This was posted 3 years 3 months 20 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

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One Month Free Gaming VPN for PUBG, Apex Legends, iRacing, DOTA 2 @ AussieVPN


Hello OzBargainers,

A couple of years ago I built a niche Gaming VPN for PC PUBG players in Australia and New Zealand to get the best pings possible to overseas regions. I have recently built out the service to offer other PC games including DOTA 2, iRacing and Apex Legends. I am looking to expand the service further and would like feedback from Aus/NZ based gamers about what games and routes you would like to see added. If you are part of a PC gaming community that regularly plays on overseas servers please get in touch!

There is a 7 day free trial (no credit card required) and I've created a coupon code "OzBargain" for one month free. Normal price of $6 per month or $60 per year.

To get started join the AussieVPN Discord:

Visit our website:

Or download the app directly:

Thank you!

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closed Comments

  • +2

    Seems like a great idea. Good luck!

    • +2

      Appreciate that, thank you!

  • +1

    Any thoughts on support for CS:GO / Warzone etc.?

    • I can add routes for those games. What overseas servers are people playing on?

      • +1

        I'm assuming most people would be either trying EU or US East/West… Those would be the most common I'd think

  • What type of ping benefit are we looking at for iRacing in particular compared to not using a service like this?

    • Hi, results vary depending on what ISP you're with. For example some ISP's route connections to Singapore via Sydney > Japan whereas others will go out via Perth which is much faster. In those cases some users can expect a drop in ping by 50-100ms.

      I'm keen to chat to the iRacing community. I setup servers for a few of them a couple of years ago. You could expect around ~150ms connecting to US West coast servers from Sydney but I might be able to get that down a bit lower.

  • What's the difference with a standard VPN vs a gaming VPN?

    • +17


    • Privacy VPN's buy cheap bulk network capacity because they have an obscene amount of data passing through their servers. They're not interested in latency. Sometimes you may get lucky and find one of their servers has reasonable latency to your desired destination but in my experience you then start to get packet loss and jitter as you're sharing a server with hundreds or potentially thousands of people downloading torrents, streaming, watching netflix, video chatting etc. Of course results vary depending on the service, server and whether or not you're in peak times. I'm sure there are people out there happily using privacy VPN's for some games.

      Most privacy VPN's are focused on sending all of your computers traffic over the VPN. My app implements "split tunnelling" where it ensures only the game traffic is sent over the VPN, whereas other apps running on the PC are sent over the normal internet connection. Some privacy VPN's have split tunnelling as a feature buried away in the settings. I've found one of them implements it well whereas another one from a well known privacy VPN crashes PUBG.

      • I've found Surfshark good to only add a few MS ping on and stay pretty stable, but I'm sure OP's product does a much better job and keeps it lower consistently

  • +1

    Is it possible to improve my Aussie Broad Band Ping to SEA for Dota ? if yes How would you achieve that ?

    • Yes, and better static routing is the answer.
      I play on SEA a lot, but I left ABB within 2 hours of joining up after seeing their horrid pings for dota, and then having my service held at ransom (took 48 hours to brute force my voip unlock code, jerks).

    • Can you let me know what ping you're getting to SEA servers atm and from what city?

        ping and select the city that you want to check pings to SEA dota 2 servers for ABB. in my limited experience and no disrespect, i dont think a gaming vpn can bring the ping down by much to SEA valve servers with ABB. Superloop and a few other providers also have the same routing which is almost the best route. Can definitely help with other regions and servers,

        • Thanks, yep it looks like ABB routes to SEA are fine for Dota 2. Occasionally I'll have an ABB user in Melbourne or Adelaide have routing issues and find better pings with my service. Some ABB users will also use it anyway to force region select in games like PUBG.

          • @xnoop: Melbourne ABB to SEA get 85-90 to SEA which seems pretty playable .. the problem usually is peak hour traffic and my ping goes to 110

            • @gankmeplz: The users I have in Melbourne ABB get around those pings consistently including during peak times. Feel free to give it a go and if you find its going any higher during peak times PM me on Discord and I'll look into it.

