Yates » user profile

Member Since | 13/04/2012 |
Last Seen | 03/12/2015 |
Badges | 1 |
Location | QLD |
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I've read previous Sony 4k passive 3D tv's can't display full 1080p passive 3d. Can anyone confirm that the KD65X8500B is able to?

Yates commented on Best whey protein - Bang for buck?
If you're going to take a supplement with the intention of improving your health choose one that doesn't include sucralose or any other…

Yates commented on Eastbay 20% off Orders $99 and above
Amazon don't ship all Asics but at the moment they are shipping the Kayano 20s to Australia. You have to select Amazon as the seller.

Yates commented on Eastbay 20% off Orders $99 and above
Amazon will ship the 20's to Australia for $211 AUD delivered.

Panasonic's new 4k tv supports HDMI 2.0. http://www.panasonic.com/au/consumer/tvs-projectors/led-lcd-tvs/th-l65wt600a.html The only benefit…

Yates commented on 20% off Storewide on Bulk Proteins, Carbohydrates and Amino Acids at BulkProteins.com.au
"We sweeten all our flavourings with Natvia (An australian developed natural stevia sweetener)." Might be a good idea to mention this on…

Yates commented on 2 Quickloss Vanilla (2 Kg) for $70 (50% off)
Decent price but 30% sugar. Damn. That doesn't seem healthy to me.

Amazon Italy thankfully aren't following their german counterparts exorbitant shipping charges yet. The cheapest I've seen these in…

I've downloaded the manual and there appears to be a manual tuning option. Can anyone confirm the tv can be manually set to the correct…

edankTLL https://skydrive.live.com/?cid=efde66979b38fc6f&sc=documents&uc=1&id=EFDE66979B38FC6F%213629 This program seems to be…

http://www.lg-hack.info/cgi-bin/sn_forumr.cgi?fid=2677&cid=2674&tid=2690&st=0&nd=10&pg=&sc= Just a suggestion I have no idea if it will…

Glovebox you still need to access the service menu and change the country to AU.…

I found a proper solution for anyone who has updated to the latest firmware and can't change the Country setting to AU.…

To tune all Australian channels without problems I think you'll have to change the Country to AU in either the IN_START or EZ_ADJUST…

There may be a work around to get all the channels back.…

I think you'll have to change the country setting to Australia (AU) to scan all channels. I made the mistake of updating to the latest…

Just thought I'd let everyone know that the firmware that's just been released (05.12.05) disables the ability to change the country region…

Yates was awarded a badge.

I just went through the checkout process and the tv will still ship to Australia. With the Aussie dollar stronger the price is now $626.62.…

Amazon.de queries and advice Thread http://forums.whirlpool.net.au/archive/1888987

I doubt LG Australia will help with any warranty issues in fact at this price they'll probably stop Amazon from shipping their products…

FEATURES * 3D CINEMA * Smart TV * MCI 100Hz * Triple Tuner (DVB-T/-C/-S) ** * HbbTV * Smart Energy Saving Plus * Intelligent Sensor * Eco…

Or this 47" 3D LG tv for $675 delivered: http://www.amazon.de/LG-47LK950S-Fernseher-Energieeffizienzklasse-Full-HD/dp/B005LAZ88I

Yates commented on MrSupplement 15:00 Hour Sale!
Some decent prices but most of these products can be bought for less from http://iherb.com Quick and reasonably priced delivery if you use…

Yates joined OzBargain.
Welcome aboard!