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[eBay Plus] Logitech MX Master 3S Graphite $94 (OOS), Logitech MX Keys $129 Delivered @ Bing Lee eBay


Original Coupon Deal

Cheapest price from I have seen so far <$100! You can pick up it up in store from Binglee FOR $104.

Edit 1: It was back in stock for couple of mins with limited stock then out of stock again according to some comment.

Please try PLUSDEC1 $98.80 for those SNSDEC not working.

Excludes: QLD Regional, SA Regional, WA Regional, WA Remote.

Credit to bargains grabber in the comment.
Logitech MX Keys $129 https://www.ebay.com.au/itm/164446903052

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closed Comments

  • Thanks OP! At this price I couldn't resist.. finally pulled the trigger

  • Code can't be applied

    • +1

      Try PLUSDEC1 for $98.80

      • Yep, that seemed to work ok. Thanks.

  • Good price! I loved my Master 3S and found it hard to go back to anything that doesn't have a fast scroll wheel.

  • A very good price for a great mouse.

  • +3

    The MX Keys from Bing Lee is at $129(ebay.com.au) with the same SNSDEC code

    • +1

      You missed a 2 at the end of your link

      Logitech MX Keys $129 @ Bing Lee(ebay.com.au)

      • Really wanted that MX Master 3s Mouse - $94 has got to be one of the cheapest prices ever? I was seeing MX Anywhere 3 for $30-$50 more than that, just a week or two ago then Amazon dropped their price to $71 on Christmas Eve.

        I’ve never been a huge fan of Wireless Keyboards because of how often you have to charge them, which can vary greatly with use but everyone seems to love this keyboard!

        Anyone know whether you can use the same USB Unified Receiver with an MX Anywhere 1/2/3 (I have one of each) but I was hoping to get a great deal on the MX Master 3s Mouse first, then decide on the keyboard.

        Thanks to @bargainsgrabber for letting people know

  • got one

  • Wow very good price

  • My Master2S is still working with the gesture button stuck a bit. Does 3S have any improvement over 2S?

    • you can watch lots of youtube but risking OOS when you finish just like the other guy htc below commented

    • USB-C charging, quiet clicker, improved ergonomics and ‘changed’ scrolling feel. I recently upgraded from 2S to 3S and love the new one.

  • MX Mouse OOS.

    • I just got one. Looks like they are back in stock

      • OOS again now :(

        • +1

          oh Hey, late again Jess ? :(
          remember this one doesnt have built in memory, need to install the app logi +

          • @McMaferMur: Oh hiiii ChiMot!!! Right logi + thanks for the reminder - almost forgotten!! 😆😆

            I recently bought Logitech’s M590 as it’s the only one with silent click + horizontal tilt + unifying receiver. I found its height slightly greater than my M546’s, hence causing some discomfort on my wrist. Tried ergo mouse mat but it won’t resolve the issue :(

            So far I have been very satisfied with my current M546 tho except the rubber on the side does wear off over time. It’s of excellent value to me (cost around $26) and I have been using this for many many years! I don’t think Australia offers this model though :/

            • @HeyJes: i checked 590 5446 both are just normal mouse im afraid it will cause wrist pain.
              maybe try vertical Lift? or the ergo mx trackball (i have both).

              i tried submit request to install logi+ to my IT they said no :(
              we need mouse with built in mem.
              one with built in memory and bluetooth is g604 but have a look they are BIG!
              if you dont care bluetooth then get G502 or G502 X Plus

              • @McMaferMur:

                i checked 590 5446 both are just normal mouse im afraid it will cause wrist pain.

                Hmm theoretically not if you hold it with the proper technique (e.g. fingertip grip vs palm grip).

                I use fingertip grip with M546 and never really experienced any pain with my hand/wrist/arm. I'm lucky and maybe it fits in with my posture. However I have to use a different technique (palm grip) with my M590 due to its greater height. I'll see how that goes.

                maybe try vertical Lift? or the ergo mx trackball (i have both).

                Been wanting to try the vertical lift but seems lacking horizontal tilt and no workaround?

                i tried submit request to install logi+ to my IT they said no :(

                Yeah and I suspect this would also be the case for myself, maybe because it's harder for them to controll what you are downloading through Logitech's installer. Noted Logitech won't release a full offline installer until who knows when. :(

                It's absurd and indeed a huge dealbreaker when making the purchase decision for MX 3s, or just any device that is solely customisable through Logi options+.

                we need mouse with built in mem

                Thanks and just googled what this means. Sounds like the fix in an ideal world which we don't deserve to live in lol.

                one with built in memory and bluetooth is g604 but have a look they are BIG!
                if you dont care bluetooth then get G502 or G502 X Plus

                Thanks!!! I don't plan on buying gaming mouse at this stage but will do some research on the models you mentioned. I will see whether I can get used to palm grip with M590 first maybe.

                • @HeyJes: but they are still normal mouse so doest matter grip style the wrist will get twisted compare to the more natural handshake like with vertical mouses.
                  here do easy test. hold your mouse then try to move your elbow closer to your body, you will have to push your elbow out creating an angle.
                  that will not happening with vertical mouse.

                  i dont have mouse with built in mem yet so not 100% sure how it work but theoretically it will - the website literally says we dont need to install anything and the preset will works

                  almost bought g502 from member here then realised it doesnt have bluetooth, i want to use same mouse for work and personal so i dont want to swap the dongle between laptops at 5pm every day.

