Duckey » user profile

Member Since | 27/11/2020 |
Last Seen | 16/03/2023 |
Recent Activities

The 3rd gen is coming out next year so I would wait a bit more. It's the simplest headset to use as it can be a stand alone thing

Have been with kogan for 2 years now and it's been great (Living in Perth btw). No internet connection issues and large amount of data for…

Duckey commented on [Afterpay] Xiaomi Mi Curved 34" Monitor $449 (OOS), Xiaomi Dreame V9 Carpet Head $189, V9 Combo $249 Delivered @ Gearbite eBay
Thanks, grabbed myself a vacuum, always wanted to replace my corded one

Duckey posted a forum topic Has Anyone Brought The Duel Artiss Monitor Mount
So I saw on eBay that an artiss duel monitor mount for $81 and was originally $226. This price seems kinda sus as it seems to have been on…

Duckey commented on Dell 27" QHD S2721DGF $469.60 (OOS) 38" AW3821DW $1799.20 (OOS) 27" 240hz AW2721D / 25" 360hz AW2521H Delivered @ Dell eBay
Apparently mine got shipped yesterday and got a invoice along with it (living in Perth btw)

Duckey commented on Dell 27" QHD Monitor 2560x1440@75Hz Freesync Monitor $279.28 Delivered @ Dell AU
Should I buy one to pair with s2721dgf which I'll never get?

Duckey posted a forum topic Ferrex Drill Making Clicking Sound
So I went out and brought a Ferrex 20v brushless hammer drill today and played with it. It makes this clicking sound at gear 2 when I…

Duckey posted a forum topic What Second Monitor Should I Get?
So I am looking for a second monitor to go along with my s2721DGF and I am not sure what to get. Thoughts on ASUS VL279HE and AOC 27"…

Duckey replied to
Duckey on Dell 27" QHD S2721DGF $469.60 (OOS) 38" AW3821DW $1799.20 (OOS) 27" 240hz AW2721D / 25" 360hz AW2521H Delivered @ Dell eBay

So I've just got a reply from dell and they said they gonna give me a 'complimentary gaming mouse'. Does anyone know what that is? Seems…

Duckey commented on Dell 27" QHD S2721DGF $469.60 (OOS) 38" AW3821DW $1799.20 (OOS) 27" 240hz AW2721D / 25" 360hz AW2521H Delivered @ Dell eBay
## Merged from [Late Delivery on Dell 27" Gaming Monitor s2721DGF from eBay](/node/594759) I've brought a s2721DGF at black Friday from…

Duckey commented on [Switch] Taiko No Tatsujin $22.79/Slay the Spire $22.77/Streets of Rage 4 $26.25/Hades $30 + More @ Nintendo eShop
Is there a way to get the games without a switch? Would love to get taiko now for when I go get one

Duckey commented on HyperX FURY RGB 16GB (2x 8GB) 3200MHz DDR4 RAM $99 + Delivery @ Shopping Express (9pm-10pm Only)
What's the difference between this and trident z rgb? Why is this so much cheaper?

Duckey commented on Dell 27" QHD S2721DGF $469.60 (OOS) 38" AW3821DW $1799.20 (OOS) 27" 240hz AW2721D / 25" 360hz AW2521H Delivered @ Dell eBay
Can I run s2721dgf with my rx580? Know it's not optimal but is it fine?

Duckey joined OzBargain.
Welcome aboard!