hdew47221 » user profile

Member Since | 13/08/2010 |
Last Seen | 13/07/2024 |
Badges | 1 |
Location | Sydney |
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My claim was resolved before the renewal. However, looking at the policy renewal, I had the one not-at-fault claim during the 2022 year and…

hdew47221 replied to
iamnowhere24 on Hit and Run - Having Problems Filing Police Report for Insurance

Sorry - I may have been mistaken about what the ID is called - it is whatever number the police give you as a reference number for your…

I had a similar issue and it took me about a year to learn how the system works. 1. You need to go to the police station and just report…

I’d engage an architect to draw up the plans - the floor plan is a good start but you need to consider the elevations and the window…

Yeah, mine was slightly different - someone rear-ended the back corner of my car then hooked a right turn and drove off. I was lucky I had…

hdew47221 commented on Door Ding / Dent Responsibility 2023-2024
I had almost the exact same scenario and it is a largely frustrating process. - I’m in NSW So practically, the way it works is you need…

Haven't had this exact situation but I think dtn72 is correct. You usually would automatically convert the existing novated lease into a…

hdew47221 commented on [NSW] Do I Need to Indicate with My Blinker at This Small Street Junction When Turning?
This is always confusing - Averill St and Cavell St down at Rhodes have the same setup where the stop and give way is in the wrong places…

hdew47221 commented on Advice Wanted: Seriously Botched Return by Wireless1 and I Now Fear Losing 3 Grand!
Looks like they are based in NSW so I would recommend lodging a complaint with fair trading NSW. Fair trading actually (and I was extremely…

hdew47221 commented on Advice/Recommendations for a Buying Relatively Cheap Suit with Decent Quality and Tailoring?
Def go to oxford! They are great suits - I used to buy expensive suits and I reckon Oxford are actually better cut and seem to perform…

hdew47221 commented on Getting a View at Shangri-La
Premier grand I think are the best located in terms of view (and most expensive of the standard rooms). Horizon rooms are same but higher…

The XC90 is by far a superior car in terms of ride/build quality except I’d be really mindful of servicing/maintenance and tyre costs…

hdew47221 commented on BMW - cost of maintenance
I've got a 2007 525i - it costs about $3k a year to service at the moment (at a non dealer service centre). The BMW servicing costs…

hdew47221 commented on My open letter to the NAB
I had exactly the same issues with NAB (so it's not just you). We had used them for our business since it started because at the time I…

I had a similar issue and my builder advised that we suspend a new ceiling 100mm below it - anchored to the walls. Not sure what you are…

I have a similar situation where I insure a car that isn't registered to me. You should not have two policies on the same vehicle as if…

You get the extra credit when you recharge - I got an email about the deal.

hdew47221 posted a deal Pennytel 30% Extra Credit on Any Account Recharge
"PennyTel is offering 30% extra credit on any account recharge of $10 or more in a single transaction between 16th December 2011 and 15th…

We have confirmed with the operator that they are not offering motorbike parking at this car park.

Yeh it's a crazy town. If you use our website or app (www.carparking.info) we will help you find the best deal on parking for your specific…

Yes - Sydney is pretty expensive! The average daily rate is $55!

There don't seem to be any restrictions on the exit time. The signage and operator website just refer to the required entry times.

I believe you turn left off Harbour St (headed north) at the set of lights at Day street (the street that joins Harbour St and Bathurst St…

Yeh it's pretty decent - The next cheapest is $12 a day which is at the entertainment centre (a bit further out of the way). This one is a…

Hi guys - we watch parking rates and this deal is currently the cheapest in Sydney. Wilson Parking just opened a new car park at Darling…

hdew47221 replied to
battler on Cheap Parking App - Now a FREE Android App. Find The Cheapest Bargain Car Parking!

Thanks for your message. Leave this with us - Our team is looking into it.

hdew47221 was awarded a badge.

hdew47221 replied to
kimba88 on Cheap Parking App - Now a FREE Android App. Find The Cheapest Bargain Car Parking!

Hi tantryl When the app first launched it was $3.99 however thanks to CarSales.com.au we made it free!!

hdew47221 commented on Cheap Parking App - Now a FREE Android App. Find The Cheapest Bargain Car Parking!
We are about to release an update which will hopefully fix some of the issues experienced above by some users - it's version 1.02 and…

hdew47221 replied to
Oliver on Cheap Parking App - Now a FREE Android App. Find The Cheapest Bargain Car Parking!

It's only available via the Market - try this https://market.android.com/details?id=info.carparking.cheapparking