sinizter » user profile

Member Since 10/11/2023
Last Seen 46 min 5 sec

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I just got one. Got it instantly as well.
27/05/2024 - 22:47
Brood over it until the balance expires, unless you can convince an establishment to put a 50c card transaction through.
06/05/2024 - 17:17
Sighting is one thing... Recording actual details is a whole other ballgame. One which I am not willing to play!
02/05/2024 - 08:57
Does not work on ATO. It won't work where the 3D secure of whatever additional security is triggered online. Other than that, I have had no…
22/03/2024 - 13:06
For me, UberEats had lower availability and higher costs. DoorDash is usually best for delivery. Although we do sometimes use MenuLog too.
08/03/2024 - 08:54
Australian AFAIK
05/03/2024 - 17:43
The 10% and 8% were on the same screen. You have to select the denomination with the up arrow on it. It is a little sneaky. The 10% may…
02/03/2024 - 16:29
Maybe if you have an ABN. Without it, very unlikely. I think.
28/02/2024 - 16:37
I found a similar lockout, and it lasted more than a month at the least. Then I stopped checking, until today, when it did allow me to add…
27/02/2024 - 14:51
You won't be able to do that as they don't give a credit card number
23/02/2024 - 18:21
You sent in the whole footage from the beginning of the aggression, didn't you? Failed to yield for your wife at the initiation of this…
10/02/2024 - 17:48
Is their maximum order value $2,500? Or am I imagining things?
29/01/2024 - 11:06
Yes. I have used 5 cards in one transaction. Just told them it was a prepaid card that works via EFTPOS and didn't even tell them what kind…
22/01/2024 - 20:43
Is there a limit to how many different cards I can add to PayPal (and delete after use)?
15/01/2024 - 18:12
The GP surgery I visit has lower surcharge for Amex charge/credit cards than for Visa/MC credit cards. Maybe something to do with this.
11/01/2024 - 17:04
I was asking whether the Supermarket VISA card can be used at 7-Eleven. As for breakage (left behind balances) I have come to accept that…
11/01/2024 - 10:44
Did you work this out?
11/01/2024 - 10:06
Or look under the promos tab in Gift Card section.
09/01/2024 - 17:29
It's intentional. So you can't "easily" compare prices.
09/01/2024 - 17:27
I didn't ask. But given that it was an independent refund receipt, I may even receive the whole amount of Flybuys. (or none). I am thankful…
08/01/2024 - 19:55
You can buy Apple gift card through ShopBack etc. but at significantly lower discounts. Also available through AGL/RACV/NRMA and various…
08/01/2024 - 19:08
Bought 5x $200. Only two activated. I noticed as I picked up the receipt, so went to service desk and after a lot of phone calls and back…
08/01/2024 - 19:07
Not fortunate enough!
01/01/2024 - 21:07