App to get iTunes Album ArtWork and Rename my songs?

Something like tuneup media but i cannot afford the price, thanks


  • Serial Number:


    Accidently Bought It for 2PCs not 1.


    • thanks but it didn't work :(

  • On OSX there are free apps to fetch artwork which work with iTunes, or you can look up the album on Amazon and copy and paste in the artwork.

    • Yeah, I just use Google images if iTunes doesn't import it directly if I'm copying music from the old fashioned CD technology. I've had to do it mainly for some of my dad's funky Cajun-music by Doug Kershaw. That stuff'll rot your brain!!

  • Tune up blows. Screwed up my music collection. Put all my songs in the wrong albums. Only good for one album at a time not your whole collection at once

  • I wouldn't normally reply with GOTD links, but this offer may work.

    TuneJet, currently free.…

    I've never used, so can't comment on quality.

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