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[Uber One] $20 off on $40 Spend at Coles or Woolworths @ Uber Eats

Targeted [Uber One] $20 off on $40 Spend at Coles or Woolworths @ Uber Eats

Spend $40 at Colesworth on uber eats save $20, i usually use these at Woolies to get the Green Packet Sirloin or Scotch Fillets, they are decent

Cheapest Way to Get The Samsung Galaxy Watch5 to Work with LTE

I have just bought my dad a Galaxy Watch5 Pro and i am now trying to figure out the cheapest and best way to have the watch work by itself without the phone but on the same number as he always …


poll McDonald's Have Changed The Sweet & Sour Sauce Recipe

McDonalds have changed the recipe to the iconic Sweet & Sour sauce and i am disgusted by this fact, the new sauce tastes terrible and it needs to be changed back, have any of you noticed the …