair for GHWT.
any one know where i can just get the dums for cheap?
Great link, I enjoy both this and GHWT. Both are great games and haven't had issues with any kit… yet….
I own both Rock band and GHWT and prefer the GHWT guitar, and rock band drums. The GHWT drums are not sensitive enough. Great deal though.
Get the free USB->Midi Cable from Red Octane and the PC app for adjusting sensitivity.
Just to all the naysayers: I've owned an imported Rock Band Special Edition (Bundle) from the States from December 07 for the PS3. I have played it extensively since I got it and to this day, do not/have not had any problems with the Guitar buttons/strum bar, Drums sensitivity/broken foot pedal.
I do understand that there have been many complaints about the instruments, but just saying that, to me, the instruments have been terrific.Great price for an excellent game; but at the same time, I really hate EA for not releasing RB2 here as the same time as they did in the States and even Europe.
Nice deal - I had EB Games price match it & traded some old games towards it so it costed me $76 all up. I already have GHWT, but this was too good a deal to pass up, I'm enjoying rocking through the songs now.
For those wondering…here's a good review of GHWT vs RB2:…
I've done my research and being a drummer, I want to jump into this craze. I'm going to get GHWT and just get the RB/RB2 game later.
Whats the cheapest for Guitar Hero : World Tour ? Have to agree with Stix - the raised Hi-hats definitely are more realistic.
About $280 for PS3/360/Wii. About $265 for PS2.
The Rock Band 2 drum kit will be sweet. The 4 pads have been upgraded (quieter and velocity sensitive) but then you can get the triple cymbal expansion set. Pretty much a full kit.
Good price for all the kit..