This was posted 10 years 9 months 13 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Xbox One with Kinect + Watchdogs + Titanfall + Forza 5 $599 at EBGames


The midyear sales are upon us and this is probably one of the best value deals I've seen. Same as previous deals, but with Watchdogs thrown in as a bonus. If you haven't already jumped into next gen, Watchdogs is a good reason to do so.

The deal starts on the 27th of May. Also worth noting that forza and titanfall are digital downloads.

I can't make another post so I'll just mention it here. PlayStation 4 isn't being left out, with a similar deal. PS4 + Watchdogs + Fifa 14 + 30 days of Foxtel on Playstation for $599. A great deal for those who have been thinking about getting a PS4.

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closed Comments

  • Great price for those wanting kinect

    • -8

      Yes, it IS a great price for no-one!

  • You can also get a ps4 with watchdogs and fifa for $598

    • Thanks. Tried making another deal about it, but store reps are limited to one deal per day.

      • +1

        Maybe you can update this deal to highlight both?

  • +1

    Filthy, I bought the DSE PS4 deal with the NBA 2k14 (sadface)

  • +3

    Or jst wait for the weekly dick smith 12% off and get the titanfall/ forza boxset and watchdogs by itself for less.
    I reckon eb games is losing a lot of sales to dick with the constant discounts.

    • +1

      When DS has stock.

  • +1

    first comment is kinda lol. who wants kinect?

    • +1

      Apparently everyone, according to Microsoft.

    • +1

      Personally I do. A price drop was needed, but I'd have liked them to make one without losing the hardware. I was still holding out hope that developers would do something cool with the technology down the line. I think the chance of it being utilised to its full potential has dropped sharply now that it's an optional extra.

      Frankly MS dropped the ball by not leading the way with their own 'Wii Sports' like title bundled with the console to help make the case for why the hardware should be there. I think it's somewhat of a missed opportunity, especially when they have Rare producing Kinect titles already for them.

      • There was an AMA by a former Rareware employee a while ago and he spoke about the tyrannical control Microsoft had over Banjo Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts and the poor decisions that were forced upon them. He goes on to say Microsoft told Rareware that "Gamers don't want to play collection games anymore! They just want to shoot, race, and play sport!", as shown almost word-for-word what the robot d00d from the start says in the game. Rareware are (were) the absolute kings, but I doubt we'll see something as genre defining as their old work in the near nor distant future if those are the managerial decisions they're making/being forced to make.

        I've never been a big believer in the kinect despite being a huge Xbox360 fan. Sony had the decency to drop the Move, but Microsoft are trying to keep going with it, even going so far as to make it mandatory at the Bone's release and say "We'll never sell a Bone without a kinect". Lord knows why they pushed it so hard.

        • I agree Rare under MS is a shadow of its former self. Still, I think with MS getting them on Kinect content anyway they should have just thrown in something basic but addictive into the box of every Xbox sold.

          I like the idea of the technology but MSs current voice recognition for the device is pretty awful in my opinion. I haven't really used Google Voice, but Siri on the iPhone is very flexible with how you phase requests as long as you are asking a question that concerns a supported service. Kinect is too restrictive in its commands and I detest the idea of having to learn to speak in a robotic fashion in order to get it to do anything. I haven't looked at Cortana on WP8 but hopefully that's more flexible and they opt to bring that over to the Xbox.

          Anyway, given how far the 360 came from its launch I'm quite optimistic that the voice recognition will be all but unrecognisable two or three years from now and will prove to be far more useful. That said, they can add a microphone to the controller and you'd be able to do much of the audio input without the need for the camera, even if they lose some of the visual recognition that goes along with it.

  • +1

    im feeling kinda stupid, i cant find the deal on the Eb site.
    is it available to buy now or is this a coming soon thing?

    • Starts on the 27th.

  • -3

    "PS4 + Watchdogs + Fifa 14 + 30 days of Foxtel on Playstation for $599. A great deal for those who have been thinking about getting a PS4."

    As someone who HAS been thinking about getting a PS4, can I be the first to say that I don't think this is a great deal?
    A) Why would I need foxtel with a game console?
    B) Not counting the $60 for PS+
    C) Fifa tho?
    D) Watchdogs is not next-gen exclusive. In fact, it's cheaper on the other consoles with little-to-no noticable gameplay changes.

    • +1

      A) You don't, but given that current gen consoles are more than just a gaming device and rather a multimedia device, it's a good 30 day trial for those not sure of if they'd use it long term or not.
      B) That's not a necessary purchase.
      C) What about it?
      D) Who said it was exclusive? FIFA isn't exclusive either, and all reports are saying the PS4 version is the better version. It's also only cheaper on previous-gen consoles, the Xbox One version is the same price.

      -1 for you.

      • @Puff Braddy

        A) It's a good deal for those that want it, but for the rest to have it forced upon them it is dead money. No deal there.
        B) Optional purchase, not sure what the point is in raising it unless he's hopeful to work some magic in maybe dropping the Foxtel trial for a reduced cost on the PS+ subscription (assuming EB would deal on that which is unlikely).
        C) FIFA is a bit of a slap in the face compared to the Watchdogs + Titanfall + Forza 5 deal for XB One. EB need to give the PS4 crowd some love.
        D) Graphics isn't everything. The only way the PS4 version would be better was if it had more content that isn't some rubbish DLC that doesn't really offer anything (like character costumes or weapon skins) thrown in at the last second.

        @FrankMcFuzz +1 to you for raising valid points.

        • A) It's not forced upon you at all, don't want it don't use it. Pretty simple really.
          C) Agreed, but he didn't elaborate on it whatsoever.
          D) Graphics absolutely isn't everything, but frame rate and general performance are. And this is coming from someone who doesn't own a PS4 and does own a Xbox One. From what I've read and seen in comparisons, the PS4 version is superior.

        • Dark Souls was the best game of 2011 as voted by nearly every serious game magazine and site, as well as my own personal favourite. And the framerate (and general performance) is notoriously butt-turkey (BlightTown, goodness gravy how do I 15fps?), but that didn't stop it from being absolutely amazing.

          The Fifa comment was about the fact that sports games were perfected on the PS3 and the 360, and creating a sequel to a sports game every damn year isn't like creating a sequel to an adventure game. You can't add new characters or great level design or crazy new weapons, or new rules or new etc. It's just the same way to kick a ball with more pixels.

          If you haven't noticed, Real Life perfected the sport genre a long time ago on the graphics and realism front. But that game is really tedious and super expensive.

    • +1

      A/ I've been using it to watch premier league. No contract so I can cancel it and use it monthly when I want to. Also no setup fee.

      B/ PS Plus is the best deal in gaming.

      C/ I'm a football fan, love FIFA.

      D/ Didn't realize you'd played Watchdogs already, on both gens as well! Where did you get it from?? :p

      For me this is a good deal, well it would be if I didn't already have a PS4, FIFA and a preorder on Watchdogs :)

      BTW the Foxtel 30 day trial is a freebie from Foxtel, many of us PS4 owners received emails with the codes for this early this month.

  • Any deal on handheld? (3DS in particular?)

  • I can't see the PS4 deal anywhere. I must be missing something :P

    • Starts on the 27th.

  • I just purchased this bundle minus watchdogs and FIFA last weekend from eb!
    Any way I can somehow get the extras?

    • Time machine. Best way.

  • Are the deals in store only once they start?

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