Brick50 » posts

WTB Modern Warfare 2 for 360

Cheapest deal? thanks

Custom iPod Cases?

So i'm after a custom ipod case, I want a skrillex one. It will cost $14 to get it delivered from

App to get iTunes Album ArtWork and Rename my songs?

Something like tuneup media but i cannot afford the price, thanks

Laptop for my Grandma

My grandmas interested in a laptop. She would like one with the keyboard size of a macbook, or standard I suppose, (not small netbook)

V-Moda Base Freq in-Ear Headphones $8.88 + $15 Shipping

expired V-Moda Base Freq in-Ear Headphones $8.88 + $15 Shipping

I was just about to buy for $39.95 from Amazon when i found them really cheap on there website. It wasn't under 'products' or anything. I had to click 'private sale' than end of season.

Cheapest Mifi

Vodafail have a Mifi Modem for $50 at AusPost. Is this the cheapest i'll get? Im wanting to use it with my Woolworths Mobile sim so it should work if i get it unlocked? Any ideas? cheers !