phynicle » posts


Grandfathered Coles Mastercard Credit Cards - Merchandise Protection

On the grandfathered Coles Mastercard credit cards with price protection for up to 2 years. Do we retain the old merchandise protection for 12 months instead of the current 90 day limit?

Citibank Australia

Citibank PayAll Scheduled Payments beyond October Still Fee Free?

Just hoping to get some consensus regarding end of citibank payall fee free structure after October. If I have scheduled payments for next 12 months set up before October. Those payments made after …

Price Protection on Credit Cards - Max Claim in ANY 12 Month Period

I have the old grandfathered Coles Mastercard with 24 months price protection. Hoping someone could clarify for me, when it states a max claim of $2000 in any 12 months period. Is that a rolling 12 …