alexeys » user profile

Member Since | 14/07/2011 |
Last Seen | 02/10/2013 |
Location | International |
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Receive your First Frame Free! Choose from over 500 styles Lens, Shipping and Handling are extra Just use coupon code FFF at checkout

alexeys posted a deal First Pair of Glasses Free at Clearly Contacts (Shipping + Handling Comes out to +/- $15)
Hey Guys So as a result of the success of our Giveaway promotions we have decided to make them a standard offer. From now on, anyone that…

alexeys replied to
scotty on Clearly Contacts December Offer - $20 off + Free Shipping (New Customers Only)

We do our best.

alexeys replied to
jazzymc on Clearly Contacts December Offer - $20 off + Free Shipping (New Customers Only)

Hi Jazzymc Same thing as with JLove do you think you could try it with AU1220? If it still does not work please feel free to reach out to…

alexeys replied to
Ughhh on Clearly Contacts December Offer - $20 off + Free Shipping (New Customers Only)

Hi JLove Sadly I am in Vancouver and as such (due to time difference) will not be able to check our office system for why this is…

The code does not include shipping and handling (around $16) which would be the only cost. However if you have a specific upgrade you want…

alexeys replied to
joannatan on Free Glasses Giveway with Coupen Code "CANBERRAFREE" at The Checkout

No, it can be used for anywhere.

alexeys replied to
[Deactivated] on FREE Glasses from Clearly Contacts (Lenses Included, S/H Comes to around $15)

Hi Ibanez Do you have a name of the Customer Service rep you are dealing with, I can follow up on my end with them. Cheers Alexey

alexeys replied to
stelios on FREE Glasses from Clearly Contacts (Lenses Included, S/H Comes to around $15)

Its not expired till 10,000 pairs, should be good to go for a little longer!

alexeys replied to
nerobass on FREE Glasses from Clearly Contacts (Lenses Included, S/H Comes to around $15)

The range is all coupon eligible glasses (it will say on the product page of the glasses if you cant use a coupon). The process is really…

Hey OzBargain We are having another free Glasses giveaway at Free frames and single vision 1.5 index lenses. Just…

alexeys replied to
mjwills on 15% off Designer Glasses and Brand Name Contacts at

Hi MjWills I am sorry that you had this experience, I do not know why this would have happened as we always have customer service come…

alexeys replied to
dealhunt on 15% off Designer Glasses and Brand Name Contacts at

It is under Contact Us and in the FAQ. You will notice its a Green box called Contact Information on the right of the page side along with…

alexeys replied to
sniper on 15% off Designer Glasses and Brand Name Contacts at

Not hiding the address or anything, the Company is international in its operations and online in its form. Our headquarters are in…

alexeys replied to
[Deactivated] on 15% off Designer Glasses and Brand Name Contacts at

Currently we are in the process of getting a provider number with Medibank. All a go on the rest.

alexeys replied to
dealhunt on 15% off Designer Glasses and Brand Name Contacts at

We are international with manufacturing facilities in AU, CA, U.S and in Europe. Myself personally I am in Vancouver, Canada (Fun time…

Hey Guys Exclusive offer for OzBargains, 15% off of anything in the store, no minimum purchase required. If you are a new Customer you can…

alexeys replied to
ryang on FREE Frames and Lenses from ClearlyContacts Today (Not Including Postage ~$15)

Hi Ryang I just checked with our Merchandising team, we place based upon available stock, if its not up that would be the reason. We do…

alexeys posted a deal 20% of Designer Eyeglasses at
Clearly Contacts is one of the worlds largest online retailers of Contact Lenses and Eyeglasses. Being online allows us to offer our…

alexeys joined OzBargain.
Welcome aboard!