                  • @McMaferMur: Thanks ChiMot for your input! I also note the Logitech flow won’t work when the VPN on corporate laptop blocks it (the case to me). lol!
                    Always an insightful discussion with you 😇😇😇 Happy new year to you!!

                    • @HeyJes: the flow isnt that useful for me, i have 1 work and 1 personal laptops i dont move files between them
                      i move files between personal and my NAS using windows explorer.
                      HNY too

  • Missed it!

  • Got one thanks, must have been the last one

  • Now 104+6

  • +2

    Got one. Will be handy running my MX Mechanical and the mouse off the same dongle (instead of my current M720 which runs of the unifying one).

  • +1

    Thx, didnt need it so bought one

  • by the time I finished watching the review videos, it is oos.

    • next time buy first?

      • also because I got a gaming razer mouse recently, so… actually four available when I typed comment but… I am definitely sold on the side scroll feature, are there any other features that you find very good? Is the vertical ergonomic mouse by logitech more comfortable than this one?

        • +1

          i heard 3s is silent click so i like it same as my current vertical lift.

          yeah, i think vertical is better if you have pain on your wrist. this mx people said kind of semi ergo but i dont know

          • @McMaferMur: Hopefully jb has a display model of these ergonomic mouse, going to go there to test drive some. I was actually planning to get a kmart ergnomic mouse for less than 10 bucks today, read some commenters that the kmart one is identical to the amazon anker one for 30.

            • +2

              @htc: ah dont be like most of us in ozb, spent $$$ on many many cheapo mouses keyboards but then once you have the good ones (like this mx series) then you will regret why did i waste buying cheaps instead these and happy for years.

              i know its hard to understand why buying $100 mouse

          • @McMaferMur: Yeah, the 3s is silent. Somewhat unsatisfying. Prefer the MX Master 3. Plus it still uses the same unifying receiver that the MX Keys do and same software. Each to their own!

            • @Graffin: Agree some like the sound thats why mechanical keyboard still exist.
              I dont mind the dongle as long there is Bluetooth options

  • mouse is not OOS for me?

  • Seems like MX Master 3S is back in stock. Just got one. Thanks OP!

  • I always accidentally press the right-click button when using this mouse. Maybe it's just me, but it never happens with my other mouse.

  • +1

    ah i want something with built in memory (like G502) but also uses bluetooth (like MX 3s)
    without built in memory the mouse become dumb mouse on my work laptop.

    and i dont want to keep one usb port for the Bolt dongle…

    must resists……

  • Thanks OP! I've been holding off on getting the MX 3S for so long. Had to pull the trigger at this price.

    It's back in stock BTW and the SNSDEC code worked

  • Thanks OP! got one by price matching at OW dropped down to 104.5 not to bad

    • did they let you price match with zero stock?

      • they didn't click on eBay to check the availability at the time of purchase but I did it on my phone and realises yap OOS !

  • Reminder that you do not need this if you have mx master 3 (non S) don’t buy into the fomo. Now if you have a 2 or 1 then sure. Those were garbo

    • What’s the (minimal) difference between 3 and 3S?

    • +1

      I have the first one, still working and still sees daily use. It's not garbo.

      • They are mate, I had two MX1s that both double clicked, the wheel corroded and the thumb button both stopped working, they got stuck near permanently. 3 brings solid improvements, had mine for more time than the 1 developed problems and no issues with it yet

  • Just bought one from Macquarie Centre at Bing Lee.

    They have 2 left on display. Scanned at $146 but the ticket has $104.

    Hope that helps someone out there

  • if listing says 0 avail now
    but i have it in cart, can i still buy it?

  • Price has reverted back to $146

  • Damn you guys got in fast

  • +1

    There is stock, but different price, may be mark as expired?

    • +1


  • has anyone had their order shipped?

    • Nope.

      • that's encouraging, I purchased mx keys separately and it was shipped yesterday. looks like now they have master 3 on clearance for $149 so I hope they won't cancel my 3s order in case it was pricing error

        • +1

          Looks like they're out of stock on their website too. Hopefully they're able to fulfil our orders.

          • @JR63: mine finally got shipped yesterday

  • For everyone who is still waiting for shipment.. I ended up following my one up a few days ago and got this message back

    "Thank you for contacting us.

    It is with regret to inform you that we have had a supply issue with Logitech 910-006561 you have purchased.

    Our head office has placed the order and at this point the stock is estimated to be allocated in the next 2-3 weeks.

    Our apologies for the delay.

    Unless otherwise advised, we will arrange dispatch of your order once the stock is allocated. "

    Hope this helps everyone who is still waiting on theirs

  • I received mine today and I am returning it …

    have the same issue as in this reddit thread: https://www.reddit.com/r/logitech/comments/v0f2cr/is_the_inc…

    • Yep if its the same issue I have on the MX3, its when smartshift is engaged. When smartshift is engaged, either via pressing middle button or flicking the scroll too quickly, you'll notice the small green light turn off momentarily, this is because the mouse is disconnecting from the receiver briefly. And its in this momentary disconnect the mouse scroll becomes inconsistent creating all sorts of frustration and undesirable results. I ended up disabling the feature and just use a single scroll speed.

  • Be careful buying a Razer product through Ebay. I just got an issue with a Razer product and Razer refused warranty claim because "Ebay" is not an authorised reseller, although it's sold by BingLee through Ebay. What a pain!

    • BingLee didn’t send you a tax invoice? I know The Goods Guys and Mobileciti do, so you can still claim warranty.

      • I checked my email, I don't see any tax invoice from Bing Lee, all I have is the ebay order details.

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