wozup12 » posts

70 Job Rejections and Zero Job Prospects

Hi Ozbargain community! I apologise in advance for this not being a discussion topic that talks about which 80K car I should buy to make sure my new workmates respect me, or one that asks what. I …

Travel Insurance Coverage For Missed Connections

Hi Everyone, Im travelling to the USA for a couple of weeks in May and have a flight with a 2 hour and 50 minute connection domestic to international at JFK. I was wanting to know of there was any …

MBA or Masters of Engineering

Hi everyone, I recently finished off studying my Bachelor of Environments at Melbourne University and am looking to extend my study options with a Masters of Engineering or an MBA. First off some …

First time in Paris and London for 10 days recommendations

Hi everyone! Recently booked some tickets to Paris over the Easter break from the sale fare that Thai airways has yesterday. Really excited about going but because I havnt been before, I essentialy …

[UPDATED] : Using Urban spoon/TripAdvisor and review sites as a threat to an establishment

EDIT: So after some comments, I realise that it is a part of a business to get bad reviews from unreasonable people from time to time. But the question that I was really trying to ask, and wanted …

2012 Furby

Hi Everyone! I was looking it purchase a 2012 furby. Any ideas for places to buy them on the cheap?