What the hell is this new phenomenon? Whenever I pull up at the lights, I stop on the broad white line, which is painted on the road for just that purpose. But now I see so many people stopping a couple of metres back from that line, and then having further to go when the lights turn green, thus holding up the car behind them, (even if only slightly).
I suspect this is because there are so many INCOMPETENT and INEXPERIENCED drivers around today, who have no idea of the physics of their vehicle, and how much space it occupies. They simply can't tell where the front of their car is, so they stop metres away from stop lines and stop signs etc., "just in case". Apart from it causing excessive spreading-out of the traffic, with flow-on effects further back, it's also a dead give-away that the driver is unskilled and unfamiliar with vehicle usage on public roads, and thus a risk.
But even worse than this weirdness, there are the folks who always pull up A FULL CAR LENGTH behind the car in front, at stop lights! What?! I just do not get that. I see it every day, everywhere. Why do they do it?
Is it because they were told by the driving instructor that one must always stay at least a car's length behind the car in front, or at least 3 second's behind it? And did they take that literally, and didn't understand that it only applies WHEN TRAFFIC IS ACTUALLY MOVING, not when it's stationary… smh….
I won't even try to get my head around this trend of everybody REVERSING into car parks spots. I've had a chat about that elsewhere, and the reasons they gave were so senseless I couldn't bother.
If you stopped a metre behind me, I would be very slow of the mark.