xnoop » user profile

Member Since | 17/11/2021 |
Last Seen | 08/12/2021 |
Location | Brisbane |
Recent Activities

xnoop replied to
ValuexHunter on One Month Free Gaming VPN for PUBG, Apex Legends, iRacing, DOTA 2 @ AussieVPN

Hey, I'm not aware of that game but will take a look into it next week

xnoop replied to
sticky8anana on One Month Free Gaming VPN for PUBG, Apex Legends, iRacing, DOTA 2 @ AussieVPN


xnoop replied to
ichigo15 on One Month Free Gaming VPN for PUBG, Apex Legends, iRacing, DOTA 2 @ AussieVPN

Sure, I've added that now. Could you please let me know how you go either through here or message me in Discord.

xnoop replied to
mojadu on One Month Free Gaming VPN for PUBG, Apex Legends, iRacing, DOTA 2 @ AussieVPN

Hi, I've added a Japan link for FFXIV today which is getting around 125ms from Brisbane or 105ms from Sydney. I can add other regions as…

xnoop replied to
MagicMushroom on One Month Free Gaming VPN for PUBG, Apex Legends, iRacing, DOTA 2 @ AussieVPN

Hey, I've added FFXIV Japan. Seeing about 125ms from Brisbane and 105ms from Sydney. Let me know how you go

xnoop replied to
froogletom on One Month Free Gaming VPN for PUBG, Apex Legends, iRacing, DOTA 2 @ AussieVPN

I added routes for Rocket League this morning to US-East, US-West and Europe. US-West I'm getting around 155ms out of Brisbane which will…

xnoop replied to
froogletom on One Month Free Gaming VPN for PUBG, Apex Legends, iRacing, DOTA 2 @ AussieVPN

I've just double checked and its not set to private - are you in my Discord server? https://discord.gg/JXnzxUs Shoot me a PM in here if you…

xnoop replied to
MagicMushroom on One Month Free Gaming VPN for PUBG, Apex Legends, iRacing, DOTA 2 @ AussieVPN

I may be able to get around 105ms out of Sydney. Add another 20ms or so for Melbourne or Brisbane. I'm not familiar with that game but if…

xnoop replied to
Cronium on One Month Free Gaming VPN for PUBG, Apex Legends, iRacing, DOTA 2 @ AussieVPN

Hey could you let me know the following details and I'll let you know if there is any room for improvement using my service: - Current ping…

xnoop replied to
starburstyellow on One Month Free Gaming VPN for PUBG, Apex Legends, iRacing, DOTA 2 @ AussieVPN

Probably not but if you let me know the details below I can check. - Current ping - City - ISP

xnoop replied to
gankmeplz on One Month Free Gaming VPN for PUBG, Apex Legends, iRacing, DOTA 2 @ AussieVPN

The users I have in Melbourne ABB get around those pings consistently including during peak times. Feel free to give it a go and if you…

xnoop replied to
froogletom on One Month Free Gaming VPN for PUBG, Apex Legends, iRacing, DOTA 2 @ AussieVPN

That should be fine to add. Which servers do you play on? If you'd like to message me on Discord we can discuss further.

xnoop replied to
mojadu on One Month Free Gaming VPN for PUBG, Apex Legends, iRacing, DOTA 2 @ AussieVPN

Hi, I have seen multi-page PDF files on how to setup Mudfish so you should find this significantly easier to use. I try to find the best…

xnoop replied to
MagicMushroom on One Month Free Gaming VPN for PUBG, Apex Legends, iRacing, DOTA 2 @ AussieVPN

Hi what ping are you getting to the JP server currently? Which city are you in?

xnoop replied to
kazer on One Month Free Gaming VPN for PUBG, Apex Legends, iRacing, DOTA 2 @ AussieVPN

Thanks, yep it looks like ABB routes to SEA are fine for Dota 2. Occasionally I'll have an ABB user in Melbourne or Adelaide have routing…

xnoop replied to
V003 on One Month Free Gaming VPN for PUBG, Apex Legends, iRacing, DOTA 2 @ AussieVPN

Hi, Sydney ping estimates for Apex Legends (it'll vary depending on your connection speed from home to Sydney CBD): Salt Lake City: 154ms…

xnoop replied to
Broos on One Month Free Gaming VPN for PUBG, Apex Legends, iRacing, DOTA 2 @ AussieVPN

Appreciate that, thank you!

xnoop replied to
tkcrule on One Month Free Gaming VPN for PUBG, Apex Legends, iRacing, DOTA 2 @ AussieVPN

Wow, that's a use case I had not considered. I'm probably not going to be able to help with this short term but I'll add it to the to-do's…

xnoop replied to
vnomous on One Month Free Gaming VPN for PUBG, Apex Legends, iRacing, DOTA 2 @ AussieVPN

Good stuff, let me know how you go. Feel free to message me directly in Discord

xnoop replied to
nickomac on One Month Free Gaming VPN for PUBG, Apex Legends, iRacing, DOTA 2 @ AussieVPN

Hi, results vary depending on what ISP you're with. For example some ISP's route connections to Singapore via Sydney > Japan whereas others…

xnoop replied to
monchee on One Month Free Gaming VPN for PUBG, Apex Legends, iRacing, DOTA 2 @ AussieVPN

Privacy VPN's buy cheap bulk network capacity because they have an obscene amount of data passing through their servers. They're not…

xnoop replied to
gankmeplz on One Month Free Gaming VPN for PUBG, Apex Legends, iRacing, DOTA 2 @ AussieVPN

Can you let me know what ping you're getting to SEA servers atm and from what city?

xnoop replied to
striker999 on One Month Free Gaming VPN for PUBG, Apex Legends, iRacing, DOTA 2 @ AussieVPN

I can add routes for those games. What overseas servers are people playing on?

Hello OzBargainers, A couple of years ago I built a niche Gaming VPN for PC PUBG players in Australia and New Zealand to get the best pings…

xnoop joined OzBargain.
Welcome aboard!