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Xbox One with Kinect + Watchdogs + Titanfall + Forza 5 $599 at EBGames

expired Xbox One with Kinect + Watchdogs + Titanfall + Forza 5 $599 at EBGames

The midyear sales are upon us and this is probably one of the best value deals I've seen. Same as previous deals, but with Watchdogs thrown in as a bonus. If you haven't already jumped into …

Moshi BassBurger Portable Speaker $9 at EB Games

expired Moshi BassBurger Portable Speaker $9 at EB Games

Moshi BassBurger Portable Speakers have gone clearance for Christmas at $9 each at EB Games. The next cheapest I've seen them for are around $22 each. They are 3.5mm wired portable speakers …

PS3 500GB + Last of Us for $299 at EB Games

expired PS3 500GB + Last of Us for $299 at EB Games

The 500GB PS3 deal is now $299 at EB Games with The Last of Us and is going to last until the end of Christmas. $271 if you trade in the game during the transaction. There are also a range of new …

PS3 500GB + GTA V + The Last of Us + Beyond: Two Souls for $399 at EB Games

expired PS3 500GB + GTA V + The Last of Us + Beyond: Two Souls for $399 at EB Games

Get a PS3 500GB Console with three top-of-the-line titles (Beyond: Two Souls, The Last of US and GTA V) for only $399.

DualShock 3 PS3 Controllers $47 at EB Games In-Store

expired DualShock 3 PS3 Controllers $47 at EB Games In-Store

EB Games have NEW PS3 DualShock 3 controllers for $47 for a limited time. This is in-store only at the moment, but may be added to the online website at a later date.

Sony PlayStation Vita Wi-Fi $199 at EB Games

expired Sony PlayStation Vita Wi-Fi $199 at EB Games

Hey guys, EB has just announced in stores today that the Vita is currently available for $199 for a strictly limited time.

Darksiders on PSN for $5.85, Darksiders II $14.95, de Blob 2 $9.15

expired Darksiders on PSN for $5.85, Darksiders II $14.95, de Blob 2 $9.15

Darksiders is getting a permanent price drop on the PSN down to $5.85. Great price for a great game. (starts tomorrow)

Borderlands 2 (PSN) $39.95 ($35.96 for Plus Members)

expired Borderlands 2 (PSN) $39.95 ($35.96 for Plus Members)

As part of the PlayStation Store January Sale, Borderlands 2 has gone from $89.95 down to $39.95. Season Pass and DLC are also on sale: Borderlands 2 Season Pass Was $39.95; now $21.95

Xbox 360 Price Drop Starting Tomorrow

Taken from IGN: New pricing of its range will be: Kinect Sensor, $149 (save $50) 4GB Xbox 360, $199 (save $50) 4GB Xbox 360 with Kinect, $299 (save $100) 250GB Xbox 360 $299 (Save $150)

3DS XL $209.95 at EB Games with Voucher. In-Store Only

expired 3DS XL $209.95 at EB Games with Voucher. In-Store Only

Get $40 off your 3DS XL at EBGames when you present this voucher.

8GB USB Flash Drives $4 at EB Games In-Store Only

expired 8GB USB Flash Drives $4 at EB Games In-Store Only

Hey guys, EBGames had a price drop today on all flash drives and SD cards down to $4 regardless of size (8GB, 4GB, 2GB all $4).