For context, work won't provide a phone/sim, wants us to use personal phones. Majority of calls are on Teams anyway but some people still prefer to use mobile. I don't like having work …
Looking to change my Private Health off Bupa to something that has gym benefits, but preferably something that has benefits with Plus Fitness or allows you to use any gym (mainly because it's …
Asking for a friend - the gas usage on their bill shows 0 MJ, even though the stove and hot water are gas. The only fee comes from the daily connection fee which is around 80c a day. Does this mean …
Can anyone shed some light on what it's like to be a UX designer or Front end dev in Australia? Or what the job market is like out there? I'm looking to transition out of a long career in …
First time going to Taiwan, and first time travelling in a long long time due to some career obligations and I guess Covid more recently. Had some Taiwan related and some general travel questions I …