pingas123 » posts

Looking for a Single/King Single Bed + Mattress Combo

Hey, basically the title. Looking for a good single/king single bed to downsize my room from a queen bed. There are a lot of options that are pretty overwhelming to me. I don't mind spending …

nbn HFC Router Upgrade under $200 That Is Good for 3 Concurrent Gaming Devices

Hi, I am looking for a router to replace my family's crappy Sagecom F@St 5366 TN. We are a family of 5 and 3 of us game concurrently (2 PCs, 1 PS4) and parents usually stream Netflix or so from …

Recommendations for Good 40-50" 4k TV under $1k?

Basically the title. Been looking for a small TV for the mancave to use it for PS4, Switch and the occasional movie watching. Would prefer 60hz (very confused with some TVs being labeled as 50hz, …