tmg316 » user profile

Member Since | 12/04/2011 |
Last Seen | 19/04/2024 |
Location | Sydney |
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No offer for me either. Really hoping they start.

tmg316 commented on Bonds Guyfront Black/Silver/Gold 3 Pack of Underwear $23.99 (RRP $68.99) + Delivery ($0 with Prime/ $59 Spend) @ Amazon AU
I only see it available tor $29.99 - real shame

tmg316 commented on Driving from Melbourne to Sydney
Heading straight up the HUME is direct but perhaps the most boring drive in Australia - it is dead straight with absolutely no change in…

tmg316 commented on Port Douglas Reef Cruise
I’ve been out to the reef with just about all of the tours. They’ll all be asking for upwards of $300 but are generally well run. I…

OP - i worked as a town planner for many years in Victoria - and it’s a town planning permit you may need depending on your municipality…

tmg316 posted a forum topic Help with a Traffic Fine - (i) Crossing over a Solid White Line and (ii) Driving on The Wrong Side of The Road
So... I received an on the spot traffic fine yesterday. I was waiting at a level crossing and decided to cut down the street to the side of…

As a former council worker (albeit in Victoria) I can tell you that your local council will have ZERO interest in this matter - you’ll be…

tmg316 commented on 2.5 Year Old Diagnosis for Autism
Look - if a medical professional tells you say... that you've got cancer. Even if you don't believe them because you don't want to be…

## Merged from [Missed out on a PS5?](/node/580640) Well I spent the morning trying to get a pre-order for the new batch of PS5's. I was on…

ahhhh... just bought a bunch of stuff last month :(

+1 for death stranding. It is basically a walking sim, but there is a strange relaxing pattern to the monotony. At least until you come…

We had twins - many complications but thank God it all turned out okay. We had private insurance but if you run into any complications you…

tmg316 replied to
Corrugated Ironman on Free CSB + Apologetics Study Bible for Students (Normally $39.98) @ Logos

Yep - it does answer that question. Where have you been for the last 2000 years?

Warning: this comment is actually related to the bargain. This is a good deal but I must admit, I purchased the CSB study bible on logos…

tmg316 commented on The Way of Kings by Brandon Sanderson Free eBook (Mailing List Signup Required) @
Yup it's a great book. And Sanderson (unlike other unnamed fantasy authors - you know who you are!) actually delivers on sequels and has a…

tmg316 commented on [XB1,PS4] Starlink: Battle for Atlas Starter Pack (Includes Game, Controller Stand, Merchandise) $9.95 + Delivery @ The Gamesmen
sad to say it but even at this price its a waste of money. This is a bad game.

If its a suburban street where there are people around (i.e. which is what I assume you are referring to if its a 50 zone) I don't mind…

Tough call between BOTW, RDR2, Mass Effect 2, last of us or the Witcher 3. I’d probably give it to ME2 by a whisker. If a game can make…

I seriously consider RDR2 as a GOAT contender. I’m partial to a game that makes me feel something - and this one sure did. Not sure if…

Having someone park across your driveway is the worst. I have no sympathy. Fine should of been bigger.

tmg316 commented on $1 Singapore Stopover (1 Night Hotel + Admission to 20 Attractions) for Those En-Route to Another Destination [SQ/MI Flights]
I used this same deal 3 years ago on the way through to Istanbul. It's a cracking deal. Me and a mate went to nearly every attraction we…

tmg316 commented on Star Wars: The Last Jedi (4K Ultra HD + Blu-Ray + Bonus) $10 + Delivery (Free with Prime/ $49 Spend) @ Amazon AU
If they paid you $10 to watch this movie that would still be a rip off

The lottery is natures tax on people who can't do maths. But seriously I'd but a nice family home, keep my job (I love my job but I might…

Disappointing month after a few good ones. That Rayman game is for young kids. Beyond looked interesting but I never played past the…

tmg316 commented on Best Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild Deal?
Even though it’s not in the spirit of AusBargin to pay retail price this is one game where I’d have been happy to pay double. It’s…

im married to an author and she basically gets nothing from book sales. The time it takes to write and edit a novel is at least a year -…

tmg316 commented on Kogan Mobile: Unlim Calls/TXT 14GB/Month: $315.08/Yr (40% off, $26.25/Month) or 10GB/Month: $254.34/Yr (35% off, $21.19/Month)
If I decide to get a new phone in the next 6 months (hoping for the new iPhone) will that effect the deal? I.e. Can I get a new phone…

tmg316 commented on Giving up Seat on a Flight
Just swap your seat, it means those who know each other can sit together and it really doesn't hurt you to switch. You'd want someone to do…

I think what we learn from all this is that if you get asked to leave your seat, even if it's a term and condition you've already agreed…

tmg316 commented on My Son Got Sucked in by Greenpeace
In this instance I think you need to hit them where it hurts - the planet. Yeah spamming their facebook page with defiantly hurt their…