  • Thanks mate. Regular Dota player in SEA servers here (friends there).

    • Good stuff, let me know how you go. Feel free to message me directly in Discord

  • I play slamdunk Slam Dunk Mobile (Global) on LD emulators PC that connects to SEA server, would this VPN have any benifits?

    • +1

      Wow, that's a use case I had not considered. I'm probably not going to be able to help with this short term but I'll add it to the to-do's to investigate down the track.

      • Thanks in advanced. Quite a few friends of mine all play mobile phone games on PC , would be good to have a good VPN option to lower the ping. Running on 140ms atm which makes it really difficult.

  • +1

    what are lowest ping for apex legends from sydney? its been unbearable playing on west coast server because of lag.

    • +1

      Hi, Sydney ping estimates for Apex Legends (it'll vary depending on your connection speed from home to Sydney CBD):

      Salt Lake City: 154ms
      Oregon - GCE 1: 163ms
      Oregon - GCE 2: 163ms
      Oregon 2: 165ms
      Oregon 1: 168ms
      Dallas: 170ms
      St Louis: 185ms
      Iowa - GCE 1: 187ms
      Iowa - GCE 2: 187ms
      Iowa - GCE 3: 187ms
      Iowa - GCE 4: 187ms
      Virginia 2: 215ms
      South Carolina - GCE 1: 200ms
      South Carolina - GCE 2: 200ms

      Have you considered playing on the Singapore servers? Its around 100ms from Sydney.

  • Final Fantasy XIV at JP server

    • Hi what ping are you getting to the JP server currently? Which city are you in?

      • Personally, 250ms with Optus. I hear users of other telecos getting about 150ms

        • I may be able to get around 105ms out of Sydney. Add another 20ms or so for Melbourne or Brisbane. I'm not familiar with that game but if you're willing to test it I can set something up tomorrow.

        • Hey, I've added FFXIV Japan. Seeing about 125ms from Brisbane and 105ms from Sydney. Let me know how you go

  • What is the difference between this and Mudfish? I used Mudfish when I was playing FFXIV and it would bring my ping from around 180ms to 110ms ish for Japan servers. Game felt significantly better using Mudfish

    • Hi, I have seen multi-page PDF files on how to setup Mudfish so you should find this significantly easier to use. I try to find the best servers available whereas Mudfish leaves it up to the user. As for Ping - if you found a decent combination of servers with Mudfish it should be similar.

    • Hi, I've added a Japan link for FFXIV today which is getting around 125ms from Brisbane or 105ms from Sydney. I can add other regions as required if you'd like to give it a go.

    • You have a completely free solution for XIV as long as you're below about 250ms in XIVAlexander

  • rocket league would be sick if you added that its so dead when you get high up for oce

    • That should be fine to add. Which servers do you play on? If you'd like to message me on Discord we can discuss further.

      • tried to message you on discord but i think your profile private i would like to play on either na or eu for rocket league

        • I've just double checked and its not set to private - are you in my Discord server?

          Shoot me a PM in here if you like and I will try to PM you in Discord.

          Either way I should be able to add Rocket League tomorrow so it would be great if you could give it a test run.

        • I added routes for Rocket League this morning to US-East, US-West and Europe. US-West I'm getting around 155ms out of Brisbane which will be about 135ms out of Sydney.

  • How about Genshin Impact for the American server?

    • Hey could you let me know the following details and I'll let you know if there is any room for improvement using my service:
      - Current ping
      - City
      - ISP

  • Would this help if I'm playing dota2 on Aussie server?

    • Probably not but if you let me know the details below I can check.
      - Current ping
      - City
      - ISP

  • good job OP.

    • Thanks!

  • Any chance you could add support for the Japan servers on Apex Legends?

    • Sure, I've added that now. Could you please let me know how you go either through here or message me in Discord.

  • Will this improve pings for NA/LATAM/EU servers on Valofe Combat Arms Reloaded or is the player base too small?

    • +1

      Hey, I'm not aware of that game but will take a look into it next week

      • I'd provide the IP but not sure how to get it.

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