wolfcchi » user profile

Member Since | 22/07/2020 |
Last Seen | 20/02/2024 |
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Furbo for sale. RRP $359. Amazon has a deal for it reduced to $319. Further $110 coupon can be applied for $209 total purchase if you are…

wolfcchi replied to
The Aeon on [Price Error] [PS5, Pre Order] Spider-Man: Miles Morales $10 (Save $85) + $3.90 Delivery @ Big W

How hard is it to google it yourself and find out yourself lol. Literally just google 'cancel order big w' and it comes up with answers lmao

As a general you should NEVER sell anything on facebook marketplace, gumtree etc without face to face transation in cash.

wolfcchi joined OzBargain.
Welcome aboard!