yzha3917 » user profile

Member Since | 14/03/2021 |
Last Seen | 09/03/2025 |
Recent Activities

yzha3917 commented on Internet & Mobile Plan Bundle Suggestion
Thanks for the replies guys. Yes it's because company's reimbursement policy.. I've opt-in with Mate. Let's see how it goes!

I'd suggest try to find an independent servo around your home/workplace, or on the route of your daily commute, and then just go there…

yzha3917 posted a forum topic Internet & Mobile Plan Bundle Suggestion
Hi my mightly OzBargain fellows, I'm looking for a bundle plan for both internet & mobile plan. While I know most of internet providers do…

yzha3917 posted a forum topic Thoughts on Insurance Claim Lawyer?
I only learnt about this idea - engaging an insurance claim lawyer for all insurance claim dealings a few weeks ago from The Barefoot…

yzha3917 commented on Should I Get Solar Panels?
To us (a owner occupied house in Melbourne suburb with 2-3 residents), it does not make much sense financially. But we find having solar…

yzha3917 commented on Mazda3 Beeping Noise
The stupid mistake I previously made was not cleaning the spiderweb on my rear sensors. A simple hose down sometimes won’t do the trick.…

I’m pretty sure it’s coming to us as well!

I just got shipment confirmation yesterday. So it is happening, just s…l…o….w…..l….y…….

yzha3917 posted a forum topic Disappointing Roborock Purchase Experience
After long time research and discussion, my gf and I finally pulled the trigger on Roborock product. By the way, when our dog shed, it…

yzha3917 commented on Which Superannuation Funds Should I Invest in?
Two things to consider here - 1. Products under Insurance vary in every aspect - strategy, cost, performance, etc. 2. Insurances (Death,…

yzha3917 commented on Car Insurance Renewal Declined after 1 Claim
Yep been there. You can try AFA to overturn insurance decision. You can discuss this matter with Financial Rights Legal Centre with no…

yzha3917 posted a forum topic $100/Month Mobile Plan Suggestions?
Hi Ozbargainers, Need help/inspiration here. My employer provides up to $100/month phone bill reimbursement, but I need to provide receipts…

Just received my first Airjo bag yesterday, from previous OzBargain deal. Can’t wait to try it (well, still need to wait another week).…

yzha3917 commented on New to Super
Can I ask why you are investing in different pre-mix options? For diversification, maybe just investment in Indexed Diversified, and its…

yzha3917 posted a forum topic Need Help - Your ASX Trade Platform?
Inspired by recent post - [Buying shares what do you guys think?](https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/631939) Just wanna check what's your…

yzha3917 commented on Buying shares what do you guys think?
If you just wanna test the water and don't mind burning the $2K to ash, I'd actually suggest buying some individual companies' shares. Just…

yzha3917 posted a forum topic House Next to High School. Thoughts?
Hi there, Had my eye on a house, only problem is, it's backyard is next to the soccer field of a private high school, and the house…

yzha3917 replied to
Caped Baldy on HELP - Why I Don't Have Car Insurance (Car Insurance Companies Won't Insure Me)

You are right. I apologise. First of all, I was mistakenly thinking you are being sarcastic, when you are truly helping. Secondly, should…

yzha3917 replied to
barge-in hunter on HELP - Why I Don't Have Car Insurance (Car Insurance Companies Won't Insure Me)

Can I have your car insurance provider's name.... For all insurance providers I have tried, they do ask you questions, including number of…

yzha3917 replied to
Euphemistic on HELP - Why I Don't Have Car Insurance (Car Insurance Companies Won't Insure Me)

Again, I agree there are many incompetent drivers out there, me included. And I agree you can't trust other drivers, for your own safety.…

yzha3917 replied to
Euphemistic on HELP - Why I Don't Have Car Insurance (Car Insurance Companies Won't Insure Me)

Yeah, I totally agree. But, 1. Who does drive for a living? Not me... 2. Who has had 5 **crashes**? Not me, I said claims. 3. Who has them…

yzha3917 replied to
realfancyman on HELP - Why I Don't Have Car Insurance (Car Insurance Companies Won't Insure Me)

Thanks! Will give them a call.

yzha3917 replied to
bargain huntress on HELP - Why I Don't Have Car Insurance (Car Insurance Companies Won't Insure Me)

Ah, sorry. Thought Strand0410's reply was by you. Really not much can be said, to be honest. Be focus while driving, (as I wasn't)?

yzha3917 replied to
WT on HELP - Why I Don't Have Car Insurance (Car Insurance Companies Won't Insure Me)

lol, I guess you all are saved as Uber requires driver to have insurance

yzha3917 replied to
burningrage on HELP - Why I Don't Have Car Insurance (Car Insurance Companies Won't Insure Me)

Two ways: 1. When you purchase the policy, you need to answer their questions, right? One of them is if you have ever been denied any…

yzha3917 replied to
bargain huntress on HELP - Why I Don't Have Car Insurance (Car Insurance Companies Won't Insure Me)

I agree I shouldn't forget... Crashes was with my previous car. Again, not an excuse for my forgetfulness. But it's genuinely why...

yzha3917 replied to
Azrael169 on HELP - Why I Don't Have Car Insurance (Car Insurance Companies Won't Insure Me)

Thx! Will give a call to them. It's really helpful!

yzha3917 replied to
acersaurus on HELP - Why I Don't Have Car Insurance (Car Insurance Companies Won't Insure Me)

Thanks for the advice. Will definitely improve my driving.

yzha3917 replied to
eggles01 on HELP - Why I Don't Have Car Insurance (Car Insurance Companies Won't Insure Me)

Thanks for the advice. Australia really does not have high risk insurers. Insurance council has a website listing all insruance providers.…

yzha3917 replied to
91rs on HELP - Why I Don't Have Car Insurance (Car Insurance Companies Won't Insure Me)

Thank God, your preference does not make any difference.