icollected » user profile

Member Since | 04/11/2012 |
Last Seen | 10/12/2023 |
Location | Melbourne |
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icollected replied to
katykat on My Son Was Not Successful in the Selective Entry Exam - What Can We Learn from This?

Of course it’s not absolutely necessary. I was answering OP and made reference to the 9-10months of preparation only because they…

icollected replied to
MS Paint on My Son Was Not Successful in the Selective Entry Exam - What Can We Learn from This?

I’m a dentist working 2-3 days a week and co own two practices. I work 2-3 clinical days because I have the privilege to and also because…

icollected replied to
dojomojo on My Son Was Not Successful in the Selective Entry Exam - What Can We Learn from This?

I wouldn’t. I’m truly appreciative of what they’ve done for me. They never disciplined me physically. They encouraged me. They did…

icollected commented on My Son Was Not Successful in the Selective Entry Exam - What Can We Learn from This?
9-10months is hardly enough. Myself and both younger siblings went to Victorian selective schools. Our parents enrolled us 2-3 private…

And what exactly is the name of the highway that goes to Tas? I think $35 postage to TAS is reasonable and probably appropriate.

Hey OP. Bad luck buddy. I was pulled up a few months ago. Car was unregistered for 2 weeks. The cop was nice about it and suggested I…

icollected replied to
Ughhh on Mechanic Changed Tyre During Roadworthy Check and Threatened to Hit Parents

[@sky blu](/comment/4439861/redir): oops. didn't even realise he linked someone completely different. No, that person is not my brother.…

icollected replied to
Ughhh on Mechanic Changed Tyre During Roadworthy Check and Threatened to Hit Parents

Or...my brother has savings and wants to justify his spending by showing some thought for parental approval prior to purchase.

icollected replied to
JimB on Mechanic Changed Tyre During Roadworthy Check and Threatened to Hit Parents

I think so... My brother posted this: https://files.ozbargain.com.au/upload/100896/46387/img_3079.jpg Is that week 16, 2015?

icollected replied to
[Deactivated] on Mechanic Changed Tyre During Roadworthy Check and Threatened to Hit Parents

Yep. He's a bright kid and occasionally does some customer service emails for our online store - heck, maybe since he was 9.

icollected replied to
subee on Mechanic Changed Tyre During Roadworthy Check and Threatened to Hit Parents

Sorry will clarify, I'm literally going by what my younger brother is reporting, he mentioned 4 tyres, 3 different years. it could be 13,…

icollected replied to
skyva on Mechanic Changed Tyre During Roadworthy Check and Threatened to Hit Parents

No we didn't get a roadworthy certificate. Here's one hypothesis for you; they swapped it so then they can make money off 4 new tyres that…

Final update and we'll leave it at that. Called up our Toyota dealership to clarify some stuff; 1. Tyres can have different manufacturing…

icollected replied to
sky blu on Mechanic Changed Tyre During Roadworthy Check and Threatened to Hit Parents

The original post is by a young teenage boy who is not as articulate and clear as an adult; posting on a small screen iphone whilst waiting…

icollected replied to
skyva on Mechanic Changed Tyre During Roadworthy Check and Threatened to Hit Parents

Hmm no. Don't know if this is relevant but we've spent $350k on cars in the last 2 years. We don't scrimp on a $18k Aurion for sale to our…

icollected replied to
oscargamer on Mechanic Changed Tyre During Roadworthy Check and Threatened to Hit Parents

[@Gronk](/comment/4433169/redir): Good point! Will check when I get home tonight.

icollected replied to
icollected on Mechanic Changed Tyre During Roadworthy Check and Threatened to Hit Parents

[@Scrooge McDuck](/comment/4434048/redir): Yep, different years. Will probably take it back to Toyota dealer who did our service recently…

icollected replied to
spackbace on Mechanic Changed Tyre During Roadworthy Check and Threatened to Hit Parents

I'm his brother. Hence "geez bro. " Further. The years on the tyre are allegedly 2011, 2014, 2015. All over the joint. I don't know…

Haha please excuse OP re: royalty check. Definitely means roadworthy. He's barely in high school. Geez bro. You're using this site already?…

[@sp00ker](/comment/4311050/redir): Maybe. I wouldn't know. I don't engage in product wars. I do think that dentistry is becoming more…

Yes true, he is a head teacher. It's there for perspective, he does have a good lifestyle! To further your thought, he does run VCE exam…

[@brainactive](/comment/4310311/redir): Correct. We are starting. Just purchased the commercial space (April 2017 target) so the above…

Definitely not inflated (one is my business partner to establish a practice and we are privvy to our tax returns). Performance is based on…

icollected commented on What degree should I study in uni?
You've worked hard enough to have the luxury of choosing a career you will enjoy. So well done to you! My dad was adamant I should be a…

Number of purchases vs dispute ratios matter as a buyer as well. Not saying you do this, but they are cracking down on numerous buyers who…

No worries, I'm not here to defend the other seller or to force justification for the feedback given. I'm here to clear any blanket…

What wonderful gesture!

icollected commented on Protected eBay Sellers beware
eBay favours buyers much much more than sellers - believe you me. Yes, we have coped negatives for people purchasing on Friday and…

icollected commented on Village Justifying Their Surcharge for VMAX
Probably, but they're a private business not a government entity so don't generally have to justify their legal decisions. Consider it that…

icollected commented on Crumpler Bags Sale in Apple Store Roughly 40% off Selected Models + Free Shipping
Don't forget: Velocity $1=4 points http://estore.velocityfrequentflyer.com/electricals/apple-store-australia