There is 25% discount on all Telstra Bigpond Music, Movies and Games download cards at BP service stations until 12 July 2012.
Available variants include:
- $10 Games for $7.50;
pretty much as it says in the title.
Looks like there was a glitch on Kmart online and it went live today by mistake. They have fixed it now.
Starts next Thursday 28th of June.
Some scantly dressed guys were giving out cards saying there would be free cupcakes and massages today at Wynyard Park 12-3pm.The actual card only says freebies and hot men though.
Clearance sale of Outdoor Furniture - up to 80% OFF! Every day in May, 11:00am AEST, Furniture Escape is offering a new Daily Deal (or 2) on outdoor furniture for only 24 hours at a time!
In conjunction with wasting time, here's another awesome app for your iPhones, iPods and **iPads.
What you should know:
- cheapest ever at $2.99 (